Agenda and minutes

Transportation Advisory Group - Wednesday 2 December 2015 2.00 p.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, ROTHERHAM. S60 2TH

Contact: Debbie Pons, Principal Democratic Services Officer 

No. Item


Appointment of Chairman for the meeting


Agreed:- That Councillor A. Atkin be appointed Chairman for this meeting.


(Councillor Atkin in the Chair)


Minutes of the previous meeting held on 23rd September 2015 pdf icon PDF 58 KB


Consideration was given to the minutes of the previous meeting of the Transport Liaison Group, held on 23rd September, 2015.


Agreed:- That the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as a correct record for signature by the Chairman.


Parish Council Representation


Further to Minute No. 21 of the meeting of the RMBC Transport Liaison Group held on 25th March, 2015, it was reported that the two Parish Council representatives nominated to join the RMBC Transport Liaison Group are:-


Parish Councillor Frank Hodgkiss (Brampton Bierlow Parish Council);

Parish Councillor Richard Swann (Woodsetts Parish Council).


Updates from the Transport Operators pdf icon PDF 40 KB


1)    First Group


2)    Stagecoach


3)    South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive


4)    Rotherham Community Transport


5)    Northern Rail


6)    Robin Hood Airport - Consultative Committee meeting - minutes of the meeting held on 15 October 2015 (pages 6 to 16)

Additional documents:


(1) First Group – changes to services will be effective from 31 January 2016 or 1 February 2016 in order to improve the delivery of services, some of which serve routes to the Sheffield City Centre. Other service improvements affect routes around the Rotherham College of Arts and Technology and into the Rotherham Passenger Transport Interchange.


(2) Stagecoach – similarly (to First Group) some changes to services will be effective from 31 January 2016 or 1 February 2016 in order to improve the delivery of services. It was noted that, with effect from 1 February 2016, the route of the 222 service will terminate at Mexborough and will no longer serve the Rotherham Borough area. Several Members complimented the Stagecoach drivers for their customer-friendly conduct.


(3) South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive (SYPTE) – various changes to services will be effective from 31 January 2016 or 1 February 2016, again in order to improve the delivery of services. Bus routes affected include the 22X, 217, 218 and 22 in the Dearne Valley, Goldthorpe and Mexborough areas.  Services between Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve, 2015 will operate on Saturday timetables, although Sheffield City Council would be funding some additional services in its area.


A public survey had been undertaken in October 2015, in the South of the Rotherham Borough area, concerning the provision of bus services there. The survey results were currently being assessed and would be made available for Elected Members early in 2016.


Bus network reviews were taking place currently in Doncaster and would begin in Barnsley in mid- to late-2016. A similar review for the Rotherham Borough area would begin at a later date.


Reference was made to the petition, containing 457 signatures, from residents of the Swinton area, requesting the provision of a Rotherham bus service to Piccadilly Road and onto Wentworth Road, Swinton. The petition would be presented to the Borough Council meeting taking place on Wednesday 9th December, 2015. It was noted that, to date, there was no interest from bus operators in providing such a service to this area.


(4) Rotherham Community Transport – Dementia awareness training continues for Community Transport staff on a county-wide basis. Visits have been made to every dementia café in South Yorkshire to highlight the availability of community transport. A successful awareness-raising event had also taken place recently at the Maltby Miners’ Welfare centre.


(5) Northern Rail – Members asked that every endeavour be made to ensure the attendance of a representative of Northern Rail at the next meeting. Reference was made to (i) late night rail services in the Kiveton Park area and the apparent under-collection of fares; (ii) the car parking difficulties being experienced at the Kiveton Park railway station and whether the relocation of the car park would be beneficial;  and (iii) the need for the better integration of local rail and bus timetables in the Anston, Kiveton Park and Wales areas, many of which provide routes into the Sheffield city  ...  view the full minutes text for item 14.


Updates from RMBC Transportation Unit


including a presentation on the draft Rotherham Transport Strategy


The Transport Liaison Group received a presentation from Stephen Brown (Transportation Officer, RMBC) concerning the Rotherham Transport Strategy 2014 to 2026, which had been prepared in line with a wide range of policy documents, in both a national and a regional context. The Transport Strategy captures interaction with other disciplines such as land use planning, air quality, health and regeneration. Within this framework, a strategy is needed to prevent a piecemeal approach to projects. Based on the evidence of the need and challenges faced, this Strategy sets out priorities and informs decisions.


Central Government had reinforced the key role that effective and efficient Transportation and Highway networks have on Economic Growth. This Strategy will integrate into the development of the growth plan for the Sheffield City Region and Rotherham’s own Growth Plan. The Transport Strategy forms the Transport Vision to the year 2028 (the end point of the Rotherham Local Plan).


Priorities are :-


i) Enjoy sustainable growth – new development will be based on compact mixed use centres focussed on high-quality public transport;

ii) Be a connected place – people and places are connected by an integrated, safe and efficient transport network;

iii) Make sustainable travel choices – walking, cycling and public transport are a normal part of daily travel.


Various challenges also have to be met by the use of a Transport Strategy, including:-


Economic growth; Car dependency; Physical inactivity; Energy and climate change; Traffic congestion; reductions in funding (including public spending).


The Transport Strategy will no longer be delivered solely through an annual programme of Transportation and Highways grant funded schemes and initiatives. The influence of devolution on future funding and transport infrastructure is likely to be significant.


Consultation about the Rotherham Transport Strategy was currently taking place with Elected members and with Parish Councils. The full document was very large and difficult to download via the Borough Council’s Internet website. Copies were available on compact disc and it was suggested that copies should also be made available within the Borough Council’s principal libraries and community libraries.


Agreed:- That the information presented about the Rotherham Transport Strategy be noted.


Date and time of the next meeting


  • Wednesday 16th March, 2016 (2.00pm start)
  • Wednesday 29th June, 2016 (2.00pm start)


Agreed:- (1) That the next meeting of the RMBC Transport Liaison Group be held at the Town Hall, Rotherham on Wednesday, 16th March, 2016, commencing at 2.00 p.m.


(2) That the next following meeting of the RMBC Transport Liaison Group take place on Wednesday, 29th June, 2016.