Agenda and minutes

The Former Cabinet Member for Education, Culture and Leisure Services - Nov 2000 to May 2005 - Tuesday 8 February 2005 8.30 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham.

No. Item


School Organisation Committee pdf icon PDF 214 KB

- to receive minutes


Resolved:-  That the minutes of a meeting of the School Organisation Committee held on 20th January, 2005 be received.


Grounds Maintenance Contract pdf icon PDF 27 KB

- to note a decision taken by the Cabinet Member, Economic and Development Services regarding the Grounds Maintenance Contract


The meeting considered Minute No. 158 of a meeting of the Cabinet Member for Economic and Development Services held on 12th January, 2005 relating to the negotiations between the Head of Streetpride and Ringway Highway Services Ltd in respect of the reduced contract value for the delivery of grounds maintenance service.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the information be received and noted.


(2)      That the Green Spaces Manager and Acting Strategic Leader, Resources and Information discuss with the Streetpride Landscape Manager (a)  service delivery in terms of flexibility within the Contract to maintain green spaces and playing pitches and (2) the increased charges and impact on schools’ budgets.


(3)      That the suggestion of a Members’ Seminar be raised with Economic and Development Services.


(4)  That a further report be submitted to a future meeting on the outcome of (2) above.


Budget Monitoring Report as at December, 2004 pdf icon PDF 39 KB

- to consider the seventh Budget Monitoring Report for the Programme Area in 2004/05

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the seventh Budget Monitoring Report for the Programme Area in 2004/05, with a current forecast to overspend against budget for the financial year by £553k (0.35%).


This relates to budget pressures in both Culture and Leisure Services (£485k) and Education Services (£68k).


A detailed variance analysis is included in the attached appendices.


The Culture and Leisure Services overspend primarily relates to continued pressure on sport and recreational facility budgets, as experienced in previous years.


In addition, Culture and Heritage forecast an overspend of £121k mainly due to a shortfall in income, due in part to a loss of room hire income at the Arts Centre due to the utilisation of the room as a call centre and the temporary closure of Clifton Park Museum.


The Culture and Leisure overspend is partly offset by a saving on the Library Service budget resulting from a moratorium on procurement spending and slippage in staff recruitment (£68k).


The Education Services’ forecast overspend relates to net overspends in Strategic Management (£37k), Access to Education (£96k), Non-schools funding (£35k) and the under-recovery of income on the schools’ HR contract with RBT (£70k).  These are partly offset by savings in Special Education (£170k) mainly due to slippage on the implementation of the new Greasborough PRU due to difficulties in staff recruitment, and which is now operational.


The forecast outturn as at December (£553k) shows an increase of £156k from the overspend reported in November.


All possible action, as detailed in the report, is being taken to minimise overspending in the Programme Area.


The meeting debated a number of factors in terms of the most appropriate way of resolving longstanding budgetary pressures.


These included:-


-           loss of room hire income at the Arts Centre

-           hire charges at the Arts Centre

-           under-recovery of income on the schools’ HR contract with RBT

-           overspend on sport and recreational facility budgets

-           accumulative budget pressures/impact on 2006/07 budget


Resolved:-  (1)  That the forecast outturn for 2004/05 based on actual costs to 31st December and forecast costs to the end of March 2005 be noted.


(2)   That a report be submitted to a future meeting after the commencement of the Base Budget Review exercise in March, 2005.


(3) That the concern raised regarding the schools’ HR contract with RBT be drawn to the attention of the RBT Liaison Group.


(4)  That a copy of this Minute be forwarded to the Scrutiny Adviser responsible for the Democratic and Resources Scrutiny Panel and the Executive Director, Resources in order to draw attention to the need to reconsider the retention of risk and consequent budget overspend in relation to the schools’ HR contract with RBT.


Culture and Leisure Services: Pricing and Access Issues and Proposals for 2005-06 pdf icon PDF 108 KB

- to consider pricing and access issues within the service

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report of the Strategic Leader, Culture, Leisure and Lifelong Learning on Pricing and Access Issues and Proposals for 2005/06.


Budget management considerations have brought into perspective a number of longstanding pricing and access issues within the service which are contributing to pressures on budgets across the service area generally but particularly within the Leisure and Green Spaces Service.


The report proposes a revised Schedule of Fees and Charges for Culture & Leisure Services which reflect inflation price increases for implementation in April, 2005, together with some proposed changes to pricing structures for implementation at the same time.


