Agenda and minutes

Health and Wellbeing Board - Wednesday 20 November 2019 9.00 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham S60 2TH

Contact: Dawn Mitchell  Email:

No. Item


Janet Wheatley


The Chair reported that it was Janet’s last meeting before her retirement at the end of December, 2019.


On behalf of the Board he thanked her for support and contributions and wished her a happy and healthy retirement.


Declarations of Interest


There were no Declarations of Interest made at this meeting.


Questions from members of the public and the press


There were no members of the public or press present at the meeting.


Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 108 KB


The minutes of the previous meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board were considered.


Resolved:-  That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 18th September, 2019, be approved as a correct record.


Arising from Minute No. 35 (Be the One – Suicide Prevention Campaign), it was noted that the Campaign had been an outstanding success with over 1M hits on the website, far in excess of comparable national campaigns.  Work was taking place with Communication leads to ensure the message was continued.


Arising from Minute No. 35 (Rotherham Show), Public Health had continued the “what keeps Rotherham healthy, safe and well” message and had received over 500 cards and spoke to over 1,000 members of the public.  There had been very successful participation and engagement in the activities on offer.


Arising from Minute No. 36 (Improving Air Quality in Rotherham), it was noted that at the recent Council Meeting a Motion had been passed on Climate Change Emergency.  From March 2020, every report submitted within the Council would have to include an equality assessment as to how the particular report affected climate change.  A Members Working Party was to be established to propose an informed target for the Council’s carbon reduction by 2025 and that the Working Group report back to the Council no later than March 2020 on how it would improve air quality.


This could not be done by the Council alone and would be reaching out to partners to help improve Rotherham’s air quality.


Arising from Minute No. 41 (Supplementary Planning Documents), it was noted that due to Purdah, comments from the Board had not been submitted as yet but would be submitted shortly.




Janet Spurling, Governance Advisor, on behalf of Councillor Keenan, Chair of the Health Select Commission, submitted the following question in relation to the Suicide Prevention and Self-Harm Plan:-


“The Select Commission had had an indepth workshop session and probed into a number of issues more widely than the Plan.  It was pleased with the work taking place.


In terms of the Help is at Hand booklet, are we ensuring that it is widely circulated and provided to bereaved families as a matter of course; does it go to funeral directors as well to pass onto families?”


Ruth Fletcher-Brown, Public Health Specialist, confirmed that the booklet was circulated to families affected by suicide.  It was also supplied to GP practices who were encouraged to routinely give it out to families that had been bereaved.  Where Public Health had the details, a referral to the listening service was also offered.  If a family did not wish to have a referral, they were automatically provided with a copy of the Help is at Hand booklet.


In the past Public Health had worked with funeral directors; this had not been done recently but could be picked up again.


Population Health Video



South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Integrated Care System Strategic 5 Year Plans


The Board viewed the Plan on a Page of the South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Integrated Care System Strategic 5 Year Plans (


It was made up of:-


-          3 Life Stages

Start Well

Live Well

Age Well


-          4 Themes

Develop a population health system

Strengthening our foundations

Building a sustainable health and care system

Broadening and strengthening our partnerships to increase our opportunity


-          5 Focus Areas

Best start in life

Reduce harm from smoking, alcohol and obesity

Improve cardio-respiratory health

Improve mental health and wellbeing

Early diagnosis and increased survival from cancer


Rotherham had its own Place Plan focussing on Rotherham’s integration and partnership.  In order to access extra Government funding at a regional level, South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw had produced its own vision for the future of the ICS. 


Although the themes were a little different, the Plan was similar to that of the Rotherham Place Plan.  It provided another “arm” in terms of working at scale and place.


Resolved:-  That the Plan be noted and circulated to the Board.

ACTION:-  Becky Woolley 


Phase One: Redesign of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment


Gilly Brenner, Public Health Specialist, gave a presentation of the redesigned Joint Strategic Needs Assessment website which had been redeveloped in light of feedback received with regard to making it more relevant/interactive and presenting data differently.


The redesign had involved the purchase of new software, re-evaluating what sort of data was wished to be included and links between the different data sources.


Phase 1 was nearing completion with the website to go live in the New Year (


Attention was drawn to:-


-          Information would include the population of Rotherham, ethnicity makeup, health behaviours, culture and leisure, transport, climate change, Housing, Children’s Services, health care etc. and include a breakdown by Ward

-          The links would be explicit and bring any patterns into context

-          The JSNA would be used to develop and drive policy

-          Map of community assets was part of Phase 2 as well community voice

-          Need to make really clear the “so what”

-          Signup option to receive a quarterly newsletter


Discussion ensued with the following issues raised:-


-          Was there an ability to look at correlations and if not could you download from the website to carry out the exercise yourself?

Excel spreadsheets could be downloaded to enable that work to take place

-          The Fire and Rescue Service had a similar facility and mapped where home safety checks etc. had been carried out.  Could the 2 systems coincide?

If the Service were happy for their datasets to be made public a template could be shared and populated

-          VAR had updated the GISMO directory which contained information regarding community assets.  Could it be linked to the JSNA?

