Agenda and minutes

Local Admissions Forum - Thursday 15 November 2007 10.00 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham.

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Ms. S. Henchley and Councillor Falvey.


Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 124 KB


Agreed:-  That the minutes of the meeting held on the 5th July, 2007 be received as correct record.


Matter Arising


Schools affected by the floods – Kilnhurst Primary


The meeting was informed that all children had returned to the school with the exception of some infant pupils from the autistic unit.  These pupils would return next week.


The information was to be sent formally to Mrs. I. Hartley.


Membership List pdf icon PDF 29 KB


In accordance with Minute No. 6(a) of the previous meeting held on 5th July, 2007, the meeting considered the up to date membership for the Local Admissions Forum.


Martin Harrop confirmed the names of members for each of the groups and that the quorum has to be 4 groups out of the seven.


With regard to vacancies for the schools group, nominations were to be sought via the Governors newsletter and the Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of governing bodies meeting.


Agreed:-  That the action being taken to seek nominations to fill vacancies be supported.


Welcome Centre


Bev Booker, Service Leader for Ethnic Minority Children, attended the meeting to outline the role of the Welcome Centre.


Information was handed round which set out the number of newly arrived children in Rotherham during 2006/07 i.e. asylum seekers and European immigrants.


The following points were raised and commented upon:-


-                       the Welcome Centre can only provide for 30 pupils at a time, 15 secondary and 15 primary;

-                       the difficulties in explaining the allocation of school places for children to the families concerned particularly when nearby schools were full;

-                       the variety of languages involved, the cost of interpreters, and how this was dealt with;

-                       the pressures on all services due to the influx of the number of asylum seekers and European immigrants.  The issues being addressed by a working party set up by the Council were referred to;

-                       the need to improve attendance at school by these children, which was being addressed and could be improved by the formulation of a Transport Plan to get the children concerned to an alternative school with places when local schools were full;

-                       were resources better put into school or at the Welcome Centre? Families benefited overall from use of the Welcome Centre but children tended to learn better from each other i.e. in school;

-                       use of a minibus to get children to the Welcome Centre;

-                       the good link between staff of the Welcome Centre and the work of School Admission Appeal Panels.


Agreed:-  a) That the information be received.


b)      That arrangements be made for members of the Local Admissions Forum to visit the Welcome Centre.


c)      That a report be submitted to the next meeting on schools in the Rotherham area which have particular pressures and possible alternative schools to which pupils can be sent.


d)  That arrangements be made for a Transport Plan to be developed with a view to getting children to alternative schools with places when nearby schools are full.


Report on Admission Consultation for 2009/10 Admissions Year pdf icon PDF 250 KB


Martin Harrop introduced a report which set out a number of issues relating to the consultation on admission arrangements for the Admission Year 2009/10.


In respect of Community and Controlled Schools, the proposed admissions criteria for 2009/10 contained proposed changes to the criteria which applied for 2008/09 and the Local Authority is consulting on these. 


The consultation was required in response to provisions contained within the Schools Admissions Code under Chapter 2  - Setting fair oversubscription criteria, particularly in relation to Government advice on the treatment of siblings and also in relation to those with a specified medical/social need.  The report set out the background to the proposed changes and each school’s proposed admission number.


The latest School Admissions Code was eventually published and came into force on 28th February, 2007, which was one day before the end of the consultation period for 2008/09 admissions.  There was sufficient time for admission authorities to make the necessary mandatory changes in respect of Looked After Children (top priority) and any ‘first preference first’ criteria, which were effectively banned, but there was no opportunity to consider, and consult on, any other changes which would be seen as good practice by the Code.


In respect of Voluntary Aided Schools, full consultation is only required this year if there are any proposed changes to the arrangements that applied for 2008/09.  If there are any proposed changes at Church of England schools, Governing Bodies should consult their Diocesan Board before consulting anyone else.


All admission numbers should now be set by reference to the indicated admission number (IAN) deriving from the net capacity calculation.


An admission number higher than the IAN can be set, subject to the necessary consultation, feedback and determination.


An admission number lower than the IAN can be set, subject to the above, but would also require the publication of a notice with provision for objection to the Adjudicator.


All infant, J&I, Primary schools need to continue to be mindful of the need to maintain classes from R to Y2 at 30 or less.


In respect of Co-ordinated Admission Arrangements, schemes for the co-ordination of admission arrangements for Primary and Secondary schools were agreed for 2008/09.


Once again, there are no proposed changes to those schemes, except for any necessary minor amendments to dates.


A discussion took place with regard to the admission criteria, whether siblings, social/medical needs should be higher than pupils living in the catchment area.  Reference was made to possible implications of changing the present admission criteria.


Agreed:-  a) That the report be received.


b) That the outcome of the consultation on the admission arrangements for 2009/10 be submitted to the Cabinet Member for Lifelong Learning and to the next meeting of this Forum.


Any Other Business


i)               Treeton CE Primary School


In response to a query about high numbers at the above school, it was clarified that although a particular year group had high pupil numbers, overall the school was not under pressure and had places available in most year groups.


ii)             New Requirement on Admission Authorities of Faith Schools


Consideration was given to the content of a letter from the DCSF which required Authorities, as the admission authorities of maintained faith schools, to consult the religious authority prescribed in the regulations for the religion or religious denomination of the school(s), on their admission arrangements.  This first applies to admission arrangements being set for entry in September 2009.  Consultation must be completed by 1st March, 2008.  These regulations, the Education (Determination of Admission Arrangements) (Amendment No. 2) (England) Regulations 2007 are due to come into force on 26th November, 2007.


The School Admissions Code requires the admission authorities of faith schools to have regard to any guidance provided by their religious authority in setting their admission arrangements.  The religious authorities prescribed in these regulations have an important power of objection to the Schools Adjudicator about the determined admission arrangements at schools of their faith, if they consider them to be unfair or unlawful.


The admission authorities of all schools, including faith schools, must comply with the law and have a statutory duty to act in accordance with the School Admissions Code when determining their admission arrangements for entry in September 2008 and subsequent years.  If they are unsure whether their admission arrangements comply with the law and the Code, admission authorities should seek legal advice.  Determined admission arrangements can be amended without reference to the Schools Adjudicator to ensure that they do comply (see paragraph 2 of the Introduction to the Code).


Agreed:-  That the content of the letter be noted and faith schools be made aware of the contents.


Date and Time of Next Meeting

Thursday, 27th March, 2008 at 10.00 a.m.


This was scheduled for Thursday, 20th March, 2008 at 10.00 a.m.