Agenda and minutes

The Former Cabinet Member for Housing and Environmental Services - Oct 2000 to May 2005 - Monday 14 February 2005 9.30 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham.

Contact: Dawn Mitchell, 01709 822062  Email:

No. Item


Streetpride Performance Response Times pdf icon PDF 37 KB

- to note the report and continue to receive reports on a quarterly basis

Additional documents:


The Head of Streetpride submitted the Streetpride performance response times for the last quarter of 2004.


Of the 28 key services, 18 had been met 100% of the time throughout the quarter.  In December, 2004, only 5 had not consistently met the specified targets as follows:-


Streetlight out                                     83%

Dangerous defect on footpath           90%

Removal of flytipping                           96%

Removal of dog mess                         96%

Request for Warden visit                   91%


Resolved:-  (1)  That the report be noted.


(2)  That Streetpride continue to monitor performance response times and report to the Cabinet Member on a quarterly basis.


Void Property Monitoring - 3rd-28th January, 2005 pdf icon PDF 36 KB

- to note the action taken and current progress

Additional documents:


The Head of Housing Services submitted an update on void property re-let performance and associated issues for the period 3rd to 28th January, 2005.


The number of voids as at 28th January, 2005, had increased by 28 from the start of the period to 248.  The majority of voids, 172, were voids currently excluded from HES 68 and included properties such as those awaiting removal and disposal.  The number of voids that met the criteria to be included within HES68 had increased during the said period to 76.


Overall performance against the Indicator had increased by 0.06 days to 16.59 days.  The likely cause of the rise was a seasonal one.  All 9 Neighbourhood Housing Teams were now operating within the overall target of 20 days.


The performance on allocating open access properties had continued with 6 open access properties being let in the period.  The overall performance if all open access properties were removed from the Indicator would be 16.79 days.  This indicated that open access properties were no longer having a significant impact on the Indicator.


Performance on HES14 (average time taken to let a void from when 1 tenancy terminated until the next 1 started), which excluded all those properties that were excluded from HES68, was13.03 days.


There had been 121 terminations in the period, of which 108 met the criteria to be included in HES68, and 108 lettings.  The cumulative figures for the year were 1,435 terminations and 1,456 lettings.  In addition there had been 66 new tenancies created by mutual exchanges since April, 2004.  The number of available to let properties at the start of the period was 21.


The amount of rent income lost on voids up to 28th January, 2005, had improved from 1.07% to 1.06%.  This performance  continued to place the Authority in the upper quartile for Metropolitan Authorities. 


The sustainability of tenancies (HES5) measured the percentage of terminating tenancies in the year that had lasted longer than 12 months.  Performance during the 12 months up to the end of December, 2004, was 96.70%.  This figure did not include tenancies terminating within 12 months due to transfer, mutual exchanges and death.  


Resolved:-  That the report be received and current progress noted.


Municipal Waste Management Strategy 2005-2020 pdf icon PDF 90 KB

- to approve the Municipal Waste Management Strategy

Additional documents:


The Waste Strategy Manager presented a report on the above Strategy with the favoured option for the future management of waste.  The Strategy had been subject to extensive public consultation and had undergone a Best Practical Environmental Option (BPEO) appraisal required in accordance with Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs guidelines.


There were a number of issues to note out of the final document which included:-


-              Around 11,500 householders replied to the consultation (10% response rate).

-              88% of respondents to the Strategy would support more ambitious recycling rates up to 45%.

-              The public/stakeholder consultation and BPEO technical assessment showed a consistent desire for the Council to develop mechanical biological treatment as the waste processing option for Rotherham.  (Approximately £17M capital investment)

-              There needed to be a commitment to maximise the potential of existing recycling schemes supported with the development of further recycling options in the future to meet targets.

-              The Strategy recognised the need to further develop a kerbside green waste collection service.  However, this needed to include for the provision of an alternate week collection service to stem the growth in waste.

-              The Municipal Waste Management Strategy had been developed using the latest growth data within Rotherham.  It would be necessary to employ a dedicated team to develop educational and waste reduction programmes to support the Strategy.  (A bid included within the Medium Term Financial Plan to develop a Team)

-              There would be a requirement for waste processing facilities to be in place between 2009-2012 dependent upon the success of maximising recycling and the availability of other sub-regional capacity to treat waste and thus achieve landfill diversion targets.  A procurement plan would be developed by December, 2005, to commence contract development with effect from the early part of 2006.

-              All current waste contracts expired in August, 2008, therefore, a decision would have to be made in the near future about the future procurement of waste services.


