Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham. S60 2TH
Contact: Richard Bellamy, Senior Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Appointment of Chair of the Meeting Minutes: Agreed:- That Mr. M. Hall be appointed Chair of this meeting.
(Mr. M. Hall in the Chair)
Minutes of the previous meeting, held on 12th November, 2009 Minutes: Agreed:- That the minutes of the previous meeting of the Local Admissions Forum, held on 12th November, 2009, be approved as a correct record. |
Admissions Consultation - Annual consultation feedback report for 2011/12 admission Minutes: Further to Minute No. 11 of the meeting of the Local Admissions Forum held on 12th November, 2009, consideration was given to a report presented by the School Organisation, Planning and Development Manager concerning the admission arrangements (ie: criteria and admission number) which would apply for school admission in the 2011/2012 academic year.
The report summarised the issues which had arisen as a result of the annual consultation exercise with and between schools, other local authorities and with parents. It was noted that all admission authorities must determine their arrangements by 15th April 2010.
The Local Admissions Forum debated at length the proposed changes to the ‘In – Year Fair Access’ protocol applying to community and controlled schools. Concerns were expressed about the placement of disruptive pupils; however, it was confirmed that the expectation was that no more than two pupils would be placed in any single school, per academic year, as part of this revised protocol. The use of the ‘In – Year Fair Access Protocol’ would continue to be the subject of annual consultation with school governing bodies.
Agreed:- (1) That the report received and its contents noted.
(2) That the proposed admission numbers contained within Annex 1 to the report submitted for community and controlled schools be confirmed for the 2011/2012 academic year, subject to the clarifications included at Annex 2 to the report submitted.
(3) That the proposed admissions criteria for community and controlled schools for the 2011/2012 academic year, be approved and adopted.
(4) That the proposed changes to the length of time the ‘Waiting List’ operates, as detailed below, be noted:-
(i) Primary Schools – waiting list in operation for the whole of the academic year;
(ii) Secondary Schools – waiting list in operation for the whole of the Autumn Term (in accordance with guidelines issued by the Department of Children, Schools and Families).
(5) That the changes relating to voluntary aided schools’ admissions criteria, as outlined at Annex 2 to the report submitted, be noted.
(6) That the appropriate notice be published in respect of the proposed admission numbers for the schools named in Annex 2 to the report submitted, where the admission number will be less than that indicated by the current net capacity calculation.
(7) That the change to the co-ordinated schemes for Primary and Secondary preferences, which is extended to in-year admissions, be confirmed.
(8) That the revised ‘In – Year Fair Access Protocol’, as detailed in the report now submitted, be approved.
(9) That a copy of this report be published on the Borough Council’s Internet website.
(10) That a report be submitted to a future meeting of the Local Admissions Forum containing statistics of the number of pupils admitted to schools by means of the revised ‘In – Year Fair Access Protocol’. |
Current School Admissions Cycles - Secondary School Entry in September 2010 - Update Minutes: The Principal Officer, Admissions and Appeals (Children and Young People’s Services) presented a report about the current situation with regard to primary and secondary school admissions cycles for September, 2010, as follows:-.
(i) Secondary Schools – Year 7 Admissions in September 2010
The National offer date was Monday 1st March, 2010. There were six oversubscribed secondary schools in Rotherham and another which had reached its published admission number.
The Local Admissions Forum was informed of the current number of admission appeals for secondary schools and the appeal panel hearings being processed by Democratic Services. It appeared that, as in recent years, there would be a large number of appeals for Wickersley School and Sports College, for Wales High School and for Wath Comprehensive School, a Language College.
(ii) Primary School Admissions – September 2010
The offer day was Monday, 12th April 2010. Early indications were that there might be several oversubscribed primary schools which have a waiting list.
Agreed:- That the report about the current admissions cycles be received. |
Membership of the Local Admissions Forum Minutes: Details of the current membership of the Rotherham Local Admissions Forum were noted and it was agreed that every endeavour be made to fill the vacant places, including the sending of an invitation to the Maltby Academy. |