Venue: Wentworth Woodhouse, Rotherham. S62 7TQ
Contact: Dawn Mitchell Email:
No. | Item |
Venue Host Minutes: The Chair formally thanked Wentworth Woodhouse for allowing the Board to meet at their venue. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no Declarations of Interest made at the meeting. |
Questions from members of the public and the press Minutes: There were no members of the public and the press present at the meeting. |
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 97 KB Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board were considered.
Resolved:- That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 20th November, 2019, be approved as a correct record.
Arising from Minute No. 55 (South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Integrated Care System Strategy 5 Year Plans), it was noted that the regional plan had been submitted and feedback awaited from NHS England. |
Communications Minutes: Ken Dolan The Chair reported that Ken Dolan, Save Our NHS, had sadly recently passed away.
Louise Barnett, Chief Executive, TRFT The Chair formally thanked Louise for all her support to the Health and Wellbeing Board and wished her well in her future employment.
Tony Clabby This was Tony’s last meeting as from April Healthwatch Rotherham would be operated by the Citizens Advice Bureau.
The Chair formally thanked Tony for his contributions and input to the work of the Board. |
Rotherham Loneliness Action Plan 2020-2022 PDF 53 KB Ruth Fletcher Brown, Public Health, to present Additional documents: Minutes: Ruth Fletcher-Brown, Public Health Specialist, presented the draft Loneliness Action Plan 2020-2022 for consultation.
Loneliness was a priority within the Health and Wellbeing Board Strategy (Aim 4) and a priority within the refreshed Place Plan. Loneliness could fluctuate over the life course and most people at some point in their life would experience loneliness.
In order to tackle loneliness and promote good social connections, a response was required from individuals, communities, statutory partners, voluntary and community sector and local businesses. Actions to tackle loneliness could be very simple and, in many cases, low cost building on local assets.
The final action plan would be submitted to the Board in March with the Better Mental Health For All Group to oversee the implementation of the Loneliness Action Plan. Bimonthly updates would be submitted to the Mental Health and Learning Disability Transformation Group, quarterly updates to the Place Board and annual updates to the Board.
Discussion ensued with the following issues raised/clarified:-
- The term “connecting” was the terminology being used - The 5 themes of the 5 Ways to Wellbeing Campaign, which tied into Loneliness, were to be used - At a meeting with the ICP Communications Team, it had been agreed that the Loneliness initiative was to be one of the 3 initiatives taken forward - Loneliness did not just affect the elderly - A needs assessment was required to inform the action plan - Loneliness would be referenced within the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and included within Making Every Contact Count training - The consultation would be going out to partners with the final report submitted to the Board in March - Intention to work with the new Primary Care Network Link Workers - Certain Ward Plans showed that loneliness was an issue - There were over 50 locations in the Borough that could hold activities - A number of fire stations were undergoing refurbishment with the intention of providing community facilities - It was hoped that there would be a Public Health Outcome Framework Measurement for loneliness by the end of the year to enable evaluation and evidence base - The developing Health and Wellbeing Board website would be able to facilitate links to the key themes of loneliness as well as a link to Gismo
Resolved:- (1) That the draft Rotherham Loneliness Action Plan 2020-2022 be noted.
(2) That partners share the draft Action Plan within their organisation and feedback any comments thereon.
(3) That the final version of the Action Plan be submitted to the Board’s March meeting. ACTION:- Ruth Fletcher-Brown/All Board Members |
Voice of the Child - Rotherham Lifestyle Survey 2019 PDF 66 KB Bev Pepperdine, Performance Assurance Manager, to present Additional documents:
Minutes: Bev Pepperdine, Performance Assurance Manager presented the outcome of the Voice of the Child Lifestyle Survey 2019 with the aid of a powerpoint presentation
The Lifestyle Survey was an annual survey open to pupils in Y7 and Y10. It captured the voice of children and young people and aimed to highlight the results to support the allocation of resources to improve the health of children and young people as well as providing a baseline for monitoring the impact of services provided to improve health and wellbeing. The survey enabled benchmarking and comparison between other areas, provide information that could be used to plan resources and shape curriculums and highlight areas to explore further in terms of health inequalities.
