Agenda and minutes

The Former Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Environment (to 21st June, 2011) - Monday 6 September 2010 10.30 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham. S60 1TH

No. Item


Opening of tenders pdf icon PDF 34 KB


Resolved:-  That the action of the Cabinet Member in opening the following tenders, be recorded:-


on 19th July, 2010:-


-           short term vehicle hire contract


on 30th July, 2010:-


-           Intruder Alarm/Fire Alarm and Security Services


Minutes of a meeting of the Members' Sustainable Development Advisory Group held on 30th July, 2010 pdf icon PDF 46 KB


Consideration was given to the minutes of a meeting of the Members’ Sustainable Development Advisory Group held on 30th July, 2010.


Resolved:-  That the minutes be received.


Working Neighbourhoods Plan Annual Monitoring 2009/2010 pdf icon PDF 71 KB

Joanna Favill, Economic Strategy Officer, to report.

-           to report progress.

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Senior Economic Strategy Officer, RiDO, which provided an overview of the findings from the monitoring of progress in the second year of the Working Neighbourhoods Plan against the priorities and measures it set out. 


It was explained that the report examined how initiatives had performed against the plan’s priorities in their second year compared to their first, as well as highlighting the performance of new initiatives where they had begun.


It was pointed out that since the plan was written in 2008 there had been the global recession and also major public sector spending cuts were now beginning. 


The plan recognised that Rotherham’s disadvantaged communities needed specific support to help them close the gap with wealthier Rotherham communities and within the region and UK as a whole, thus providing strategic direction to achieve this. 


It was reported that this remained the case, but there was now the added necessity to ensure that Rotherham’s disadvantaged communities did not fall even further behind.


The monitoring carried out showed that, in most cases, Rotherham’s disadvantaged communities were not falling further behind and in some respects were closing the gap. 


Also the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) initiatives, through the ‘Enterprising Neighbourhoods’ Project, were starting to have a positive impact, but ERDF rules on output collection meant that the full picture in terms of impact was not yet known. 


Reference was made to the positive progress amongst young people starting enterprises.


It was also pointed out that there had been a drop in the number of tenants from BME backgrounds in the Council’s Business Centres, although a number of businesses were still operating but from a home base to save on costs.


The evidence demonstrated that there was much positive activity against all of the themes and their priorities.  The progress to date and economic health of Rotherham’s disadvantaged communities was also detailed in the report submitted.


It was confirmed that in most cases there had been either improvement, or no decline, from the previous year and, for the first time, no priority had been awarded a red rating due to a gap having grown from the previous year.


Those present made reference to the following:-


-                      positive impact of the Town Centre Business Vitality Grants that had been awarded to date.

-                      increased joint working with colleges, schools and the Police in setting up placements – NEETS and Future Jobs Fund.

-                      links with Sports Development and work with young offenders.


Resolved:-   That the contents of the report be noted.


Petition regarding the request for traffic calming measures on Westfield Road, Brampton Bierlow pdf icon PDF 39 KB

Matthew Lowe, Engineer, to report.

-           to consider a response to the petition.

Additional documents:


(Mrs. F. Brown, lead petitioner, attended the meeting and, at the discretion of the Cabinet Member, was allowed to speak in support of the petition.)


The Transportation Unit Manager, presented the above report which detailed the receipt of a 17 signature petition, and 1 associated piece of correspondence, regarding traffic speed/noise and pollution on Westfield Road, Brampton.  It was reported that the residents felt that traffic calming measures were needed to slow traffic down and alleviate the problem of noise.  Also residents felt that a large number of HGV’s contravened the 7.5 weight restriction.


Westfield Road was described as an unclassified minor road with a 7.5 tonne weight restriction running along its length.  The road was bordered on one side by a relatively new housing development (including Cooper Close) and on the other by “brownfield” sites.  Reference was made to the location plan attached to the submitted report.


It was reported that further investigation showed that an Automatic Traffic Counter (ATC) was installed on Westfield Road during May 2009 in order to survey both volume and speed of traffic in this location (a copy of the survey results was attached to the submitted report at Appendix C).   This survey was carried out over a 7 day period (14/05/09 to 20/05/09).  The results of the survey did not show any significantly high speeds, or abnormally high traffic counts, which would suggest a reduction in the current 60mph speed limit.


