Agenda and minutes

The Former Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Families' Services - Wednesday 5 March 2014 9.00 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, ROTHERHAM. S60 2TH

Contact: Hannah Etheridge, Democratic Services Officer, Committee Services 

No. Item


Declarations of Interest.


Councillor C. Beaumont Declared a Personal Interest in relation to Minute No. 109 (Local Governor Appointments).


Minutes of the previous meeting held on 12th February, 2014. pdf icon PDF 50 KB


The minutes of the previous meeting of the Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Families’ Services held on 12th February, 2014, were considered. 


Resolved: -  That the minutes of the previous meeting be agreed as an accurate record.   


Welcome to the new Strategic Lead, Joint Health, Education and Social Care.


Councillor Paul Lakin welcomed Donald Rae, Strategic Lead, Joint Health, Education and Social Care to the meeting.  Donald had recently taken up his post and joined Rotherham. 


Donald outlined his role.  He was working with the legislation around Special Educational Needs and Disability, which would shortly become Acts of Parliament.  The intended Acts would herald major reform in the specific age-groups 0-3 and 16-25, with the intention of creating a seamless 0 – 25 system.  Donald was reviewing Rotherham’s Strategies to ensure they were appropriate for the intended Legislation and demands and needs in Rotherham and he would present a report to a future meeting of the Children, Young People and Families’ Partnership outlining his findings.


Councillor Lakin welcomed Donald to Rotherham and looked forward to working with him in the future.  


Budget Monitoring Report to 31st January, 2014. pdf icon PDF 86 KB


Consideration was given to the report presented by the Principal Finance Officer (Financial Services, Resources Directorate), which provided a financial forecast to 31st March, 2014, based on actual income and expenditure to 31st January, 2014. 


Overall, the Directorate was projecting a £1.124million over-spend outturn position at the end of the 2013/2014 financial year.  This overspend represented an increase of 2.4% on the total revenue budget allocation, and represented a reduction of £128,000 since the December budget monitoring report. 


The forecast overspend was largely due to the continuing pressures in Safeguarding Children and Families’ Services due to the needs-led nature of the budget relating to out-of-authority residential and fostering placements. In addition, Disability Services were also projecting a significant over-spend relating to over-time and agency costs and Direct Payments.


The report provided an update on the main areas of variance and outlined the main pressures and areas of under-spend and/or over-spend for each Service.


A number of continuing budget management actions were being taken to avoid costs: -


·           Prevention and Early Intervention Strategies, including an increased use of Special Guardianship Orders and efforts concentrating investments in Fostering and Adoption Services;

·           Proactive management actions continued to concentrate on avoiding costs relating to placements for Looked After Children, the Fostering Framework and through block commissioning and negotiation of placements.  These efforts had achieved savings of £701,000 to January, 2014;

·           The Multi-Agency Support Panel was continuing to make efficient multi-agency management actions and decisions, and continuing to avoid costs wherever possible;

·           The Invest to Save Programme in Fostering and Adoption Services was continuing to be effective and increase the number of in-house fostering placements and adopters;

·           Agency costs had increased compared to the same period in the previous year primarily as a result of covering vacant posts within Safeguarding Children and Families’ Service, and covering sickness absence and maternity leave to ensure that safe staffing ratios were maintained.  Recruitment was underway in relation to vacant posts to save on agency costs;

·           Non-contractual overtime for Children and Young People’s Services had increased compared to the same period in the previous year as a result of the need for fully trained staff to maintain cover in residential homes.  Agency staff could not cover these posts due to training requirements and service-users’ need for consistency;

·           Consultancy costs had decreased compared to the same period in the previous year;

·           The actions of Neil Nerva, Continuing Care Consultant, had proved effective in drawing down additional funding streams. 


Based on previous Budget Monitoring feedback from the Cabinet Member, the January 2014 report contained a breakdown of the different placement types that existed for the years 2011/12, 2012/13 and 2013/14 to January, 2014.  The breakdown noted the number of out-of-authority placements that existed, an average placement cost, independent fostering agencies and in-house fostering placements. 


