Agenda and minutes

Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder - Monday 21 January 2008 2.00 p.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham

Contact: Dawn Mitchell 822062  Email:

No. Item


Exclusion of the Press and Public

Resolved:-  That, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3  of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (information relating to the financial or business affairs of any person (including the Council))


Resolved:-  That, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (information relating to the financial or business affairs of any person (including the Council)).


Minutes of meeting held on 12th November, 2007


Agreed:-  The minutes of the meeting held on 12th November, 2007, be approved as a true record subject to the following amendment:-


Minute No. 18 ADF Chairs' Reports - Rotherham East

Should read “YHA'S proposals for 56 houses ....” not SYHA


ADF Chairs' Reports

- Rawmarsh and Parkgate ADF

- Rotherham East

- Wath and Swinton

- Rotherham West

- Town Centre


The respective HMR Managers gave the following reports:-


Rotherham East

·                    Dalton and East Herringthorpe Masterplan - The consultant's final draft had been due 18th January but had been delayed a week due to sickness in the consultants.  Once received, it would be distributed to the stakeholders and the community through the project management group for comments

·                    Eastwood Masterplan - Environmental improvements, extensions/conversion - surveys had been undertaken by 2010.  Options would be presented to the community by the end of the month

·                    Gateways - on target

·                    Broadway East - on target

·                    Chesterhill Avenue - Relocation was going much better than anticipated.  3 of the 6 owner-occupied properties had been valued with 1 going through the legal process in terms of contract exchange.  8 outhouses had been demolished

·                    Non-traditional properties - A newsletter would be going to residents on Foljambe Drive by the end of the month setting out the options

·                    Wood Street/School Street - A revised drawing would be considered by the Planning Board shortly.  Hopefully the scheme would commence by March, 2008.


Wath and Swinton

·                    Demolition programme - 14 units on Cliffe Bank still be cleared and demolished together with 2 on Rookery Road.  All other sites are cleared.  The ADF had agreed a style, type and mixture of affordable units and a bid submitted to the Housing Corporation.  Hopefully a decision would be made by March, 2008

·                    Cherry Tree Place - Groundworks had commenced with the first handover due later in the year

·                    Gateways - Thomas Street, Swinton, was 1/3 complete. The programme was 10 days behind programme due to the weather

·                    Knollbeck Crescent, Swinton - Street improvements were 1/3 complete

·                    Brampton Mini Masterplan - Further work had been commissioned with the consultants.


Rotherham West

·                    Canklow - C3 Development - the 71 unit development was being developed in 1 phases.  Phase 1 to be completed by the end of February with Phase 2 completed in July, 2008

·                    Castle Avenue/Warden Street/Canklow Road - meetings ongoing with local businesses.  Joint Venture Partnership being explored

·                    Fernbank - Land transfer approved and terms currently being finalised

·                    Bennett Street - Planning approval granted and start on site made

·                    Ferham Road - Land transfer completed with completion date of June, 2008.  Ferham Primary School has been approached to involve the young people in the naming of the houses and to establish key points in the development to allow the young people to visit

·                    Henley Rise EcoHomes - 23 units developed, 12 fixed equity and 11 for rent.  50% of the units are occupied

·                    West Centre - A sustainable baseline action plan produced by EKOS consultants

·                    Stakeholder workshop held on 18th October, 2007, to consider options with community workshops planned

·                    St. John's Green, Kimberworth Park - Procurement process underway with submissions received and interviews held on 16th November, 2007.  Study to be completed by March, 2008

·                    Future Allocation - Housing Corporation - Awaiting decision to proceed with the Shrewsbury Terrace and Munsdale developments

·                    Gateway Improvements - A6109 Meadowbank Road on  ...  view the full minutes text for item 24.


Neighbourhoods Investment Team

- DVD presentation


A DVD was shown to the meeting on the work carried out so far by the Team.  It covered masterplanning, community consultation, partnership working, private sector developments, shared ownership, private sector landlords and Westgate development.


Copies would be distributed within the communities as well as target audiences, both internally and externally.  Hopefully, the DVD would promote discussion and further communication in terms of projecting the Programme into the future.


It was suggested that it be shown at an All Member Seminar. 


Neighbourhoods Investment Team Restructure

- presentation by Tom Bell, Investment Team Manager


Tom Bell presented a report illustrating the new Investment Team which had undergone a restructure.