It was further explained that there was set criteria for the provision of traffic calming whereby a site needed to have at least three fatal or serious injury collisions in a three year period.  As there had been no injury accidents in the previous three years this location did not meet those criteria.  Also traffic calming was generally only appropriate when used on a road with a speed limit of 30mph, or less, and Westfield Road was subject to the national speed limit for a single carriageway road.  To implement traffic calming would necessitate a significant drop in the existing speed limit.


In terms of noise it was also pointed out that in some cases traffic calming measures could make vehicle noise more apparent.  Reference was also made to the European Regulations and Directives from DEFRA in respect of noise mapping and those circumstances whereby the Council is obliged to compensate on noise grounds whereby new roads are constructed or moved closer to residential properties although this did not apply in this case as there had been no change to the carriageway since the housing estate was constructed.


In respect of the use of the road by HGV’s, the traffic count had identified that, over a seven day period, there was an average of 2 goods vehicles per day using the road that were above the weight restriction. However, it is unknown whether these vehicles were driving through the weight restriction or whether they were large delivery vehicles legitimately accessing properties within it.


Reference was also made  ...  view the full minutes text for item 37.


Petition regarding the request for a residents' only parking scheme on Crown Street, Swinton pdf icon PDF 38 KB

Marc Hill, Traffic Liaison Officer, to report.

-           to report receipt of a 13 signature petition and 1 associated piece of correspondence regarding parking problems generated by a nearby Doctors surgery at Crown Street, Swinton.

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Transportation Unit Manager, detailing the receipt of a 13 signature petition and 1 associated piece of correspondence regarding parking problems generated by a nearby Doctors’ surgery at Crown Street, Swinton.


A summary of the problems residents were experiencing was given.  It was pointed out that Crown Street was ‘Prohibition of Motor Vehicles – except for Access’ but as the surgery is located on Crown Street it does allow patrons of the surgery to park on the road.


It was explained that a residents’ parking scheme would in fact reduce the amount of parking available for residents, as currently they operated their own informal scheme of parking diagonal to the kerb.


Reference was made to the liaison with the surgery and efforts of the Wentworth North Safer Neighbourhood Team and the Police, and this joint working would continue.


It was also explained that a residents’ parking scheme needed to cover a larger area to prevent displacement parking and to be cost effective.  There were also issues in relation to enforcement.  In addition it was pointed out that there was a free public car park adjacent.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the petition requesting that a residents’ only parking scheme be introduced on Crown Street not be acceded to.


(2)  The lead petitioner be informed of the decision and the reasons why.


(3)  That Ward Members be informed accordingly.


Consultation on the Regional Growth Fund pdf icon PDF 38 KB

Simeon Leach, Economic Strategy Manager, to report.

-           to seek comments on the draft response to central government.

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Economic Strategy Manager,  informing the Cabinet Member of the development of the Regional Growth Fund to provide support to, and encourage, private sector enterprise and job growth.


Comments were sought on the draft response to central government regarding the Fund and endorsement that the proposed response, appended to the submitted report, be submitted by the deadline of 6th September 2010.


Reference was made to:-


-                      the reduced amount of funding available from the Growth Fund (i.e. the amount of money available under the Regional Growth Fund was approximately 20% of the previous money from RDA, so the actual reduction was 80%)

-                      the two main stated aims of the Fund

-                      the 2 stage bidding process

-                      necessity for financial backing from the private sector

-                      role of Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEP)

-                      the main issues within Rotherham’s response

-                      lack of guidance


Members present commented on:-


-                      achievements to date

-                      value of past experience

-                      the need to build on good practice and bring in new ideas

-                      formation of the LEP

-                      assets and liabilities


It was pointed out that with the reductions in Yorkshire Forward’s Geographic Programme and the need for match money to draw down European funding, the Regional Growth Fund was likely to be the main source of regeneration and regional development funding over the next few years.


Resolved:-  That the contents of the report be noted, and the draft response to central government on the Regional Growth Fund be approved for submission

to BIS, by the submission deadline of 6th September 2010.


Ryton Road, North Anston - Gateway Environmental Improvements pdf icon PDF 46 KB

Andy Newton, Project Officer, to report.

