Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham. S60 2TH
Contact: Debbie Pons, Principal Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 33 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Agreed:- That the minutes of the previous meeting of the Local Admissions Forum held on 7th November, 2013 be approved as a correct record. |
Membership of the Local Admissions Forum Minutes: Consideration was given to the current membership of the Local Admissions Forum, the current vacancies and how best the vacancies could be filled.
It was noted that some contact had been made with the Sheffield Diocese and it was highly likely that Mr. Hugh Thomas may be taking up the vacant position.
It was also suggested that in order to highlight the vacancies from the school based representatives the matter of membership be included on the agenda of the Rotherham Schools’ Forum.
Agreed:- That the actions on filling the membership vacancies be noted. |
Terms, Conditions and Constitution Minutes: This was a standing item and any updates would be provided in due course. |
School Admission Consultation Feedback Report for the 2015/16 Academic Year PDF 135 KB Minutes: Consideration was given to a report presented by Dean Fenton, Principal Officer – School Organisation, which provided information on the consultation feedback report for community and controlled schools for admission arrangements for the admission year 2015/16.
There were no proposed changes to the co-ordinated schemes applying to both primary and secondary schools other than a few minor date changes which related to the inclusion of Looked After Children, nor were there any proposed changes to waiting lists or relevant areas.
Reference was made, however, to the changes to the published admission numbers for certain schools in light of either new school buildings or expansions, as outlined in the report submitted, including sixth form provision.
Discussion ensued on school places planning, basic needs allocations and reliance on Section 106 funds.
It was, therefore, suggested that a presentation be provided to a future meeting showing which schools had benefited from the various funding streams.
Agreed:- (1) That the information be noted.
(2) That a presentation on funding allocations be received at a future meeting. |
Update on Secondary School Allocations for September 2014 Minutes: Dean Fenton, Principal Officer – School Organisation, confirmed that offers had been issued to parents for secondary school places and all those children who were in the catchment or had a sibling at the school had been provided with a place.
Of all the secondary schools the ones that were oversubscribed were Aston Academy, St. Bernard’s Catholic High, Wath and Wickersley Comprehensive Schools.
Agreed:- That the information be noted. |
School Admission Appeals Update - Statistics (information herewith) PDF 15 KB Minutes: Consideration was given to a report containing statistics of the number of school admission appeals received and hearings that had taken place as part of allocation to the 2013/14 school year.
Agreed:- That the information be received. |
Update on School Organisation Minutes: Dean Fenton, Principal Officer – School Organisation, gave a presentation which provided an update on school organisation proposals.
The presentation provided insight into:-
· The transfer groups. · Previously approved changes to school organisation. · Temporary increases in published admission numbers. · Current consultations on school organisation proposals. · Waverley – Deed of Variation. · Available Capital Funding. · Forward Planning. · Targeting Basic Need Funding · Other Consultations taking place.
The Forum welcomed this information and asked about the implications of additional housing on learning communities. It was suggested that this information be shared at a future meeting.
Agreed:- (1) That Dean Fenton be thanked for this informative presentation.
(2) That information be noted and the additional information about the implications of additional housing on learning communities be included as part of any future presentation. |
Academies Conversion Update PDF 28 KB Minutes: Consideration was given to information presented by Dean Fenton, Principal Officer – School Organisation, which detailed the number of academies currently in Rotherham, with the newly added addition of Bramley Grange Primary School.
Agreed:- That the information be noted. |
Update on Fair Access Protocol for Autumn Term PDF 21 KB Minutes: Consideration was given to information presented by Chris Stones, Senior Officer – School Organisation, which detailed the termly outcomes from the Fair Access Panels, which was now being overseen by John Coleman following the departure of Helen Barre.
The Forum wished to place on record their thanks and appreciation to Helen Barre following the success of the Fair Access Panels and wished her well in the future.
Agreed:- (1) That the information be noted.
(2) That the Forum’s thanks and appreciation be forwarded onto Helen Barre. |