The report set out background information, a prediction of the impact on service income arising from each measure, sensitivity analysis, benchmarking work, and assessment of the likelihood and impact of different levels of customer fall-off.


The meeting was asked to recognise that a number of issues underlie current budget pressures in Culture & Leisure.  The recommendations outlined in the report will contribute to easing those pressures, though many other factors are involved, including the poor physical condition of many buildings, the point being made that adjustments to pricing and access mechanisms will not in themselves eliminate the whole of the present budget pressure.


The Cabinet Member referred to the existing policy in respect of the concessionary use of Culture & Leisure services and facilities, and reaffirmed that policy on charging for the use of those facilities should be strictly adhered to.  In particular, requests for the use of facilities to host events in support of the Mayor’s Charity should be supported only on the basis that all costs associated with making staff and facilities available, including loss of income where relevant, were recovered by Culture & Leisure from the event sponsor. 


This led to a discussion on the following issues:-


-                       staff costs associated with free use of rooms

-                       possible savings on Special Events Budget within Democratic Services and potential for this to fund events for the Mayor’s Charity

-                       criteria/model to be applied following a request for concessionary use – i.e. must contribute to features within the Cultural Strategy or Sport & Recreation Plan


The meeting was reminded that this was the first pricing review since the inspection by the Audit Commission in 2004 who had criticised the Authority for not targeting its resources more effectively.


Resolved:-  (1)  That, in respect of Standard rate pricing, a general price increase of 3% with effect from 1st April 2005, or the commencement of the spring/summer season, whichever is the sooner, be approved.


(2) That, in respect of Age-related concessionary pricing, the revision of discounts for under-16s and over-60s from 50% to 35%, be approved.


(3) That, in respect of Income-related concessionary pricing, the revision of discounts for Rothercard holders from 50% to 35%, with Junior Rothercard continuing to apply to those services and activities for which it currently offers eligibility, but at a standardised rate of 10% further discount on full Rothercard rates, be approved.


(4)  That, in respect of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 151.


St. Ann's Primary School - Request to name part of a school building pdf icon PDF 36 KB

- to consider a proposal on the naming of a new theatre building


Consideration was given to a report of the Acting Strategic Leader, Resources and Information regarding a request received from the school’s governing body of St. Ann’s Primary School for permission to name the new theatre building at the school to the ‘Malvyn Butler Theatre’ in order to commemorate the late chair of governors.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the request to name part of the St. Ann’s Primary school to the ‘Malvyn Butler Theatre’ be approved.


(2)  That the Head Teacher be informed accordingly.

(The Chairman authorised consideration of the following item in order to keep Members fully informed)


Clifton Park Museum


The Manager, Libraries, Museums and Arts gave a verbal report on the recent success of the opening of Clifton ParkMuseum.


Approximately seven thousand people had visited the Museum in the previous week and both the Café and Shop had been very popular.


Resolved:-  That the verbal report be noted with pleasure.


Exclusion of the Press and Public


Resolved:-  That, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in those paragraphs, indicated below, of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.


Grange Park Golf Course - Preferred Partners

- to consider a proposal to enter into detailed negotiations with a preferred partner


Consideration was given to a report of the Strategic Leader, Culture, Leisure and Lifelong Learning regarding the process of selecting a partner to carry out the future management and operation of Grange Park Golf Course, which has now reached a stage where it is necessary to enter into detailed negotiations with a preferred partner.


The meeting discussed the following issues:-


-                       Lease term

-                       Marketing

-                       Security


Resolved:-  (1)  That detailed negotiations with the preferred partner, as agreed by the interview panel at the bidders presentation meeting on 24th January, 2005, be approved.


(2) That detailed negotiations with the second suitable partner be entered into, if those with the preferred partner do not lead to a satisfactory outcome.


(3) That a report be submitted to a future meeting upon the conclusion of the detailed negotiations.


(4) That a further Appendix summarising the responses to questions raised be forwarded to the Cabinet Member and Advisors, Education, Culture and Leisure Services.


(Exempt under Paragraph 7 of the Act – information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person).


Opening of Tenders - Education, Culture & Leisure Services, Social Services


The Cabinet Member opened two tenders received for a Contract for the Supply of Milk, Dairy and Bakery Products for the Education Catering Services and Adult Services.


Resolved:-  That RBT-Procurement, together with Officers from Social Services and Education, Culture and Leisure Services, evaluate and accept the appropriate tender in accordance with delegated powers.


(Exempt under Paragraph 8 of the Act – information relating to the amount of expenditure proposed to be incurred by the authority under any particular contract for the supply of goods or services).