Committee details

Health and Wellbeing Board

Purpose of committee



NHSR - NHS Rotherham

The local Primary Care Trust which will be in place until April 2013, at which point it will be replaced by GP led commissioning (See CCG below)and public health being led by the local authority.


CCG - Clincal Commissioning Group

Local GP commissioning consortia, which will take on responsibility for the majority of commssioning for local health services


JSNA - Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

A comprehensive look at the health, wellbeing and social care needs of local people


JHWS - Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy

The agreed strategic priorities and actions which the Health and Wellbeing Board will deliver on


RDaSH - Rotherham, Doncaster and South Humber NHS Trust

Mental health and learning disability services


PCT Cluster - NHS South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw

Local PCTs (Primary Care Trusts)have come together to support the transition from PCT to GP commissioning under the new health and social care arrangements





Contact information

Support officer: Dawn Mitchell, Governance Advisor.

Postal address:
Town Hall
Moorgate Street
South Yorkshire
S60 2TH

Phone: 01709 822062