Discussion followed and the budget allocation for Looked After Children was discussed.  The budget had historically been insufficient for the level of need, and was always going to be a demands-led budget.  The Cabinet Member  ...  view the full minutes text for item 102.


Annual determination - the Local Authority (Post Compulsory Awards) Regulation 2000. pdf icon PDF 34 KB


The Strategic Director of Children and Young People’s Services presented the report that had been submitted regarding the Local Authority’s requirement to make an annual determination in respect of awarding financial awards to Higher and Further Education students, under the School Standards and Framework Act (1998).


The report outlined the legislative ability of local authorities to make financial awards to Higher and Further Education Students, alongside the Standard Spending Assessment of 1999-2000 which withdrew available funding.  The report noted that the 16-19 Bursary Fund was administered by schools and colleges. 


It was proposed that the Rotherham Local Authority determined not to take up the power in any circumstances or make provision to consider applications to make awards to new Higher and Further Education students.


Resolved: -  That the Local Authority not take up the power as given in the aforementioned Legislations in any circumstances and not make provision for considering applications for awards to new Higher and Further Education students or 16-19 year olds who are still attending school.


Proposal to Amalgamate Thorpe Hesley Infant and Junior Schools - Pre-Statutory Consultation. pdf icon PDF 37 KB


Consideration was given to the report presented by the Principal School Admissions, Organisation and Special Educational Needs Assessment Service Officer (Schools and Lifelong Learning, Children and Young People’s Services) that outlined a proposal to undertake Pre-Statutory Consultation on a proposal to amalgamate Thorpe Hesley Infant and Junior Schools. 


The report outlined that the Governing Body had proposed that the Infant School should be discontinued and the age-range of the Junior School be changed from 7-11 to 3 – 11, so creating a ‘through’ primary school. 


The proposed School would have 490 places from Reception to Year Six and 52 places in the Nursery (equating to 26 full-time equivalent places). 


The report detailed the principal objectives, advantages and disadvantages of amalgamating Infant and Junior schools.  Also noted was a proposed timetable for the amalgamation to follow due process.  Should the proposal pass all stages successfully, it was intended that the ‘through’ primary school would open on 1st September, 2014. 


It was noted that Thorpe Hesley Infant and Junior Schools were in separate buildings on the same site.


Resolved: - (1)  That Pre-Statutory Consultation commence on the proposal to amalgamate Thorpe Hesley Infant and Junior Schools.


(2)  That a further report be submitted to the Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Families’ Services at the closure of the Pre-Statutory Consultation. 


Proposals to expand Cortonwood Infant School - commence Statutory Consultation. pdf icon PDF 39 KB


Further to Minute No. D32 (Brampton Cortonwood Infant - proposal to commence Pre-Statutory consultation on expansion) of the Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Families’ Services held on 24th July, 2013, a report was submitted outlining the outcomes of the consultation and requesting authorisation to continue on to Statutory Consultation on the proposal. 


The Principal School Admissions, Organisation and Special Educational Needs Assessment Service Officer reported that the proposal was to increase the Published Admission Number in the Foundation Stage Two (Reception) class from September 2017 to 50 (an increase from 40). 


This proposal was linked to the proposal to expand Brampton Ellis Junior School (Minute No. D33 of 24th July, 2013 refers) and the proposed amalgamation of Brampton Ellis Infant and Junior Schools (Minute No. D107 of 7th March, 2014 refers).  The consultations would run together.


The report outlined how the expansion would be funded from the Department for Education’s Basic Need funding stream that existed to ensure sufficient school places were available, andSection 106 Developer Education Contributions.  For the first year of operation the School’s budget would not be sufficient as the additional pupils would not be on roll at the time of the School Census, meaning that funding to cover 7/12ths of the additional staffing required would need to be secured from the Pupil Growth Contingency fund administered by the Rotherham Schools’ Forum. 


