Venue: Virtual Meeting via Microsoft Teams
Contact: Dawn Mitchell Email:
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no Declarations of Interest to report. |
Questions from members of the public and the press Minutes: There were no questions from members of the public or press. |
Communications Minutes: (1) The Chair reported that ,on 11th February, the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) had published a White Paper setting out legislative proposals for a Health and Care Bill. This included proposals around integrated care systems that could have a significant impact on the way of working.
The final details were expected to be released mid/end of April.
The Chairs of the South Yorkshire Health and Wellbeing Boards were to send a joint letter to Sir Andrew Cash, Chief Executive of the Regional ICS.
(2) The dates of the Health and Wellbeing Board for the 2021/22 Municipal Year had now been agreed. Diary invitations would be sent out shortly for these meetings. |
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 220 KB Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board were considered.
Arising from Minute No. 135 (Aim 1: All children get the best start in life and go on to achieve their full potential), Suzanne Joyner, Strategic Director CYPS, advised that a report had been submitted to the Health Select Commission on the findings of the Children’s and Young People Mental Wellbeing survey.
Resolved:- (1) That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 13th January, 2021, be approved as a correct record.
(2) That the Governance Advisor ascertain if Minute No. 133(2) (5 Ways to Wellbeing video) had been actioned. Action:- Dawn Mitchell
(3) That the report submitted to the Health Select Commission be circulated to Board members. Action:- Suzanne Joyner/Becky Woolley |
Special Education Needs and Disabilities Strategy PDF 194 KB Jenny Lingrell, Joint Assistant Director, Commissioning Performance and Inclusion Additional documents: Minutes: Jenny Lingrell, Joint Assistant Director, Commissioning Performance and Inclusion, presented the Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Strategy for approval.
The Strategy set out the key outcomes for children and young people (up to the age of 25) and identified the key priorities and objectives that would deliver them. It identified how the work would be organised and the oversight and accountability that was in place.
The previous version of the SEND Strategy was only ever produced in draft form and was criticised for not reflecting the voices of children, young people or families due to a lack of co-production activity. In order to provide the strategic direction for the joint Strategy, a co-produced ‘Voices’ day had been held in November 2019 where young people, parents, carers and practitioners came together to reflect on Rotherham’s journey in relation to inclusion and agree the next steps and priorities.
The ‘Voices’ Day had agreed a specific set of outcomes for children with SEND in Rotherham. The outcomes were originally formulated by the SEND Strategic Board via an outcomes-based accountability process. These were shared with attendees at the ‘Voices’ day and it was agreed that they did reflect the priorities of children, young people and their families. A scorecard and strategic action plan had also been developed.
Oversight for the Strategy was the responsibility of the SEND Strategic Board which would meet bi-monthly. The SEND Strategic Board reported to the Rotherham Place Board.
It was also noted:-
- Strong element of parent/care input - There was a suite of indicators that sat under the Voice outcome on the performance scorecard, which was considered by the SEND Board, that enabled agencies to look at whether they were continuing to consult and co-produce against the agenda; there were specific measures related to Voice and consultation - Parents and carers were embedded throughout the governance arrangements for SEND and represented on the SEND Board - A piece of deep dive work was to be undertaken to hold agencies to account in terms of outcomes and use the experience of families to evidence that - For each of the 4 outcomes, a scorecard had been developed which would report to the SEND Strategic Board. A refined set of headline measures would be reported quarterly to the Place Board which would also receive a detailed spotlight update 3 times a year
Resolved:- That the SEND Strategy and the SEND Joint Commissioning Strategy be approved. |
Developing a Prevention Led System in Rotherham PDF 2 MB Presentation by Ben Anderson, Director of Public Health Minutes: Ben Anderson, Director of Public Health, gave the following powerpoint presentation:-
Why Prevention - 95% of liver disease was attributable to 3 preventable causes – alcohol, obesity and viral hepatitis - 90% of first heart attacks related to 1 of 9 modifiable factors - 80% of diabetes spend was treating avoidable illness and complications - 2/3s of premature deaths could be avoided through improved prevention, early detection and better treatment - 42% of cancers in the UK were preventable - 17% of deaths in adults over 35 were attributable to smoking
Twin Paradigms for Sustainable Care Systems
Prevention and Health Inequalities - Demonstrating the gaps in Rotherham males and females – treatment and care effect/prevention effect - Obese children Year 6 (2015/16-2017/18) - Hospital stays for alcohol-relating harm (2013/14-2017/18) - Incidence of lung cancer (2012-16) - Emergency hospital admissions for all causes (2013/14-2017/18) - Emergency hospital admissions for CHD (2013/14-2017/18) - Emergency hospital admissions for COPD (2013/14-2017/18) - Hospital admission rates
A Whole System Approach to Prevention - Joint report “Meeting the Prevention Challenge in the East Midlands: A Call to Action” supporting a direct response to the NHS 5YFV - Practical recommendations for Providers and Commissioners across Health and Care covering:- Leadership and Governance Commissioning and Delivery Services Staff Wellbeing Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility
Leadership and Governance - Embed prevention within NHS leadership with an identified broad level prevention champion - Create the governance structures required to deliver on prevention from policies to performance management including the use of health Impact Assessment and Health Equity Audit tools - Ensure strategic level Public Health input to NHS planning and delivery through the ‘Core Offer’ from the local authority - Working through the health and Wellbeing Board to deliver system level prevention - Advocate for prevention within the wider system
