Venue: Town Hall, The Crofts, Moorgate Street, Rotherham. S60 2TH
Contact: Debbie Pons, Governance Adviser The webcast can be viewed at
No. | Item |
EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC Minutes: There were no items on the agenda to warrant exclusion of the press and public. |
MATTERS OF URGENCY Minutes: There were no matters of urgency for consideration. |
Declarations of Interest (A form is attached and spares will be available at the meeting) Minutes: There were no Declarations of Interest to report. |
Minutes of the previous meeting held on 25th April, 2024 Minutes: Resolved:- That the minutes of the previous meeting of the Planning Regulatory Board held on Thursday, 25th April, 2024, be approved as a correct record of the meeting and signed by the Chair. |
Deferments/Site Visits Minutes: There were no deferments or site visits requested. |
Development Proposals Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved:- (1) That, on the development proposal now considered, the requisite notice be issued and be made available on the Council’s website and that the time limits specified in Sections 91 and 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 apply.
In accordance with the right to speak procedure the following people attended the meeting and spoke about the applications below:-
- Erection of 1 No. residential dwelling including associated amended access at land adjacent No. 5 Swinston Hill Gardens, Dinnington for Exel Developments (RB2023/1325)
Mr. P. Kelly (Applicant) Mr. M. Lander (Objector)
- Erection of detached dwelling with detached garden room to rear at land adjacent 133 Swinston Hill Road, Dinnington for Exel Developments (RB2023/1328)
Mr. P. Kelly (Applicant) Mr. M. Lander (Objector)
- Use of land as extension to public house with erection of covered seating area to side and variation of condition 5 of RB2003/1577 to allow open seating area to the front at Ravenfield Arms, 30 Hollings Lane, Ravenfield for Ravenfield Arms (RB2023/1386)
Mr. R. Kelly (Applicant) A statement from Mr. and Mrs. Waters (Objectors) was read out at the meeting.
- Demolition of existing conservatory, erection of two storey side extension and creation of balcony to rear. Amendment to previous application RB2022-0883 (Demolition of existing conservatory and erection of two storey side extension and creation of balcony to rear) at 83 Wickersley Road, Broom for Mr. and Mrs. Hussain (RB2024/0042)
Mr. Hussain (Applicant) Mr. M. Risdale (Objector)
- Reserved matters application (details of access, appearance, landscaping, layout & scale) for extension to school and ten parking bays (reserved by outline RB2022/1076) at Waverley School, Waverley Walk, Waverley for Rotherham MBC (RB2024/0366)
Ms. R. Graham, Waverley Community Council (Supporter)
(2) That applications RB20231325 and RB2023/0366 be granted for the reasons adopted by Members at the meeting and subject to the relevant conditions listed in the submitted report.
(3) That application RB2023/1328 be granted for the reasons adopted by Members at the meeting and subject to the relevant conditions listed in the submitted report and subject to an amendment to Condition No. 3 to include further wording to ensure the provision of the adoptable highway on Swinston Hill Gardens prior to the commencement of development.
(4) That application RB2023/1386 be granted for the reasons adopted by Members at the meeting and subject to the relevant conditions listed in the submitted report, subject to an amendment to Condition No. 1 to include the words “No additional areas of external seating shall be formed” and the inclusion of an amended plan following an update at the meeting.
(5) That application RB2024/0042 be granted for the reasons adopted by Members at the meeting and subject to the relevant conditions listed in the submitted report and subject to amendments to conditions to ensure the window in the garage was not only obscure glazed, but unopenable and for the installation of screening panels at both ends of the cantilever balcony. |
Updates Minutes: There were no updates to report other than a couple of suggestions to support the smooth running of the meeting moving forward in relation to lighting and microphones. |