Agenda and draft minutes

The Former Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Families' Services - Wednesday 21 May 2014 9.00 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, ROTHERHAM. S60 2TH

Contact: Hannah Etheridge, Democratic Services Officer, Committee Services 

No. Item


Declarations of Interest.


No Declarations of Interest were made. 


Minutes of the previous meeting held on 9th April, 2014. pdf icon PDF 58 KB


The minutes of the previous meeting of the Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Families’ Services held on 9th April, 2014, were discussed.


Resolved: - That the minutes of the previous meeting be agreed as an accurate record. 


Minutes of a meeting of the Children, Young People and Families' Partnership held on 19th March, 2014. pdf icon PDF 66 KB


The minutes of the previous meeting of the Children, Young People and Families’ Partnership held on 19th March, 2014, were noted for information. 


The Director for Schools and Lifelong Learning reported in relation to Minute No. 259 (ADCS Report – “What is Education For”) that she had prepared training and information sessions for members of the Children and Young People’s Directorate Leadership Team, the Council’s Senior Leadership Team and the Council’s M2 and M3 managers to increase awareness of the issues. 


Resolved: - That the minutes of the previous meeting of the Children, Young People and Families’ Partnership be noted for information. 


Proposed expansion of Brampton the Ellis Junior School - final determination. pdf icon PDF 34 KB


Consideration was given to the report presented by the Principal School Admissions, Organisation and Special Educational Needs Assessment Service Officer (Schools and Lifelong Learning, Children and Young People’s Services Directorate). 


Minute No. D106 from the meeting of the Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Families’ Services held on 5th March, 2014, gave permission for the proposal to expand Brampton the Ellis Junior School to go through Statutory Consultation. 


The Principal Officer advised that the proposal was linked to the one in relation to Cortonwood Infant School.  Statutory notices had stood and no formal objections had been received. 


It was proposed that the School’s Published Admission Number (PAN) would increase from 70 to 80 children in the Year Three class of 2014/2015 and in subsequent years thereafter.  The PAN would subsequently rise from 80 to 90 with effect from September, 2020. 


Funding for the expansion would be available from the Department for Education’s Basic Needs funding that was provided to ensure sufficient school places existed, and from Section 106 Developer Contributions, subject to trigger points being met. 


Discussion ensued and the Cabinet Member and Advisers asked questions about the following issues: -


·         Building expansion requirements;

·         Planning permission;

·         The need to work alongside other consultations that were taking place. 


Resolved: - That, in the absence of any formal objections to the proposal, Brampton The Ellis Junior School be expanded as outlined in the submitted report, subject to the planning permission application being granted.


Proposals to expand Cortonwood Infant School - final determination. pdf icon PDF 33 KB


Consideration was given to the report presented by the Principal School Admissions, Organisation and Special Educational Needs Assessment Service Officer (Schools and Lifelong Learning, Children and Young People’s Services Directorate). 


Minute No. D105 from the meeting of the Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Families’ Services held on 5th March, 2014, gave permission for the proposal to expand Cortonwood Infant School to go through Statutory Consultation. 


The Principal Officer advised that the proposal was linked to the one related to Brampton Ellis Junior School.  Statutory notices had stood and no formal objections had been received. 


It was proposed that the School’s Published Admission Number (PAN) would increase from 40 to 50 children in the Foundation Stage Two/ Reception Class of 2017/2018 and in subsequent years thereafter. 


Funding for the expansion would be available from the Department for Education’s Basic Needs funding that was provided to ensure sufficient school places existed, and from Section 106 Developer Contributions, subject to trigger points being met. 


Discussion ensued and the Cabinet Member and Advisers asked questions about the following issues: -


·         Building expansion requirements;

·         Planning permission;

·         The need to work alongside other consultations that were taking place. 


Resolved: - That, in the absence of any formal objections to the proposal, Cortonwood I nfant School be expanded as outlined in the submitted report, subject to the planning permission application being granted. 