The implementation of the Strategy would require significant long term investment including the acquisition of land and the construction of a waste processing facility, the development of a Waste Minimisation Team, industry specialists to assist in the procurement process and future service developments.  Following development of a procurement plan, it would be necessary to employ technical experts to assist the Council in the contracting process for waste processing facilities.  An initial requirement for consultancy had been included within the Medium Term Financial Plan 2005/06.


It was noted that the report was to be considered by a special meeting of the Environment Scrutiny Panel on the 15th February, 2005, to which Members of the Regeneration Scrutiny Panel had been invited.


Resolved:-  That, subject to the support of the Environment Scrutiny Panel, the Cabinet be asked to approve:-


(1)  the Municipal Waste Management Strategy 2005-2020;


(2)  the development of a procurement plan for Waste Management Services 2008-2020 based on the approved Strategy;


(3)  the development of services in line with the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 157.

The Chair authorised consideration of the following two items to enable the matters to be processed.


Re-assignment of the Lease of St. Ann's Medical Centre pdf icon PDF 37 KB

- to approve the re-assignment of the lease


The Head of Housing Services submitted a report on the request received from Doncaster and South Humber NHS Trust for the re-assignment of the lease of St. Ann’s Medical Centre from the existing primary care practice to the Community Drugs Services Team.


The move to the proposed premises would facilitate the required expansion of drug treatment services in Rotherham.  The Team’s current location at Doncaster Gate was inadequate and restricted the capacity of the Team to deliver and expand service provision.


The Trust had carried out extensive consultation with Ward Members, local residents and local businesses in the area to discuss the proposals and address any issues of concern.  A petition had been received containing 160 signatures from local residents and businesses expressing concerns about the proposals.  The issues raised by residents concerned security and safety and also the quality of the CCTV system at Shaftesbury House/Square and the door entry systems.  Both issues had been addressed by Neighbourhood Management and orders placed to update the existing CCTV system and link to Rothercare for 24 hour 7 day monitoring.  The door entry system had also been checked.  Local businesses were concerned about the impact on trade due to the nature of the proposed facility.


The proposed relocation was discussed at meetings of the Health Services Working Group.  The Group believed that there were sufficiently robust mechanisms in place to prevent any potential adverse impact upon local communities and requested that the DaSH NHS Trust make the necessary arrangements for a liaison group to be established, involving all appropriate stakeholders, in order that any potential problems associated with the proposal could be properly addressed.


The Head of Service reported that no overt objections had been received to the proposal from Ward Members.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the report be received.


(2)  That the re-assignment of the lease of the St. Ann’s Medical Centre from the existing primary care practice to the Community Drugs Services Team be approved.


(3)  That Ward Members be allowed the opportunity to join the proposed Liaison Group.


Petition - Davian's Fish Shop, Middle Lane, Clifton


The Democratic Services Manager reported receipt of a petition submitted by the Clifton Community Partnership regarding the above premises.


Residents living in the vicinity of the fish shop had been complaining about the smells emanating from the establishment for a number of years and felt that the situation had deteriorated over the past year.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the petition be received.


(2)  That the Head of Neighbourhood Services investigate the matters raised and submit a report thereon in 1 month.


Exclusion of the press and public

Resolved:-  That, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in those paragraphs indicated below Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.



Resolved:-  That, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in those paragraphs, indicated below, of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.


Wath Neighbourhood Regeneration Scheme Phase 6A Environmental and Highways Works - Negotiated Tender

(Exempt under Paragraph 8 of the Act – amount of expenditure to be incurred by the Authority)


Resolved:-  That the matter be deferred until 28th February, 2005, for an Economic and Development Services officer to attend and present the report.


(Exempt under Paragraph 8 of the Act – amount of expenditure to be incurred by the Authority)


Wath Neighbourhood Regeneration Scheme Phase 7 - Refurbishment Works - Negotiated Tender

(Exempt under Paragraph 8 of the Act – amount of expenditure to be incurred by the Authority)


Resolved:-  That the matter be deferred until 28th February, 2005, for an Economic and Development Services officer to attend and present the report.


(Exempt under Paragraph 8 of the Act – amount of expenditure to be incurred by the Local Authority)


District Heating Management Contract - Renegotiated Options

(Exempt under Paragraph 8 of the Act – amount of expenditure proposed to be incurred by the Authority)


In accordance with Minute No. 150 of 7th January, 2005, the Principal Maintenance Co-ordinator submitted a report detailing the proposed terms of the extended contract for the management of 15 district heating boiler houses from 1st January, 2005 to 1st January, 2007 together with the structure of the current District Heating Service.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the renegotiated contract with Dalkia be accepted, with financial benefits, backdated to 1st January, 2005.


(2)  That evaluation of the combined heat and power production commence, reporting the outcome back to the Cabinet Member at 6 monthly intervals.