Resolved: -  That Statutory Consultation on the proposal to expand Cortonwood Infant School commence. 


(2)  That a further report be submitted to the Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Families’ Services following the close of the Consultation. 


Proposed expansion of Brampton the Ellis Junior School - commence Statutory Consultation. pdf icon PDF 40 KB


Further to Minute No. D33 (Brampton Ellis Junior School - proposal to commence Pre-Statutory Consultation on expansion) of the Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Families’ Services held on 24th July, 2013, a report was submitted outlining the outcomes of the consultation and requesting authorisation to continue on to Statutory Consultation on the proposal. 


The Principal School Admissions, Organisation and Special Educational Needs Assessment Service Officer reported that the proposal was to increase the Published Admission Number in the Year Three Class from September 2014 to 80 (an increase from 70) in the first instance.  It was proposed that the School would be expanded in phases to accommodate an eventual Published Admission Number of 90 children from September, 2020.   


This proposal was linked to the proposal to expand Cortonwood Infant School (Minute No. D106 of 7th March, 2014 refers) and the proposed amalgamation of Brampton the Ellis Infant and Junior Schools (Minute No. D107 of 7th March, 2014 refers).  The consultations would run together.  


The report outlined how the expansion would be funded from the Department for Education’s Basic Need funding stream that existed to ensure sufficient school places were available and Section 106 Developer Education Contributions.  For the first year of operation the School’s budget would not be sufficient as the additional pupils would not be on roll at the time of the School Census, meaning that funding to cover 7/12ths of the additional staffing required would need to be secured from the Pupil Growth Contingency fund administered by the Rotherham Schools’ Forum. 


Resolved: -  That Statutory Consultation on the proposal to expand Brampton the Ellis Junior School commence. 


(2)  That a further report be submitted to the Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Families’ Services following the close of the Consultation. 


Proposal to amalgamate Brampton the Ellis Junior and Infant Schools by the discontinuance of the Junior School and the change of age range of the Infant School - Statutory Consultation. pdf icon PDF 37 KB


Further to Minute No. D80 (Brampton The Ellis Infant and Junior School amalgamation - Pre-Statutory Consultation) of the Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Families’ Services held on 15th January, 2014, a report was submitted outlining the outcomes of the consultation. 


This proposal was linked to the proposals to expand Cortonwood Infant School and Brampton the Ellis Junior School (Minute Nos. D105 and D106 refers).  The consultations would run alongside one another. 


The report outlined that the Governing Body had proposed that the Infant School should be discontinued and the age-range of the Junior School be changed from 7-11 to 3 – 11, so creating a ‘through’ primary school. 


The proposed School would have 120 Infant places from Reception to Year Two and 280 Junior places (Years Three – Six), rising to 320 from 1st September, 2014, and eventually 360 from September, 2020.  The School’s Published Admission Number would be 40 for the Infant School and 80 for the Junior School (rising to 90). 


The report detailed the principal objectives, advantages and disadvantages of amalgamating Infant and Junior schools.  Also noted was a proposed timetable for the amalgamation to follow due process. 


Resolved: - (1)  That Statutory Consultation commence on the proposal to amalgamate Brampton the Ellis Infant and Junior Schools.


(2)  That a further report be submitted to the Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Families’ Services at the closure of the Pre-Statutory Consultation. 


Headteacher recruitment to amalgamating schools policy. pdf icon PDF 31 KB

Additional documents:


This item was deferred for further information. 


Appointment of Local Authority Governors.


Pursuant to Minute No. C50 of January, 2000, consideration was given to nominations received to fill Local Authority vacancies on school governing bodies.