The Team now consisted of 3 core functions - Sustainable Communities, Programme and Asset Management and Landlord Relations.


Programme and Asset Management:-

Programme Management

·                    HMR Pathfinder

·                    Regional Housing Board

·                    HIP Programme

·                    AHDP Delivery

·                    Town Centre Renaissance

·                    Miscellaneous Programme delivery


Asset Management

·                    Land and Property Disposals

·                    District Heating

·                    HRA Commercial Property Review

·                    HRA Community Buildings Review

·                    Non-Traditional Housing

·                    Garage Site Review

·                    Land and Property Database

·                    Strategic Land and Property supply

·                    Area Asset Plans (Maltby Pilot)


Landlord Relations

·                    VFM in Repairs and Maintenance

·                    2010 Ltd/Neighbourhood Investment Project Board

·                    2010 Ltd. Futures

·                    Preparing for Inspection

·                    Establishing a Tenant Management Organisation

·                    Business Planning and Service Improvement

·                    Delivering Decent Homes

·                    Improving Relationships


Sustainable Communities Team

Affordable Warmth and Sustainable Energy

·                    Affordable Warmth and Energy Strategy

·                    Housing Climate Change Targets

·                    ECO Agenda - Design Enhancements

·                    External Funding

·                    Targeted Interventions in Social and Private


Private Sector

·                    Private Sector Housing Strategy

·                    Advice on private sector housing matters to area based masterplans

·                    Decency in Private Sector

·                    Targets support vulnerable private sector households

·                    loan based products


Affordable Housing

·                    Affordable Housing Solutions to meet identified needs

·                    Section 106 provision

·                    Financial products and services

·                    Private sector engagement and partnering strategies


Town Centre Programme

- presentation


Zahara Siddique, Project Manager, gave a powerpoint presentation on the LOTS (Living Over The Shops) project as follows:-


·                    Falls within the Town Centre Heritage Initiative Programme Area

·                    Holistic approach to transforming the Town Centre

·                    Builds upon the previous LOTS pilot project

·                    Combining commercial, residential and public realm enhancements

·                    Complements Westgate Demonstrator Project and extends housing choice through bringing vacant spaces back into use

·                    Maximises the High Street area

·                    Improved commercial offer and creates a vibrant street scene

·                    Engagement with Neighbourhood Action Group to create a safe and secure environment

·                    3 proposed projects all with vacant floor space and owner  negotiations underway

·                    RSL partner, Great Places, had developed proposals for residential conversion

·                    Funding bids submitted to the Housing Corporation

·                    Presentation made to TSY officers

·                    THI funding allocated


Discussion ensued on the proposed projects.  The following issues were highlighted:-


·                    Important to preserve the heritage of the town centre

·                    There were detailed planning costs for each premise before the physical conversion.  Should the owners contribute to the costs?

·                    Costs did rise if there was no direct access to the street or separate access from the business

·                    An audit should take place of premises in the town centre that had direct access to the street


Agreed:-  (1)  That the presentation be noted.


(2)  That a package be put together which would be of help to town centre premise owners giving them an indication of costs.


(3)  That a report be submitted to the next meeting on the first LOTS project including occupancy rates and the efforts being made to reach full capacity.


Westgate Demonstrator Project Update

- report by Mike Shires, Implementation Team Manager


Mike Shires, Implementation Manager, submitted a report on the Westgate Demonstrator Project which was central to the delivery of both the Housing Market Renewal Programme and the Rotherham Renaissance Charter.


The report detailed the current progress on a site by site basis across the Programme together with risk and certainties.


Discussion ensued on revised targets.  It was noted that the Town Centre Strategy Meeting had requested a presentation to their next meeting.


Agreed:-  That the progress in delivering the Westgate Demonstrator Project be noted.


Strategic Acquisitions Update

- verbal report by Tim Devine, Development Surveyor


Tim Devine, Development Surveyor, gave a verbal report on the latest situation with regard to strategic acquisitions. 


Shared Ownership Housing

- report of Tracie Seals, Affordable Housing Officer


In accordance with Minute No. 16(4) of the meeting held on 12th November, 2007, Tracie Seals, Affordable Housing Officer, submitted a report on shared ownership housing.