The presentation illustrated the trends:-
What is Working Well
- More children and young people said they were eating the recommended portions of fruit and vegetables - Less children said they would choose to drink high sugar drinks and high energy drinks - More young people were doing regular exercise - Young people said that safety around the Rotherham bus and train stations and the town centre had improved - There was less bullying - Less young people identified themselves as a young carer - Those that identified themselves as young carers felt more confident that they could continue with further education - Less were smoking regular cigarettes - Less had tried alcohol - More young people had received education on child sexual exploitation - Less Year 10 young people said they had had sexual intercourse
What areas are we Worried About
- More young people said they had a mental health diagnosis and more felt that their mental health was poor - Less had said they were visiting their dentist on a 6 monthly basis - Less had said they were drinking the recommended amount of water each day - More young people were skipping lunch - Less felt their weight was okay - More felt they had no-one to talk to - There was an increase in the number of young carers who said that they had struggles - Less had said their home was a smoke free home - More had said they had tried an electronic cigarette - Although slightly less had said they had tried drugs, the types of drugs they were trying were the harder type of drugs and the frequency of drug use had increased - More Year 10 pupils said they had had sex after drugs or alcohol use - More Year 10 pupils said they did not use contraception
What are we Worried About - 2019 – 10.6% of young people said they had a diagnosis of a mental health condition compared to 5% in 2015 - 2019 Year 7 – 8.3% rated their mental health as poor compared to 5% in 2017 - 2019 Year 10 – 17.5% rated their mental health as poor compared to 12% in 2017 - 2019 – 4% (145) of young people said they would not have ... view the full minutes text for item 69. |
Spotlight: Climate Change PDF 125 KB Presentation by Jackie Mould, Head of Service, Performance, Intelligence and Improvement Minutes: Councillor Allen, Cabinet Member for Cleaner Greener Communities, supported by Jackie Mould, Head of Service, Performance, Intelligence and Improvement, gave the following powerpoint presentation:-
Climate Emergency - State of the UK climate report 2017 – warming climate, rising sea levels and increased weather variability/extremes all expected to continue in the future; necessitates a state of “climate emergency” - IPCC Special Report on Global Warming (2018) recommends 12 years to make drastic action against climate change - Government target date of 2050 for Britain to produce “net zero emissions” - RMBC recent reductions of carbon emissions by 3% per year (fifth greatest reductions over the past decade) - Pressure is mounting to take further action within the context of central government targets, increased direct action (and other forms of participation) from citizens and the real effects of climate change e.g. recent floods
Rotherham Climate Emergency Motion The Council declared a climate emergency in October 2019 and resolved to: - Propose an informed target for the Council’s carbon reduction by 2025 - Develop a “Carbon Action Plan” towards these goals - Promote the strategy and engage with community, public and business - Lobby government for additional resources to support this strategy - Produce an annual Rotherham Climate Emergency progress report - Enlist support from partner organisations across Rotherham - Require all future Cabinet reports to include Climate Change Impact Assessments
Climate Emergency: Key Issues Scope - The scope of the action plan should, in the first instance, focus on direct emissions from Council activities (including contractors) and emissions associated with the Council’s energy consumption. Emissions associated with other items and commodities that the Council consumes may be considered at a later point Proposed Target - The emergent action plan has, at this stage, 2 concurrent focuses:- RMBC: Council’s carbon emissions to be a net zero by 2030 Rotherham: Borough-wide carbon emissions to be at net zero by 2040 - The purpose of dual goals is to recognise the Borough’s carbon budgets as identified by experts at the Tyndall centre, as well as to recognise the need for the Council to lead by example in securing commitments and pledges from other organisations
Creating the Action Plan - Considerations must be made for both mitigation and adaption measure - Actions must be based on scientific evidence as well as political, economic and social reality. Examples of best practice nationally and internally should be followed - Proposed themes – energy, transport, waste, built and natural environment, engagement, influence
Theme: Energy Interventions being considered include:- - Staff energy use/behaviours to be addressed with awareness campaign and targeted training - Energy efficiency addressed through surveying operational sites, identifying specific energy efficiency upgrades - Exploring alternative renewal energy sources
Theme: Housing Interventions being considered include:- - Tackling Council housing emissions directly through retrofitting low carbon heating and insulation systems. Estimates show the cost of this would be cost neutral after 20-30 years - Building all new Council housing to Passivehaus standards or similar – reducing the need for ... view the full minutes text for item 70. |
Additional factors influencing the delivery of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy Minutes: Jackie Mould, Assistant Director, Performance, Intelligence and Improvement, gave a brief verbal overview of the draft Indices of Multiple Deprivation.
A more indepth discussion would take place during the summer when further analysis had taken place. |
Winter Pressures Update Verbal update by Ian Atkinson, RCCG Minutes: Ian Atkinson, RCCG, gave a verbal update on Winter Pressures illustrating the following:-
- Winter plan across all health partners and care partners agreed and all actions enacted by the end of December - There had been a reduction in the number of A&E attendance to date but there was an increase in the complexity of patients on last year which would lead to a longer stay in hospital - Strong partnership working across the piste continued to grow - Work taking place on disability pathways - Focus on some of the Mental Health support offer – further support from Mental Health Social Prescribing in the Community Teams
Resolved:- That the update be noted. |
Issues escalated from Place Board Minutes: There were no issues raised. |
Child Death Overview Panel Annual Report 2018/19 PDF 419 KB Minutes: The Board received for information the Rotherham Child Death Overview Panel 2018/19 Annual Report. |
Rotherham Integrated Care Partnership Board Performance Report: Quarter 2 PDF 869 KB Minutes: The Board received for information the Rotherham Integrated Care Partnership Quarter 2 performance report for the ICP Place Plan.
It was noted that overall the position had improved since Quarter 1.
Resolved:- That the report be noted. |
Integrated Care Partnership Place Board Minutes PDF 432 KB Minutes: The Board noted the minutes of the Rotherham Integrated Care Partnership Place Board held on 6th November, 2019. |
Better Care Fund Section 75 Agreement 2019/20 PDF 63 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board received, for information, a report outlining the progress on the development of a new Section 75 Framework Agreement and Better Care Fund Call-Off Partnership/Work Order for 2019/20 as requested by the Department of Health and Social Care, Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government and NHS England. |
Date and time of next meeting Wednesday, 11th March, 2020, at 9.00 a.m. venue to be confirmed Minutes: Resolved:- That a further meeting be held on Wednesday, 11th March, 2020, commencing at 9.00 a.m. to be held in Rotherham Town Hall. |