Proposal to amalgamate Brampton the Ellis Junior and Infant Schools by the discontinuance of the Junior School and the change of age-range of the Infant School - final determination. pdf icon PDF 32 KB


Consideration was given to the report presented by the Principal School Admission, Organisation and Special Educational Needs Assessment Service Officer (Schools and Lifelong Learning, Children and Young People’s Services Directorate).  The report referred to Minute No. D107 of the Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Families’ Services held on 5th March, 2014, where permission had been given to undertake Statutory Consultation on the proposal. 


The report outlined the Statutory Consultation period that had stood between 14th March, 2014 and 11th April, 2014 on the proposal to discontinue Brampton The Ellis Junior School and change the age-range of the Infant School. 


Full consultation had taken place with all stakeholders, including the Ellis Trust, the local MP, Ward Councillors and Ofsted.  This proposal was supported as a way of addressing the Ofsted inspection outcome relating to the Junior School.  The proposed amalgamation did not include any changes to the school buildings.  The amalgamated school would be known as Ellis Primary School.


Resolved: -  That, in the absence of any formal representation against the proposal to amalgamate Brampton The Ellis Infant and Junior Schools (CE Aided) through the discontinuance of the Junior School and the change in age-range of the Infant School, be approved. 


Receipt of letters regarding the proposed amalgamation of Thorpe Hesley Junior and Infant Schools.


The Cabinet Member noted receipt of fifty-four letters of representation from staff and parents and carers of children at Thorpe Hesley Infant and Junior Schools regarding the proposed amalgamation of the Infant and Junior Schools.


Resolved: - That the content of the letters be noted and referred to Officers within School and Lifelong Learning, Children and Young People’s Services Directorate, for consideration as part of the Consultation process. 


Proposals to Amalgamate Thorpe Hesley Infant and Junior Schools - statutory consultation. pdf icon PDF 38 KB


Consideration was given to the report presented by the Principal School Admissions, Organisation and Special Educational Needs Assessment Service (Schools and Lifelong Learning, Children and Young People’s Services Directorate) that outlined the proposal to amalgamate Thorpe Hesley Infant and Junior Schools.  Minute No. D107 of the Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Families’ Services held on 5th March, 2014, gave permission for the proposal to go through Pre-Statutory Consultation.


The report now updated the Cabinet Member on the outcomes of that process.  Reference was made to the consultation meetings that had taken place with stakeholders and also the letters of representation that had been received giving views on the proposals.  


The Cabinet Member and his Advisers questioned the Officers about the proposal and the Pre-Statutory Consultation process that had taken place. 


Overall, the proposal was supported by stakeholders.  Letters of support had been received through the consultation process in support of an existing headteacher becoming headteacher of the ‘through’ primary school.  Other issues raised through the Pre-Statutory Consultation process regarding the two separate school buildings and how these would operate as a single school and governance arrangements of the single school.


The Director of Schools and Lifelong Learning explained the principal benefits of amalgamating infant and junior schools.  The benefits related to improved outcomes for children through single school policies relating to curriculum, working together, assessment practices and so on.  The submitted report also noted the principal advantages and disadvantages of amalgamating infant and junior schools. 


The proposal was that the two Schools amalgamate into one by the discontinuance of the Infant School and the change of age-range of the Junior School from 7-11 years to 3 – 11 years.  The ‘through’ primary school would have 490 places between Reception/Foundation Stage Two and Year Six.  The School would have a Nursery Unit of 52 places (26 full-time equivalent places).  Each year group would have a Published Admission Number of 70. 


There would be no changes to the existing school premises.  There would be a recruitment and selection process for the position of Headteacher of the through Primary School, which ensured that the School’s Governing Body could appoint the strongest possible candidate to this key role. 


The Co-ordinator of Governor Services reported that he was working with the Governing Bodies of the Infant and Junior Schools to prepare to amalgamate into one Governing Body for the amalgamated Primary School. 


The Principal Officer requested authorisation to undertake a period of Statutory Consultation on the amalgamation proposal. 


Resolved: -  (1)  That Statutory Consultation commences on the proposal to amalgamate Thorpe Hesley Infant and Junior Schools.