Resolved:- (1)  That, with the effective date of appointment as shown, the following appointments and reappointments be made to school governing bodies, subject to satisfactory checks being undertaken:-


New Appointments: -


AnstonGreenlands Junior and Infant             

Mrs. S. Hollis


Brinsworth Howarth Primary

Mr. G. Heeley


Brinsworth Manor Junior

Mrs. P. Sharp


Kilnhurst Primary

Mr. D. Sanderson


Swinton Community School

Mr. A. Lee


Swinton Community School

Mr. R. Harris


Todwick Primary

Mr. J. Ibbotson


Treeton Church of England Primary

Mr. T. Adair



Re-appointments: -


Dinnington Community Primary

Councillor J. Havenhand


Brinsworth Manor Infant

Mr. T. Marvin


Hilltop and Kelford Federation

Mrs. C. Firth


Laughton Junior and Infant

Mr. J. Horsfield


Maltby Redwood Junior and Infant

Mrs. S. Shepherd


Maltby Redwood Junior and Infant

Councillor C. Beaumont



Mrs. P. Hill




Department for Education Consultation on the constitution of Local Authority maintained school governing bodies. pdf icon PDF 46 KB


Consideration was given to the report presented by the Co-ordinator of Governor Services (School Effectiveness Service, Schools and Lifelong Learning, Children and Young People’s Services) that outlined the Department for Education’s Consultation relating to changes proposed to maintained schools’ governing bodies (including groups of federated maintained schools).  The consultation opened on 13th January, 2014, and was due to end on 14th March, 2014. 


Within schools, the profile of Governors was high and rising, in particular relating to increasing attainment levels.  Governance now formed a key aspect of Ofsted inspections. 


The proposed changes to the Regulations were: -


·           All School Governing Bodies must reconstitute in accordance with the September, 2012 Regulations before September, 2014;

·           New appointments to Governing Bodies could be selected on the basis that they had the skills required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school;

·           Following reconstitution of the Governing Body, any ‘surplus’ Governors should be removed based on the skills required rather than the current ‘juniority’ principle. 


The proposed changes to the Statutory Guidance were: -


·           Governing bodies should be no bigger than they needed to be to have all of the necessary skills to carry out their functions effectively;

·           Governing bodies should undertake regular skills audits and use the process of filing vacancies (as well as a commitment to continuous professional development) to fill any skills gaps;

·           Eligibility criteria for elected Governors was to remain unchanged.  However, Governing Bodies were to have greater flexibility to identify specific skills or experiences that would be desirable in a new Governor.  Relevant groups would still be able to vote for the candidate(s) of their choice. 


The Co-ordinator of Governor Services explained the likely implications for Rotherham based on the proposals being consulted upon.  These included the probable reduction in numbers of Local Authority Governor positions.  Other factors included the number of academy schools which contributed to a lowering of Local Authority Governor positions.  In Rotherham the process of appointing to Local Authority Governor positions followed two separate systems, the 2007 Constitution Regulations and the 2012 Constitution Regulations.  These needed to be brought into line and unified.  This would form the subject of a future report to the Cabinet Member. 


It was noted that the Local Authority’s response had been discussed with the Chair of the Improving Lives Select Commission. 


Discussion ensued on the training available to Local Authority Governors in Rotherham.  The Cabinet Member asked that consideration be given to providing training for prospective local authority governors in order that they could increase their knowledge and understanding of the role. 


The Cabinet Member endorsed Rotherham’s response to the consultation as it was in-line with the recommendations of the Improving Lives Select Commission’s scrutiny review into School Governing Bodies and built on the Review’s constructive conclusion.


Resolved: - (1)  That the response, as discussed, to the content of the Department for Education’s consultation on the constitution of Local Authority maintained governing bodies be approved and it be fed back  ...  view the full minutes text for item 110.


Date and time of the next meeting: -


·         Wednesday 9th April, 2014, to start at 9.00 a.m. in the Rotherham Town Hall. 


Resolved: - That the next meeting of the Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Families’ Services take place on Wednesday 9th April, 2014, commencing at 9.00 a.m. in the Rotherham Town Hall.