Agenda and minutes

Local Admissions Forum - Thursday 27 June 2019 10.00 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham. S60 2TH

Contact: Debbie Pons, Principal Democratic Services Officer 

No. Item


Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 7th February, 2019 pdf icon PDF 69 KB


Consideration was given to the minutes of the previous meeting held on 7th February, 2019.


It was noted that David Shelton had been omitted from the list of those present and that it had the title of “Councillor” before those listed as present.


Agreed:-  That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 7th February, 2019, subject to the above clerical corrections, be approved as a correct record.


Matters Arising from Previous Minutes


There were no matters arising.


The Local Authority Report to the School Adjudicator pdf icon PDF 178 KB


Consideration was given to the final draft of the Rotherham’s Local Authority Report to the Schools Adjudicator, 30th June, 2019, which was presented by the Principal Officer, School Organisation.  The completion and return of the report each year was a statutory requirement on admissions authorities. 


The report included a number of Sections and the Local Authority had provided narrative in relation to the following points:-


Section 1 – The Normal Admissions Round – determined arrangements, co-ordination, Looked After and Previously Looked After Children, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities


Section 2 – In Year Admissions – Number of in year admissions, co-ordination of in year admissions, Looked After and Previously Looked After Children, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, other children and Fair Access Protocol


Section 3 – Directions – made by the local authority to voluntary aided and foundation schools, to maintained schools in other local authorities’ areas and requests to the Education and Skills Funding Agency to direct an academy to admit a child


Section 4 – Pupil, Service and Early Years Premiums


Section 5 – Electively Home Educated Children


Section 6 – Other Matters


Section 7 - Feedback


It was noted that the document had been discussed at the Directorate Leadership Team that morning.


Agreed:-  That the contents of the Local Authority report be approved for submission to the School Adjudicator.


Academies Update pdf icon PDF 105 KB


Further to Minute No. 31 of the last meeting held on 7th February, 2019, consideration was given to the updated list of Rotherham schools which had converted/about to convert to academies.


Discussion ensued with the following issues raised/clarified:-


-          The timelines for schools becoming academised was being drawn out due to the backlog

-          Approximately 80% of Rotherham schools, primary, secondary and special, were academised

-          Only one Local Authority secondary school not an academy – Saint Pius

-          There was a minimum of 3 Academy Trusts in each community but several that had converted in their own right and did not have any other schools under them


Agreed:-  That the information be noted.


Admissions Update


Consideration was given to a verbal update on the admissions and secondary school applications.


It was reported that:-


-          Appeals had taken place for the Y6-Y7 children and the primary appeals were ongoing


-          A number of secondary schools were oversubscribed for September 2019 entry to Y9.  This was due to the high cohort number both regionally and nationally


-          The primary situation was much better in terms of numbers for September 2019 entry


-          The secondary admissions round for September 2020 would start on 1st July with information being sent to the primary schools.  The website would be updated with the new information and available as from 1st July


-     The primary admissions round would start at the end of August


-     Waverley Junior Academy

·           Parents would be able to apply for places at the new Waverley Junior Academy for admission in 2020.  The Waverley website had been updated and contained the transfer information following a stakeholder event that took place recently

·           Parents would be able to apply for Reception/Foundation Stage 2 September 2020 as from August 2019.  Any in year applications for Y1-Y6 would be from 1st December, 2019

·           The tender process for the new Waverley School had been signed off and was with the developer and their legal team

·           The initial Published Admission Number was 30.  It would be an eventual 2 form entry school so would increase to 60 in future years


Agreed:-  That the update be noted.


School Admission Appeals Update pdf icon PDF 56 KB


Consideration was given to a report setting out the number of appeal panels held during March to July, 2019 and the number of Y6 to Y7 September 2019 transfer appeals that had been held to date.


It was noted that the Reception/Foundation Stage 2 appeals were still ongoing.


Agreed:- That the information be noted.


Fair Access Protocol Update


Further to Minute No. 30 of the meeting of the Rotherham Local Admissions Forum held on 7th February, 2019, discussion took place on the progress of Rotherham’s Primary and Secondary School’s Fair Access Protocol.


It was noted that the Protocol had not been used significantly for primary aged children as places had been found to accommodate them.


Agreed:- That the information about the Fair Access Protocol be noted.


School Organisation Update


The Principal Officer, School Organisation, gave the following verbal update regarding school organisation:-


-          As previously reported, second expansion programme for 6 schools.  First phase = Wales and Wath.  Second phase = Aston and Rawmarsh.  Aston had been approved by Cabinet and Rawmarsh would be submitted for approval later in the year


-          Further report to be considered by Cabinet in September to increase SEND provision by a further 50 places = 175 places over the next 3 years mainly to existing buildings rather than creating new ones.  Consultation would take place in due course


Agreed:-  That the update be noted.


Final Term dates for 2020/21 attached along with revised term dates for 2019/20 pdf icon PDF 48 KB

Additional documents:


It was noted that the Education Consultative Committee had endorsed that the School term dates for the 2020/21 academic year which included the traditional (ecclesiastical) option of the placement of the Easter school holidays, in order that Rotherham’s agreed term dates accord with 2 of the neighbouring Local Authorities in South Yorkshire.


The revised term dates for 2019/20 were also submitted which illustrated the recent announcement of the May Day Bank Holiday moving from Monday, 4th to Friday, 8th May to celebrate VJ Day.


Agreed:-  That the information be noted.


Date of next meeting


Agreed:-  That a further meeting be held on Thursday, 7th November, 2019, commencing at 10.00 a.m.