Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham. S60 2TH
Contact: Richard Bellamy, Senior Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Appointment of Chair Minutes: Agreed:- That Mrs. I. Hartley be appointed as Chairman.
(Mrs. I. Hartley in the Chair) |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 14th March, 2013 PDF 50 KB Minutes: Agreed:- That the minutes of the previous meeting of the Local Admissions Forum held on 14th March, 2013 be approved as a correct record. |
Membership of the Local Admissions Forum PDF 14 KB Minutes: Consideration was given to the current membership of the Local Admissions Forum and the number of vacancies that existed.
Information was to be circulated via the Governors’ Section to all Governing Bodies in the Autumn term inviting nominations, which would also include academies and early years nurseries.
Information about the Local Admissions Forum was circulated to all those present where it was suggested that revisions prior to circulation include how often the Forum meets and the start time. The Terms of Reference would also be included.
Agreed:- That the information, as amended, be forwarded to the Governors’ Section for circulation to all Governing Bodies. |
Terms, Conditions and Constitution Minutes: In accordance with Minute No. 51 of the meeting held on 14th March, 2013, it was noted that the Terms of Reference had now been revised and once the outstanding vacancies confirmed the final document would be updated.
Agreed:- That the information be noted. |
The Local Authority Report to the School Adjudicator PDF 166 KB Minutes: Consideration was given to the Local Authority Report to the School Adjudicator, which must be submitted annually. The information had been updated to include the revisions to the Fair Access Protocol.
Agreed:- That the report be received and the contents noted. |
Admissions Consultations 2014/15 Minutes: Consideration was given to a verbal report by Dean Fenton, Principal Officer – School Organisation, on the approved changes to school organisation which had been reported to the Cabinet Member.
The Forum were mindful of the need to ensure there was sufficient capacity across the borough and which took account of the new building, which affected certain schools.
Consultation for the 2015/16 admissions round would commence in the Autumn term and would be included as a future agenda item for consideration.
Agreed:- That the information be noted. |
Minutes: Consideration was given to the information presented by Helen Barre, Service Lead for School Admissions, Organisation and SEN Assessment, which detailed the number of sponsored academies in development, the number of academy applications received, the number of open sponsored academies, the open converter academies, the one trust school and the consultations around the Co-operative Trust (Foundation).
A further update would be provided for the Autumn term meeting.
Agreed:- That the report be received and the information noted. |
School Admission Appeals Update Minutes: Consideration was given to verbal report by Marina Jordan, Principal Officer for School Admissions, regarding the details about the number of appeals lodged for admission in September, 2013.
It was suggested that at the next meeting a three year comparison of all appeals lodged (including in-year transfers) be provided to a give a clearer picture of demand.
It was also noted that information had not yet been received regarding whether or not Appeals Hearing Panel Members needed to be CRB checked.
Agreed:- That the information be noted. |
Looked after Children Statistics Minutes: In accordance with Minute No. 55 of the meeting held on 14th March, 2013, consideration was given to verbal report by Marina Jordan, Principal Officer for School Admissions, regarding the numbers of looked after children, which had not changed since previously reported.
It was noted that the numbers of children who experienced family break-ups or conflict was increasing and every effort was to reduce disruption in the admissions process.
Agreed:- That the information be noted. |
Update on School Organisation Minutes: Dean Fenton, Principal Officer – School Organisation, gave a presentation which provided an update on Admissions 2013/14 and the schedule of primary school organisation proposals.
The presentation provided insight into:-
· The number of applications processed annually and the number of in-year transfers. · The transfer groups. · Approved changes to school organisation. · Approval to raise the published admission numbers. · Consultations during the academic year 2012/2013. · Waverley – the new housing development. · Available Capital Funding. · Forward Planning.
The Forum welcomed this information and asked a range of questions relating to:-
v Use of Section 106 Funding for the new Waverley development. v Shortfall in school places and the interim measures to soak capacity for Waverley. v Planning capital projects, economies of scale and improved partnership working. v Provision of additional school places. v Infrastructure levy tariffs and the delivery of affordable housing provision. v Contributions from developers towards future educational developments.
Further information was also provided on the Resources Unit which was proposed for the Flanderwell Site, which would alleviate pressures in the Flanderwell/Kilnhurst areas.
Agreed:- (1) That Dean Fenton be thanked for this informative presentation.
(2) That a shortened version of the presentation be circulated to Forum Members. |
Update on Fair Access Protocol - Report of the Consultation Outcome PDF 34 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration was given to a report presented by Helen Barre, Service Lead for School Admissions, Organisation and SEN Assessment Service, which set out the details of the revised Fair Access Protocol consultation process which had been taking place.
Fifty six per cent of schools responded and of those all responded positively. The report set out a summary of those responses and the issues raised as a consequence.
Following the consultation process it was proposed that two Fair Access Admission Panels be constituted, one for primary and one for secondary.
The role of the Panels, memberships of which were set out as part of the report, was to secure mainstream school places or where appropriate, short term placements for children and young people of statutory school age
Reference was made to the proforma that would be filled in for each child with the aim of showing transparency and in was proposed that panel hearings would take place every three weeks on a Tuesday.
The Forum welcomed this new way of working and considered it an excellent service to the children of Rotherham.
Agreed:- That the report be received and the contents noted. |
Date and time of next meeting Minutes: Agreed:- That the next meeting of the Local Admissions Forum take place on Thursday, 7th November, 2013 at 10.00 a.m. at the Town Hall. |