(2)  That a further report be brought to the Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Families’ Services at the close of the Statutory Consultation period outlining the outcomes. 


Children and Young People's Services 2013-2014 Performance Indicator Outturn report. pdf icon PDF 33 KB

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the report presented by the Performance and Quality Manager and the Performance Analyst (Performance and Quality, Neighbourhood and Adult Services Directorate) that outlined the 2013/2014 outturn performance of Children and Young People’s Services Directorate. 


The Performance and Quality Manager reported that some of the indicators relating to Social Care were awaiting validation.  Their 2013/2014 outturn would be confirmed in October or November, 2014. 


The performance report outlined which of the Children and Young People’s Services Directorate’s performance measures related to the Council’s Corporate Plan Priorities. 


An exception report was provided for each of the red RAG rated performance measures that were showing performance below the local target and statistical neighbours or national average. 


The Performance and Quality Manager outlined the Red rated performance measures at the end of Quarter Four, 2013/2014, and provided information about what was being done to address the performance issues. 


Red rated performance measures relating to Corporate Priority One: - Stimulating the local economy and helping local people to work: -


·         NI78 – Reduction in number of schools where fewer than 40% of pupils achieved five or more A* - C grades at GCSE, or their equivalent, including GCSEs in English and Maths and below the median progress measures in both English and Mathematics.


Rotherham had one secondary school that had not met the Key Stage Four standard in 2012/2013 or 2013/2014.  This School served a deprived community and had relatively high numbers of pupils who were entitled to the Pupil Premium and who spoke English as an additional language.  These factors were significantly greater than their corresponding National Averages.


Additional work was taking place with the school, including: -


·         There was a system of Executive Headteacher leadership arrangements in place to address the School’s Category and its attainment, which was below the Department for Education’s Floor Standards;

·         Specialist Leaders of Education had been assigned to the School by the Teaching School Alliance (TSA) because of their expertise in specific areas;

·         National Leaders of Education (NLE) and Local Leaders of Education (LLE) were working alongside Headteachers to drive forward improvements and build capacity to ensure that improvements could be sustained.  NLEs and LLEs were working within or beyond their own Learning Community as appropriate. 


Discussion ensued on the role of learning communities in school improvement.  The Director for Schools and Lifelong Learning explained that each learning community had access to a Consultant Headteacher and also ensured that data was shared between learning community schools to identify areas of strength and where improvement was needed. 


·         NI89 – Reduction in the number of schools judged as requiring special measures and improvement in time taken to come out of the Category. 


Rotherham had seven schools in the Category of Special Measures, against a target of two.  Rotherham’s network of support to help to improve school attainment included the School Effectiveness Service, Learners First Ltd and the Learning Community Strategic Performance Groups. 


·         NI10 – Looked After Children reaching level 4+  ...  view the full minutes text for item 126.


Local Authority Governor Appointments.


Pursuant to Minute No. C50 of January, 2000, consideration was given to nominations received to fill Local Authority Governor vacancies on school governing bodies.


Resolved:- That, with the effective date of appointment as shown, the following appointments and reappointments be made to school governing bodies, subject to satisfactory checks being undertaken:-


New Appointments: -




Date effective

Mr. L. Bellamy                       

Aughton Primary


Ms. C. Eyre

Rawmarsh Ashwood Primary Academy


Mr. L. Hartley

Rawmarsh Rosehill Junior


Mr. W. Liversidge

Thurcroft Infant



Re-appointments: -




Date effective

Mrs. J. Hudson

Aston Springwood Primary


Mrs. S. Harrison

Saint Pius X Catholic High School – A Specialist School in Humanities


Councillor S. Tweed

Woodsetts Primary




Date and time of the next meeting: -


·         Wednesday 18th June, 2014, to start at 9.00 a.m. in the Rotherham Town Hall. 


Resolved: - That the next meeting of the Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Families’ Services take place on 18th June, 2014, to start at 9.00 a.m. in the Rotherham Town Hall.