Agenda and minutes

Local Admissions Forum - Thursday 16 November 2006 10.00 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Road, Rotherham.

No. Item




Apologies for absence were received from Mrs. P. Powell, Mrs. H. McLaughlin and Mrs. C. Sellars.


Minutes of previous meeting pdf icon PDF 100 KB


Agreed:- That the minutes of the meeting held on the 6th July, 2006 be received as a correct record.


Matter Arising - Appeals Process


Discussion took place on the additional pressure being put on school places, particularly in certain schools, due to the high number of asylum seekers/immigrant workers coming into the area.


Consultation on the Admission Arrangements for 2008/09 and on the 'Relevant Area' for consultation in 2009/10 pdf icon PDF 239 KB


David Hill presented a paper which set out areas for consultation with school governors in respect of the admission arrangements which will apply for school admissions in 2008/09. The areas related to :-


-          community and controlled schools

-          voluntary aided schools

-          general points relating to admission numbers

-          co-ordinated admission arrangements

-          consideration of the ‘relevant area’ for the purposes of admissions consultation


The paper submitted also set out information on the order of priority for the allocation of places and the proposed admission numbers for each school for 2008/09.


The timetable for the consultation was reported.


Particular comment was made relating to the ‘relevant area’ and the situation was clarified.


Agreed:- That the information be received and the outcome of the consultation be reported to the March meeting of this Forum.


Consultation on the draft School Admissions Codes of Practice on Admissions and Appeals pdf icon PDF 44 KB


David Hill reported that the DfES has published new draft codes in respect of School Admissions and Appeals, together with associated draft Regulations.


Consultation on them was taking place up to 1st December, 2006. The report submitted highlighted some of the changes and some of the areas which will require a response to the consultation.


The main points requiring consideration were in respect of :-


·                    powers of Local Admissions Forums

·                    guidelines on Choice Advice and introduction of Choice Advisers

·                    proposed changes to operation of Co-ordinated Schemes

·                    other matters including publication of all school admission arrangements and implications for school transport provision


Particular concerns were expressed in respect of co-ordinated schemes and the DfES proposal that an authority operate one scheme for all its schools (equal preference or first preference scheme).


County schools and church aided schools in Rotherham operated different schemes and it was agreed that a seminar for all church aided schools, and members of this Forum, be arranged to fully discuss the situation in January, 2007.


The other issue of concern discussed was in respect of school transport and it was agreed that this be highlighted in the response to the consultation.


Agreed:- (a) That the report be received.


(b) That a suitable response, based on the areas highlighted, be forwarded to the DfES before the closing date for the consultation period.


Choice Advice


David Hill and Marina Jordan gave an update on the Choice Advice situation, clarifying the need for Choice Advice and the DfES proposal that each admissions authority should have on Admissions Adviser.


It was outlined that the admissions staff presently provided all the necessary advice for parents; it was clear that a Choice Adviser would need strong links with the Admission Team and have full knowledge of all related procedures.


The Forum congratulated the school admissions team in Rotherham for its efficient and effective work, noting that a Choice Advice help line was being set up.


The Forum had regard to the DfES view that there was need for arms length, impartial advice on school admissions, highlighting the need for pro-active work in the community.


It was also noted that the DfES grant for the post of Choice Adviser was time limited.


Agreed:- (a) That the information be received.


(b) That a report on the matter of Choice Advice be submitted to the Cabinet Member for Children and Young People’s Services, the outcome to be reported to this Forum in March 2007.


School Catchment Areas - Wales Primary/Kiveton Park Infant/Kiveton Park Meadows Junior Schools pdf icon PDF 38 KB

Additional documents:


David Hill reported on a request from the Wales Primary School Governing Body to review catchment areas applying to Wales Primary, Kiveton Park Infants and KivetonPark MeadowsJunior Schools.


The request relates to an area which is shared between the schools, where pupils lie between the schools catchment areas.


The report submitted gives the background to the review of the catchment areas and considers the advantages and disadvantages of the possible options.


The preferred option recommended is to allocate the shared area within the catchment area of WalesPrimary School, but to seek the views of all relevant parties on the options as part of the review.


Agreed:- (a) That the report be received, it being noted that it had been forwarded to the school governing bodies concerned, parents of pupils attending the schools and local ward members requesting feedback on the content of the report.


(b) That a further report be submitted to the March meeting setting out the responses.


Booklet - Admission to Primary School


Copes of the booklet for 2007/08 were distributed.


Leaflets were shown which would be on display to remind all parents to submit their school preferences before the deadlines.


Reference was made to preferences received on-line, Rotherham had received 16% on line which was in excess of the government target of 15%.


Date and Time of Next Meeting


This was scheduled fro Thursday, 29th March, 2007 at 10.00 a.m.