-           to report proposals for environmental improvement works.

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Project Officer, detailing proposals for environmental improvement works at Ryton Road, North Anston.


The proposals would provide high quality enhanced hard works along Ryton Road between its junctions at Rackford Road to the recreation ground entrance adjacent Anston Brook Primary school.  Details of the location of the proposed works were illustrated on the accompanying Drawings Nos.  L4659/201/B and L4659/202/B, attached to the submitted report.


Reference was made to the extensive consultation that had been undertaken and to the receipt of no adverse comments.


It was proposed that Streetpride would commence the works at the end of September 2010 for a 12 weeks period.


It was confirmed that the works would be funded from the 2010/11 Regional Housing Board programme.


Resolved:-  That the proposed works be approved and the funding arrangements noted.


Coach Road - Zebra Crossing Installation pdf icon PDF 33 KB

Chris Armitage, Assistant Engineer, to report.

-           to seek approval to introduce a zebra crossing on Coach Road, Greasbrough.

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Transportation Unit Manager, seeking approval to introduce a zebra crossing on Coach Road, Greasbrough.


Reference was made to the pedestrian crossing survey undertaken at this location and it was confirmed that the results supported the provision of a zebra crossing.


Details of the location and the proposals, including the upgrading of two bus stops, were illustrated on Drawing Number 122/4460-D04 attached to the submitted report.


Those present welcomed this proposal and commented on the proximity of local amenities and schools.


Consultation had already taken place with the South Yorkshire Police and Local Ward Members and no objections to the scheme had been received.


It was confirmed that funding was available from the Local Transport Plan Integrated Transport Capital Programme for 2010/11.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the results of the consultation be noted.


(2)  That authority be given for the detailed design to be carried out.


(3)  That the scheme be implemented this financial year from the Local Transport Plan Integrated Transport Capital Programme.


(4)  That an appropriate press release be issued.


A6021 Wickersley Road/Broom Road - Accessibility Improvements pdf icon PDF 52 KB

Matthew Lowe, Engineer, to report.

-           to update the Cabinet Member on progress made on the proposed accessibility improvements to the A3021 Wickersley Road, between Clifton Lane and Brecks roundabouts.

Additional documents:


Further to Minute No. G7 of the meeting of the Cabinet Member for Economic Development, Planning and Transportation held on 6th June, 2010, consideration was given to a report, presented by the Transportation Unit Manager, updating the Cabinet Member on progress made on the proposed accessibility improvements to the A6021 Wickersley Road, between the Clifton Lane and Brecks roundabouts.


Reference was made to issues that had arisen from the consultation process.


The following elements of the scheme were reported on:-


Broom Road:-  in year cuts in funding from the South Yorkshire Local Transport Plan Strategic Pot meant that this element of the scheme had been put on hold but that statutory and public consultation would be progressed.


Wickersley Road (between Broom Road and Stag roundabout):- Accessibility improvements in the vicinity of Rudston School - to undertake public consultation and advertise the Traffic Regulation Order, with a view to implementing this element in the current financial year.


Stag Roundabout:-  zebra crossing improvements - concerns raised during the consultation process included additional delays to buses;  potential accidents;  access to a local church.  It was proposed to proceed to detail design stage in 2010, but implementation of this element be held until funding had been secured.


Wickersley Road (between Stag roundabout and Brecks roundabout):- Bus stop improvements and pedestrian refuges - concerns had been expressed by residents in respect of access difficulties if the proposed refuges were intstalled; removal of the bus lay by;  amount of heavy traffic;  speed of traffic.  The scheme had therefore been revised and details of this revised scheme were attached to the submitted report at Drawing No. 129/17/TT118A, these included the removal of the pedestrian refuges and instead of fully infilling the bus lay-by that this would be a ½ lay-by.  It pointed out that the speed limit would be reviewed again once the works had been carried out.


It was pointed out that the scheme had been affected by the cuts in funding in the Local Transport Plan Strategic Pot for 2010/11, and that an additional £45,000 was being sought for those elements of the works to be carried out in the current financial year.


Resolved:-  (1)  That public and Statutory consultation be undertaken on the proposed improvement to Broom Road but the scheme not be progressed any further until funding is identified.