It had been the intention to host a map where the physical assets were and have a link straight to GISMO

-          How did it help Healthwatch answer the question on health and inequalities between Wards and disparity in life expectancy?

Some of that will be drawn out of the recommendations that were in there.  It would provide the evidence and fighting power to keep fighting those battles and show a continuing problem and issue that existed

-          Ward profiles were not included as yet due to the Ward boundary changes that were to come into effect in May 2020


Resolved:-  That the presentation be noted.


Suicide Prevention and Self-Harm Reduction Plan - Update pdf icon PDF 882 KB


Ruth Fletcher-Brown, Public Health Specialist, presented the Rotherham Suicide Prevention and Self-Harm Action Plan 2019-2021.


The previous action plan had been a much lengthy document; the refreshed document focussed on 4 key areas which was in line with a report produced by the Samaritans in conjunction with Exeter University.  The key areas were:-


-          Working with the media in relation to suicide prevention

-          Establishing, implementing and evaluating one real time surveillance data system across South Yorkshire

-          Supporting those people bereaved and affected by suicide

-          Working with Sheffield University to conduct an audit of coroners records to build up a richer narrative about the wider personal, economic and societal factors that contributed to the suicide that could be used to inform the development of future local and ICS level suicide prevention work


Consultation had taken place with partners and to the Mental Health and Learning Disability Transformation Group.  Scrutiny had also taken place by the Health Select Commission.


AnneMarie Lubanski drew attention to the Zero Suicide Alliance Training ( which she would encourage all managers to undertake.


Resolved:-  That the report be noted.


Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report and Rotherham Safeguarding Children's Partnership Annual Report pdf icon PDF 7 MB

Additional documents:


Terri Roche, RSAB Member for Public Health, presented a powerpoint giving an overview of both the Rotherham Safeguarding Adults Board and the Rotherham Safeguarding Children’s Partnership Annual Reports 2018/19 highlighting the following:-


Achievements 2018/19

-          Worked with Children’s Safeguarding Partnership to develop a joint self-assessment for all partners to complete electronically

-          Launched a new 3 year strategic plan for 2019-22

-          Worked across South Yorkshire to update and refresh the Principles and Approach to Safeguarding

-          Safeguarding Awareness Week 2018


Common Themes

-          Mental Health - RDaSH Board and Sub-Group members, Chair of Workforce Training and Development Group

-          Self-Neglect -  Policy for Self-Neglect and Hoarding early 2020

-          Domestic Abuse – working with SRP and Children’s Services to ensure shared learning

-          CSE – close partnership working and monitoring

-          Users and Carers – attendance at Carers Group and VAR events



-          Case file audits/quality assurance, continue to challenge

-          Assurance (Safeguarding and Learning Disability), SAR action plans and dissemination, advocacy take up)

-          Update the training plan and deliver training across the Partnership

-          Campaigns - financial abuse, self-neglect, discriminatory abuse and physical abuse.  Posters and leaflets

-          Development (joint work with Community Safety and Children’s Boards)


Rebecca Wall, Head of Safeguarding, drew attention to the following points in the Rotherham Local Safeguarding Children Board annual report:-


-     The Board had ceased to exist as from 19th September, 2019, and was now replaced by the Rotherham Safeguarding Children Partnership

-     Rotherham’s Lifestyle Survey, provided the ability to reflect the voice of the young people

-     The performance dataset and partnership work showed the biggest issues for Rotherham were the increased demand, journey of improvement, how to stabilise the demand and effectiveness

-     Clear performance framework allowing audits of work – need to refine/improve timescales

-     Where possible right child with the right plan and right care

-     Very targeted actions/high level of accountability which allowed real positive discussions and focus on what partners thought needed to happen

-     A lot of work in the past year to move from the LSCB to the Partnership as well as a real connectivity between the Adults Board, SRP and HWBB

-     One of the key priorities for the Board had been linked into the Place Plan

-     2019/20 priorities:-

Safe at Home

Safe in Community

Safe Systems


Discussion ensued with the following issues raised/highlighted:-


·           The electronic self-assessment was working very well

·           Possible cessation of the Intensive Intervention Programme Therapeutic Care for Looked After Children

It was clarified that the Programme was currently under review.  Careful consideration was being given to future funding with feedback being taken into account


Resolved:-  That the Rotherham Safeguarding Adults Board and Rotherham Safeguarding Children’s Partnership’s annual reports 2018/19 be noted.


Issues escalated from Place Board


A copy had been circulated previously of the ICP Digital Strategy to enable Board members to make comments.  This was a key part of the Place Board’s work.


Future Agenda Items



Lifestyle Survey focussing on Health and Wellbeing issues

Indices of Multiple Deprivation


Rotherham Integrated Care Partnership Board - 4th September and 2nd October, 2019 pdf icon PDF 113 KB

Additional documents:


The Board noted the minutes of the Rotherham Integrated Care Partnership Place Board held on 4th September and 2nd October, 2019.


Date and time of next meeting

Wednesday, 22nd January, 2020, Rotherham CCG, Oak House, Bramley.


Resolved:-  That the next meeting be held on Wednesday, 22nd January, 2020, commencing at 9.00 a.m. at Wentworth Woodhouse.