Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham. S60 2TH
Contact: Richard Bellamy, Senior Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Appointment of Chairman Minutes: Agreed:- That Mr. G. Lancashire be appointed Chair of this meeting.
(Mr. G. Lancashire in the Chair)
Appointment of Vice-Chairman Minutes: Consideration of this appointment was deferred. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 17th March, 2011 PDF 33 KB Minutes: Agreed:- That the minutes of the previous meeting of the Local Admissions Forum, held on 17th March, 2011, be approved as a correct record. |
Annual Report to the Schools Adjudicator PDF 83 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The School Organisation Planning and Development Manager presented the submitted Local Authority Report to the Schools Adjudicator, highlighting, clarifying and elaborating on the responses provided to the questions posed section by section.
The report covered the following issues:-
- Section 1 For the Academic Year in which the report was made 2010/2011
- Section 2 For the Academic Year which starts after the report is made 2010/2011
- Section 3. For admission arrangements that have been determined in the April immediately before the date of the report is made (determined by 15th April, 2011 for admission in September, 2012)
- Section 4 Other Matters
- Section 5 Other issues requested this year by the Secretary of State for Education
- Section 6 Other issues requested this year by the Department for Education
During discussion, the following issues were covered:-
- infant class size legislation
- numbers of applications for school places from elsewhere in the European Community
- school building - capital programme
- school admission appeals
Agreed:- (1) That the contents of the Local Authority Report to the Schools Adjudicator 2010/2011, now submitted, be approved.
(2) That the Local Admissions Forum does not wish to make a report to the Schools Adjudicator over and above the submitted Local Authority report. |
New School Admissions Code and School Admissions Appeals Code - Consultation PDF 86 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to the consultation document, issued by the Department for Education on 27 May 2011, on changes to the school admissions framework.
In the White Paper 'The Importance of Teaching', the Rt Hon Michael Gove MP, Secretary of State for Education, announced a review of the school admissions system to make it simpler, fairer and more transparent, building on the principle of placing trust back in schools and head teachers.
The Department for Education welcomes views on the draft School Admissions Code and draft School Admission Appeals Code, which are at the centre of proposed changes to the admissions system.
Agreed:- (1) That the consultation document be noted and the views of the Local Admissions Forum be included in the Local Authority’s response.
(2) That it is the view of the Rotherham Local Admissions Forum that the requirement for local authorities and communities to appoint Local Admissions Forums, in accordance with the provisions of the Education Act 2002, ought to continue. |
Free Schools - Proposals for the Rotherham Borough area - update Minutes: Discussion took place on:-
- school organisation in Rotherham and its growing diversity, which reflects the trends nationally;
- the establishment of the three Academies, from existing secondary schools : Brinsworth, Maltby and Wales;
- other schools considering Academy status;
- the proposal to establish a Trust School (Winterhill secondary school);
- proposals for free schools to be established in the Rotherham Borough area.
Agreed:- That the Local Admissions Forum continue to be informed of issues concerning the establishment of Academies and Trust Schools in the Rotherham Borough area. |
Travellers' Children - Attendance at School Minutes: Discussion took place on the legal requirement for local authorities to provide education for all pupils of statutory school age resident in their areas. The pressure on places at schools in the South area of the Borough was noted, in the light of the possible development of a site for travellers in that location. |
School Admissions - Annual Consultation Minutes: It was noted that this matter would be deferred until the next meeting, in view of the current HM Government consultation about possible changes to the school admissions code. |
School Admission Appeals - Update Minutes: The Local Admissions Forum discussed details of the current round of school admission appeals, noting the pressure on places at several secondary schools and the Borough-wide pressure upon primary school places, especially at Key Stage 1. |
Admission to Secondary School 2012/2013 - distribution of booklet Minutes: Members of the Local Admissions Forum will be provided with copies of the booklet for admission to secondary school 2012/2013, which is also available to parents upon request. |
Retirement of Mrs. Gail Atkin Minutes: The Local Admissions Forum thanked Mrs. Gail Atkin for her excellent services to the Forum. Mrs. Atkin was retiring in July 2011 from her position as head teacher of Wickersley St. Alban C of E Primary School. |