Agenda and draft minutes

The former Rotherham Cultural Consortium - 10th September 2003-14th March 2007 - Wednesday 14 March 2007 2.00 p.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Road, Rotherham.

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Mr. Johnson, Ms. C. Cox, Joanne Edley, Mr. P. Rogers, Mr. G. Kilminster, Councillors Austen and Littleboy.


Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 210 KB


The minutes of the previous meeting held on 6th December, 2006 were received as a correct record.


Matters Arising


Walker Mausoleum and ThreeCranes Building


Information was not available on the present situation in respect of the above sites.


Agreed:- That update reports on the two sites be provided at the next meeting.


Service Development - Updates


Steve Hallsworth informed the meeting of the following matters :-


(a) Rotherham had received an award from Sport England in recognition of Strategic Planning for the Leisure PFI.


The Director of Sport England was to use the Rotherham scheme as an example of good practice.


(b) An update was given on the timetable for work and completion of the new Libraries at Wickersley and Thorpe Hesley.


Wickersley Library completion date was anticipated for March/April 2008 and Thorpe Hesley in September, 2007.


(c) The Leisure PFI was due to be signed off in mid April 2007; all staff were in the process of identifying the posts that are of interest to them in the new leisure facilities and they should know which one they have been allocated around June/July 2007.


(d) On the Cultural Centre, work was in  hand on the feasibility study and specification.


(e) Initial meetings had been held with representatives of the Heritage Lottery Fund in respect of Boston Park. It would be challenging for a funding bid to be successful.


The project submission needs re-scoping and it was anticipated that a Phase I submission would be submitted in September, 2007.


(f) Joyce Williams reported that she had visited various facilities in the Borough, such as RosehillPark, Dinnington Library and the Chinese exhibition. She was impressed by what she had seen, gave positive feedback and suggested that members of the Consortium visit the House in RosehillPark when it had been completed.


Agreed:- That the information be received.


Tourism Update


An update report was to be provided at the next meeting,


Clifton Park: Heritage Lottery Fund


Phil Gill gave a presentation on the progress being made in respect of the bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund for developing Clifton Park.


The presentation informed the meeting of :-


·                    the vision for CliftonPark in relation to the revitalisation of the Town Centre

·                    the strategic context of the park, it being a cultural asset

·                    meeting a need for the town and the public

·                    Parks for people issues, the way forward in respect of objectives and aspirations and funding bids

·                    Rotherham priorities (in line with five themes) and Key proposals. The links to the five themes of ALIVE, PROUD, LEARNING, SAFE and ACHIEVING, were outlined

·                    the development phase timetable following consultation and staff appointments

·                    involvement of the Project Board and the Friends of Clifton group

·                    phased implementation of the project proposals

·                    a summary of the plans for revitalising Clifton Park


Subsequent comments made reference to :-


(a) car parking issues with improvements being considered,


A suggestion was the possibility of making use of car parking space at Clifton ComprehensiveSchool during weekends and holidays


(b) the possibility of including a scented garden for the blind in the proposals.


(c) marking a feature of the Roman remains, relocation of the sundial and enlargement of the Museum café.


Agreed:- That the presentation be received and the information noted.


Representation of black and ethnic minority communities on the Cultural Consortium


LizzyAlageswaran reported that as the Cultural Diversity Steering Group had not met recently (its constitution was still being finalised), but consideration would be given by the group to nominating two members to attend the Cultural Consortium, probably at a meeting on the 20th March, 2007.


Agreed:- That Lizzy Alageswaran report further on the matter at the next meeting.


Cultural Conference 2007: Public Realm


LizzyAlgeswaran informed the meeting of the reason for the theme of the conference being Public Realm.


The date for the Conference is June 15th, this being the start of Arts and Architecture week.


Reference was made to speakers but as yet a main speaker had not been finalised.


The conference would be used to promote a range of issues, including the Arts, with heritage groups and schoolchildren being involved in events organised as part of the conference.


Agreed:- (a) That the report be received, with Lizzy Alageswaran and Trevor Kippax arranging good publicity for the conference in order to attract a good audience.


(b) That the conference be used to advertise the work of the Cultural Consortium to attract interested people to attend meetings of the Cultural Consortium.


Historic Site - Motte and Bailey


Joyce Williams informed the meeting of the existence of the above site, which was at present very neglected.


Agreed:- That officers investigate in order to find information about the site, including its ownership, and report back to the next meeting.


Date and Time of Next Meeting


Agreed:- That the next meeting be held on Wednesday 12th September, 2007 at 2.00 p.m.