Agenda and minutes

Transportation Advisory Group - Wednesday 31 July 2024 10.00 a.m.

Venue: Microsoft Teams Meeting

Contact: Dawn Mitchell, Governance Adviser 

No. Item


Minutes of the previous meeting held on 6th March 2024 pdf icon PDF 330 KB


Consideration was given to the minutes of the previous meeting held on 6th March, 2024.


Agreed:-  That the minutes of the meeting held on 6th March, 2024, be approved as a correct record of proceedings.


Matters arising from the previous minutes


Arising from Minute No. 72 (SYMCA Update), Bus Reform was still a priority for the South Yorkshire Mayor. 


South Yorkshire was going through a due diligence process to ascertain what it would mean in terms of the possible exposed risk to the public sector.  There would be public consultation later in the year, however, it would be agreed by the Combined Authority as it was out of the Council’s control.


Arising from Minute No. 73 (Bus Operators), it was noted that the new electric bus fleet was based at the Rawmarsh Depot.  A visit could be arranged for any interested Member.


Arising from Minute No. 74 (Railway Operators), it was noted that there was no-one in attendance.


Agreed:-  That the issue of non-attendance be escalated via the Director of Public Transport at the Combined Authority.


Questions on Transport Issues pdf icon PDF 193 KB


The Transportation Advisory Group noted the questions and answers on transport matters that had been submitted in advance of the meeting and included within the agenda pack.


In response to question No. 1 submitted by Councillor Blackham and the answer received, it was further emphasised that the significant variations in the pick-up and drop-off times for disabled adults was having drastic impacts on their carers.


Agreed:-  That Sam Millington, SYMCA, would raise this issue with the Director of Public Transport at the Combined Authority.


In response to question No. 2 submitted by Councillor Thorp and the answer received, Matt Reynolds, Head of Transport Infrastructure RMBC, reiterated that this had not been highlighted as an issue to the Council so no investigations had taken place.


In response to question No. 3 submitted by Councillor Thorp and the answer received, Matt Reynolds, Head of Transport Infrastructure RMBC, further stated that the current provision, although new for Rotherham, had been available since 2008 and implemented in other parts of the country.  They were advisory cycle lanes and passing areas.  The design had been changed in response to the some of the outcome of public consultation.  Traffic flows did not require full segregation.  The revised design had retained some of the parking bays as requested by the local business community.  The future development of Sheffield Road was a housing growth area and wanted to develop a street scene and not seen as a fast by-pass through the town centre which required the control of vehicle speed and reduce the centre line.  There was a centre line that gave an element of caution for drivers approaching that highway. 


It was being monitored and Stage 3 of the Road Safety Audit was now complete with no significant issues raised.  There would be a Stage 4 after 12 months of implementation.


Councillor Thorp felt that improved signage was required as there was nothing to indicate to drivers that it was 2 way traffic. 


The lack of signage had been acknowledged and would be looking to increase such to alleviate any confusion.


Arising from question 4 submitted by Councillor Thorp and the answer received, it was acknowledged that the use of zebra crossing was not suitable for the amount of traffic using that particular junction and, therefore, needed to change.  The City Sustainable Transport Settlement Programme had identified Stag roundabout as an area that required consideration in 2024 and would be done so in conjunction with members of the public, public transport operators, local businesses and Elected Members.


The pedestrian connectivity through Stag roundabout would be a fundamental part of the project. 


South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority Transport - Update


Sam Millington, Senior Bus Development Officer, provided the following update:-


-        New No. 71 and 70 serving Waverley and Catcliffe.  These had been changed due to public feedback/consultation process and hopefully would improve access to employment and education


-        Stagecoach – No. 22X towards Wath and Manvers and the No. 221 towards Swinton and Mexborough will bolstered in the evenings and Sunday day times to every 30 minutes each service


-        New service linking between Mexborough/Wath/Cortonwood – new No. 216 by Stagecoach


-        Changes to the No. 73 service around Brinsworth and Catcliffe


-        First - extending No. 95 cross-city service through to Rotherham via Waverley and provide direct links from Sheffield University and west end hospitals and onto to Waverley AMP and Rotherham


-        The consultation process had run for 12 days, 5th-12th July, and had received 202 responses.  The consultation had been reduced due to the short notice general election and the change service date could not be amended


-        Tram Train – there would be engineering works taking place due to the construction of the new Magna Tram Train stop at Templeborough and would run consecutively on Saturday evenings and Sunday early morning between the end of July and December.  A bus replacement service operating from Meadowhall South and Parkgate during these times.


Bus Operators - Update


(1)       First Group

(2)       Stagecoach

(3)       Rotherham Community Transport


First Group:

Stuart Radford, Network and Schedules Manager, reported that First Bus were making changes as from 1st September, 2024, particularly in the south of the Borough affecting Brinsworth and Aston which would be positive changes.


-        The No. 73 during the day will no longer operate and be replaced by No. 95 providing a 30 minute service through Waverley into Sheffield and onto Sheffield University


-        The No. 208 which ran between Meadowhall and Whiston Worrygose Island, would change during the day, and would be extended into Rotherham to serve the Hospital and provide additional capacity between the Rotherham Interchange and Hospital.  It would be an hourly service and provide a direct link from Rotherham Hospital to Brinsworth


-        Additional capacity was to be provided between Aston and Sheffield – No. 95a – and also serve the Mason Avenue and Wesley Avenue estate.  It would also link the Aston and Swallownest area through to Beighton and Crystal Peaks and would be a hourly service


-        Community days would be held in August community days in the Brinsworth, Aston and Moorgate areas on the bus changes.  Details could be found at



All details of the bus changes were available on First Group’s website



Gavin Roome, Commercial Manager, reported that Stagecoach were making the following changes:-


-        Enhancing the evening and Sunday frequencies of the No. 221 and No. 22X as reported earlier in the meeting


-        No. 218 corridor that currently ran between Rotherham and Barnsley the frequency between Rotherham and Mexborough would continue to be 2 buses an hour but one bus an hour will now go towards Wath and Cortonwood


-        Full runout of all the electric buses on the 22X and 221 as of the previous week.


Community Transport:

Adrian Parkinson had submitted his apologies.


Railway Operators - Update


No representative was present at the meeting.


RMBC Transportation Unit - Updates


Matt Reynolds, Head of Transportation Infrastructure, gave the following powerpoint presentation on the Transport Infrastructure Service:-


-        Introduction to the Service


-        The Policy and Funding Environment

Department for Transport

Transport for North


Rotherham MBC


-        Recently Completed Projects

Maltby Bus Corridor

Sheffield Road Cycleway

Broom Road

Upper Wortley Road Crossing

Various local Neighbourhood Road Safety Schemes

Signal Refurbishments


-        Current Projects

Magna Tram Train

Parkgate Link Road

Centenary Way Viaduct

Packman Road, Wath

Swallownest, Cortonwood and Wath Crossings

Local Neighbourhood Road Safety Schemes

Traffic Management Part 6 Enforcement

A6022 Swinton

Rotherham Mainline Station

Waverley Station


-        Transport Perception Survey

Email will be sent to all Members when it went live

Looking to produce a questionnaire which would help to highlight the public perceptions what they thought was required in developing some of the transport schemes


Any other business


There was no other business.