Shared Ownership was introduced by the Government to help people who could not afford to buy a home outright.  A share of the property was purchased and a rent paid on the remaining share not owned.  Gradually further shares may be bought and eventually the home may be owned outright.


Through enquiries with neighbouring authorities, it had been found that there was a growing demand for affordable shared ownership properties as confidence in this market built, particularly among first time buyers.


A small number of such properties had been delivered in the Borough to date with others to be delivered as the 2006-08 Affordable Housing Development Programme delivery progressed over the next 12 months.


The report set out further details on access to shared ownership properties, shared ownership eligibility and marketing, financing and the costs of buying.


Agreed:-  (1)  That the report be noted.


(2)  That the promotion of Shared Ownership throughout the Borough be supported.


(3)  That a further report and action plan be submitted in March, 2008.


Delivering Design Quality - Update

- report by Gordon Smith, Quality and Design Co-ordinator


In accordance with Minute No. 16(1) and (2) of the meeting held on 12th November, 2007, Gordon Smith, Quality and Design Co-ordinator, submitted an update on delivering design quality and detailed further proposals for training and development opportunities for Members.


The report detailed the Delivering Design Quality Project, progress in Rotherham and crosscutting projects.


Discussion ensued with the following points raised:-


·                    The take up had been disappointing but builders were now starting to seek design advice

·                    Need for it to be included in Planning Policy as a pro active tool

·                    Outcome awaited of the Quality Audit

·                    CABE had asked the Government to adopt Build for Life

·                    Discussions should take place with Planning with a view to drawing up a draft Policy


Agreed:-  (1)  That the progress in the implementation of the Deliver Design Quality project be noted with particular reference to staff and Member engagement in Design South Yorkshire 100 and expenditure on Design Enabling projects within Rotherham and across the Sheffield City Region.


(2)  That the commitment to enable Member development, through extension of awareness of Building for Life as an aid to the appraisal of development in the context of the forthcoming Design Audit, together with the availability of interactive and participative opportunities as they become available, be endorsed.


(3)  That a further report be submitted to the next meeting.


Draft BME Housing Design Protocol

- report by Zahara Siddique, Project Manager


Zahara Siddique, Project Manager, submitted the draft BME Housing Design Protocol which had been produced as guidance for developers during the design process.


A comprehensive process of research had been undertaken into the current guidance available and understanding the key housing issues faced by BME communities such as social and cultural processes and needs, identifying current and future BME housing aspirations, current housing provision and applying design guidance and best practice to develop a consistent approach for Rotherham.


The Design Protocol set out an agreed and consistent approach to:-


-              Produce design briefs for new schemes

-              Consult and feedback with residents

-              Evaluate the suitability of designs for proposed schemes


It also had a strong emphasis on consultation-led design processes due to the cultural and religious complexities related to individual groups.  To guide developers a Table of Design Features had been produced as a tool which could be used in the design process and consultation exercises.


The protocol was based on the concept of flexibly designed multi ethnic developments rather than a ‘one size fits all’ approach.  The aim was to incorporate design elements into standard housing requirements to develop housing suitable for all households of any community.


It was noted that the report had also been considered by the Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods where it had been agreed that the protocol should be broadened out to encompass a much wider audience such as learning disability housing needs.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the report be noted.


(2)  That the consultation plan for the BME Housing Design Protocol be supported.


(3)  That a further update be submitted in March, 2008.


TSY Board


Tom Bell, HMR Team Leader, reported verbally as follows:-


The new funding allocation was still unknown.


An Away Day had been held in December, 2007, where presentations had been given on market conditions, Programme review and pilot project by Sheffield (new housing company) as well as discussion about growth change and the bid that had been submitted.


Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder - Financial Monitoring


Joel Gouget, Finance Manager, circulated the financial monitoring report for the period ending November, 2007.


At the present date, the Pathfinder Programme had delivered £11.8M of investment and had achieved spend and delivery targets set for the period.


The current spending plan was set to deliver the agreed £14.8M HMR funding allocation by the end of February and achieve a stretched target of £17.4M by the end of March, 2008.


Agreed:-  (1)  That the report be noted.


(2)  That a report be submitted to the next meeting on the % split across each of the ADF areas, including the town centre, based on funding allocation.


Date of Next Meeting


Agreed:-  That a further meeting be held on 17th March, 2008.