(2)  That public consultation on the extension of the existing part time bus lane on Wickersley Road be undertaken and, subject to no objections being received, the scheme be implemented in the 2010-11 financial year.


(3)  That detail design be undertaken on the proposed Stag roundabout improvement and the scheme be implemented, subject to securing funding from the South Yorkshire Local Transport Plan Strategic Pot.


(4)  That consultees on Wickersley Road be informed of the change to the proposed scheme and that the revised scheme, as shown on drawing number 128/17/TT118A be implemented during the 2010-2011 financial year.


2010 Rotherham Ltd. Environmental Improvements on the Public Highway pdf icon PDF 42 KB

David Phillips, Principal Highway Engineer, to report.

-           to report the details of an amended Year 2 scheme at Ridgeway, East Herringthorpe proposed by 2010 Rotherham Ltd to provide environmental improvements and so seek approval to proceed with the works, insofar as they will affect the public highway.

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Principal Highway Engineer, setting out details of an amended Year 2 scheme at Ridgeway, East Herringthorpe, proposed by 2010 Rotherham Ltd. under the Decent Homes Environmental Works Strategy, to provide environmental improvements and so seek approval to proceed with the works, insofar as they will affect the public highway. 


It was explained that a range of works was proposed including boundary fencing, street lighting, hard standing for cars and associated dropped kerbs, together with significant works on the public highway aimed at improving the parking provision.


Particular reference was made to the provision of parking lay-bys on Ridgeway, East Herringthorpe (illustrated on Drawing No.  12/M162/Y2/24 attached to the submitted report.)


Resolved:-  (1)  That subject to:-


a)  scheme funding being made available by 2010 Rotherham Ltd.;


b) there being no objections raised through further consultations with residents that cannot be overcome through minor modifications through the 2010 consultation process,


the following works be implemented:-


Ridgeway, East Herringthorpe - Proposed Parking Lay-By’s.


Conversion of existing footway to shared use pedestrian and cycle footway at A6123/A630 Mushroom Roundabout pdf icon PDF 37 KB

Andrew Shearer, Principal Planner, to report.

-           to seek authorisation to convert the footways surrounding Mushroom Roundabout to a shared use pedestrian/cycle footway, as part of the scheme to signalise Mushroom roundabout.

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Transportation Unit Manager, seeking authorisation to convert the footways surrounding Mushroom Roundabout to a shared-use pedestrian/ cycle footway. It was explained that this would form part of the scheme to signalise Mushroom Roundabout.


The proposals were illustrated on Drawing No. 126/17/TT127 attached to the submitted report.


It was explained that these proposals would integrate with the proposal to signalise the roundabout, which would include Toucan crossings that could be used by both pedestrians and cyclists.  It was explained that the shared use route would provide a facility for less experienced cyclists rather than riding around the roundabout on the carriageway.


It was reported that the scheme would form part of the A630 Rotherham to Thrybergh Smart Route Proposed Improvements which had been included in the Local Transport Plan Strategic fund programme and the South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive’s Programme.


Consultation to date included some statutory consultation and the issuing of a briefing pack to local Ward Members.


Those present commented on:-


-                      conflict between users and risks

-                      signage for shared use

-                      current use of cycle lanes on Doncaster Road and Fitzwilliam Road


Resolved:-  (1)  That detailed design be undertaken and that the scheme be implemented in the 2010/ 11 financial year.


(2)  That the footways shown in blue on the attached Drawing No. 126/17/TT127 be removed under the power conferred by section 66 (4) of the Highways Act 1980 and constructed as a cycle track under the power conferred by section 65 (1) of the same Act.


Household Waste Recycling Centres - opening hours pdf icon PDF 37 KB

Bob Morrison, Service and Systems Officer, to report.

-  to consider proposed changes in the opening hours during the winter.


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Waste Strategy Manager, outlining a proposal for changes in opening hours during the winter operations at the Council’s four Household Waste Recycling Centres.


It was explained that, in order to reduce operating costs, it was proposed to change the opening hours during the winter period – 1st October to 31st March inclusive.  The proposed winter hours were from 9.30 a.m. until 4.00 p.m. 7 days a week.


Details of the savings generated by this proposal were set out in the submitted report.


Resolved:-  That the proposed changes in opening hours be approved for implementation from 1st October 2010.