Councillor Victoria Cusworth

Profile image for Councillor Victoria Cusworth

Title: Cabinet Member for Children and Young People

Party: Labour and Co-operative Party

Political grouping: Labour

Ward: Kilnhurst & Swinton East

Other councillors representing this Ward:

Surgery details

Councillor Cusworth will be holding surgeries on the 1st Saturday of every month at Swinton Library, between 10 and 11. This will be a joint surgery with Councillor Harper and the Councillors who represent Swinton Rockingham - Councillor Read and Councillor Monk.

Contact information

Correspondence address: 
Rotherham Town Hall
The Crofts
Moorgate Street
S60 2TH

Bus. phone:  07716328856



Committee appointments

Terms of Office

  • 06/05/2016 - 06/05/2021
  • 06/05/2021 - 07/05/2024
  • 07/05/2024 -

Appointments to outside bodies

Additional Information

Cabinet Member Children and Young People - Councillor Victoria Cusworth


Born and raised in Rotherham, firstly in Eastwood and then in Swinton, Councillor Cusworth is a qualified Teaching Assistant. She attended Brookfield Primary Academy and Swinton Comprehensive and then Thomas Rotherham College. Councillor Cusworth is educated to A Level standard in English Literature, Sociology and Philosophy and has a Diploma in Childhood and Youth studies


Councillor Cusworth was elected, as a Labour councillor, to represent the Swinton Ward at Rotherham Borough Council in May 2016. After having played a large part in Scrutiny, particularly of Children’s Services within the Borough since 2016, was appointed to Cabinet with responsibility for Children and Young People, following the Local Elections in May 2021 when she was successfully re-elected to represent the new ward of Kilnhurst and Swinton East. Councillor Cusworth has been appointed to carry on this role following her re-election in 2024.


Councillor Cusworth is a Member Peer with the Local Government Association Labour Group and has worked as a peer mentor with elected members across the country.


As Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, Councillor Cusworth has responsibility for:


·       Statutory position as lead member for Children

·       Chair of the Children and Young People’s Partnership

·       Children’s Safeguarding (including neglect, abuse, CSE and CCE) and prevention and early intervention strategies

·       Family intervention, fostering, adoption and looked after children including out of borough placements; corporate parenting lead

·       Transitional arrangements from childhood to adulthood for young people with complex needs

·       Lead member for Education & 14-19 Strategy including early years, schools, special schools, and pupil referral units

·       School Admissions and Appeals

·       Home to School Transport

·       School Crossing Patrols

·       School Catering

·       Early Help services including the Troubled Families agenda and youth provision

·       Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)

·       To Lead on the Domestic Abuse Strategy


Working with you to help build communities that we can all take pride in has always been a priority for the Council.


We value the contributions that people make within their local area, through volunteering and getting involved in decision making, to really make a difference for everyone who lives there. By building on the work we've already done together we can continue to find new ways to meet the challenges facing Rotherham.

Further information regarding the Kilnhurst and Swinton East ward can be found on the Council’s website.