(3)  That the service be rationalised and retendered, the new service provider to be effective from 2nd January, 2007.


(4)  That the most advantageous way of procuring the service from 2nd January, 2007, be identified using ‘Best Value’ principals.


(5)  That a break in clause of April, 2006, be included for the ALMO.


(Exempt under Paragraph 8 of the Act – amount of expenditure to be incurred by the Authority)



Housing Investment Programme - April to December, 2004

(Exempt under Paragraphs 8 and 9 of the Act – contract negotiations/expenditure proposed to be incurred)


The Finance and Accountancy Manager submitted a progress report on the Housing Investment Programme for April to December, 2004. 


Up to the 31st December, 2004, £17.4M had been spent leaving the Programme 60% complete compared with 68% at the same time last year.  Details of spending on all projects were attached at Appendix 1.


Approval was sought for variations to the Programme resulting in a saving of approximately £68,000 to the planned spending, an additional £3.5M of schemes which would permit the capitalisation of expenditure on boilers, void properties and programmes of non-urgent repairs and also that £0.1M be allocated from the HIP in 2005/06 to support the “discretionary” element of private sector Disabled Facilities Grants approved in 2004/05.


It was also noted that there was potential availability for further resources from the Transform South Yorkshire (South Yorkshire Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder), the use of freedom to borrow under the Prudential Guidelines and additional capital receipts.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the report be received.


(2)  That the variations to projects outlined in Appendix 1 be approved.


(3)  That the additional £3.5M capitalisations requested be approved.


(4)  That the allocation of £0.114M resources from the HIP in 2005/06 be approved to permit work on private sector adaptations funded by Disabled Facilities Grants this financial year to progress.


(5)  That the use of £2M unsupported borrowing, as permitted under the Prudential Guidelines, to fund replacement boilers be approved.


(6)  That the submission of £3M further bids to Transform South Yorkshire, on the conditions outlined in the report, be approved.


(Exempt under Paragraphs 8 and 9 of the Act – contract negotiations/expenditure proposed to be incurred)


Formation of the Arms Length Housing Management Organisation (ALMO) 2010 Rotherham Ltd.

(Exempt under Paragraphs 3 and 9 of the Act – accommodation provided by the Council/negotiation of terms)


Alison Palmer, Neighbourhood Development, submitted a report on the formation of the Arms Length Management Organisation and the Section 27 Application aided by a powerpoint presentation.


The Council must obtain the Secretary of State’s approval under Section 27 of the Housing Act 1985 to appoint the ALMO as its agent for the delivery of housing management services.  The Secretary of State will wish to be satisfied about a range of issues including compliance with the ALMO guidance and authorities must complete a prescribed questionnaire (Appendix 1).  The deadline for submission was 18th February, 2005.


As part of the Section 27 application, details of the functions to be delegated to the ALMO and to be retained by the Local Authority (Appendix 2) and, once granted, the Authority may formally sign and bring into force the management agreement with its ALMO.  A summary and copy of the draft management agreement were appended at Appendices 3 and 4.


Under the terms of the management agreement, the ALMO should produce and regularly update a Delivery or Business Plan setting out its works programme and target.  It should be jointly endorsed by the Local Authority and the ALMO and should reflect a partnership delivering continuous improvement to tenants and the delivery of neighbourhood management over the long term.  Targets should be clear and measurable and be linked to the key objectives of the ALMO.  A draft delivery plan was attached to the report at Appendix 5.


Appendix 6 set out the progress made on Service Level Agreements for the provision of support services from the Council to the ALMO.


The report was to be presented to al All Members Seminars on the 15th, Cabinet on the 23rd, Environment Scrutiny Panel on the 24th February and hopefully adopted by Council on 9th March, 2005.


Resolved:-  (1)  That, subject to the support of the Environment Scrutiny Panel, the Cabinet be asked to recommend to Council:-


The establishment of the Arms Length Management Organisation (ALMO), 2010 Rotherham on 4th April, 2005.


(2)  That the Section 27 application and supporting documentation be submitted to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.


(3)  That the Head of Legal Services be authorised, in conjunction with the Executive Director of Neighbourhoods, if required, to amend and authorise the final acceptance of the Memorandum and Articles.


(4)  That the Head of Legal Services be authorised, in conjunction with the Executive Director of Neighbourhoods, if required, to amend and authorise the final acceptance of the Management Agreement.


(5)  That the transfer of housing management functions to 2010 Rotherham Ltd. be approved subject to receiving consent from the ODPM.


(Exempt under Paragraphs  3 and 9 of the Act – accommodation provided by the Authority/negotiation of terms)