Commissioning and Delivery Services - Adopt a whole pathway approach considering opportunities for Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Prevention across services - Ensure that prevention was systematic and delivered at the required scale to deliver a population level impact - Embed Making Everything Count within services, maximising support for lifestyle change with clear pathways to support - Rigorously challenge clinical variation raising the bar for all in the management of risk factors and chronic conditions - Adopt the ‘Proportionate Universalism’ approach to target investment to maximise impact on the ‘window of need’
Staff Wellbeing - NHS staff and their families make up a significant proportion of our local populations. Supporting them to achieve and maintain good health delivered business and population health benefits |
Update from the Local Outbreak Engagement Board Verbal update by Sharon Kemp, Chief Executive Minutes: Sharon Kemp, Chief Executive RMBC, gave the following verbal update on behalf of the Local Engagement Board:-
- Since the last Board meeting, on 22nd February the Government had announced its Roadmap out of lockdown which set out the various stages/dates of the relaxation of lockdown - Rotherham had seen a reduction in case rates – 145 positive cases per 100,000 on the 7 day rate. However, it was still one of the higher areas in the country. This was likely to be related to the fact that a lot of Rotherham’s employment required people to go into and work from a workplace - The testing centres at Midland Road, Herringthorpe Stadium, Maltby and Dinnington were still using the PCR tests. In the afternoons they were becoming collection sites for lateral flow kits for families and bubbles of school children - Riverside House was and would continue to be a testing centre - Businesses with under 50 employees could now register for lateral flow tests - The Council had established a Self-Isolation Payment Scheme in January in light of the success of the 2 national schemes. 78 applications had been received of which 76 had been approved - Rotherham would continue to increase its local contact tracing offer where information was received directly from the national Test and Trace system of those individuals they had not been able to contact. The team, which had had its number of team members increased, contacted individuals by telephone/email or knocking on doors - Letters had been sent out in January to those that fell within the new criteria for the clinical extremely vulnerable cohort. These individuals had been supported by the Community Hub. This classification was until 31st March with further information awaited from Government - There had been significant communications activity including support of the local vaccination take up
The success of vaccination programme was illustrated in the case rate data by age group and a clear line could now be seen between the 65+ age groups where case rates were down to 49 per 100,000 in the 65-69 age group, 34 per 100,000 in 70-74 age group and 44 per 100,000 in 80+ age group as opposed to higher rates in the working age population. There was a clear distance in case rates between those vaccinated and those not showing the impact of the programme.
Resolved:- That the update be noted. |
Update on Aim 4: All Rotherham People Live in Healthy, Safe and Resilient Communities PDF 401 KB Presentation by Paul Woodcock, Strategic Director, Regeneration and Environment, and Steve Chapman, Temporary Chief Superintendent and District Commander, South Yorkshire Police Minutes: Paul Woodcock, Strategic Director, Regeneration and Environment, and Steve Chapman, Temporary Chief Superintendent and District Commander, South Yorkshire Police, gave the following powerpoint presentation on Aim 4: All Rotherham people live in healthy, safe and resilient communities
Priority 1 – Delivery of a loneliness plan for Rotherham – What’s working well - Befriending support continued to be in place for local people via the Rotherham Community Hub and the voluntary and community sector - A promotional video was produced and shared via social media sharing positive stores about befriending - Work continued to reach out to ‘at risk’ groups - The loneliness Making Every Contact Count training had been updated to reflect referral routes and the impact of Covid-19 - The Board Chair had been asked to present on work taking place around loneliness as an example of good practice
Issues to address - There had been an increase in younger people reporting that they were feeling lonely all the time or sometimes (according to the second mental health survey) - Parents were reporting their children were suffering from being in the home for too long leading to increased anger, frustration, loneliness and mental health deterioration - Carers had reported loneliness, isolation, reduced contact/no contact with other family members and not feeling connected to the outside world - There had been an increase in local people requesting support with loneliness through the Rotherham Community Hub Next Steps - Continue to operate the Rotherham Community Hub to provide support to local people - Take forward learning from the Rotherham Community Hub and the Rotherham Heroes approach - Rollout of Making Every Contact Count training as from March 2021 - Continue with the Place Communications and Engagement planned activity - Evaluate Year 3 Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Small Grants Scheme and take learning forward
Priority 2 – Promote health and wellbeing through arts and cultural activities – What’s working well - Around 200,000 people had engaged in online activities and targeted events as part of the Rotherham Together Creative Programme - Activities had included:- Wildflower Park land art commissioned at Clifton Park Light and Hope projection onto the side of the Rotherham Minster Two partnerships with Women of the World ‘No Leotards Necessary’ programme of physical activity through guided exercises, self-led walks and activities in parks Online Story Time with Rotherham libraries Virtual celebrations for the Chinese New Year - The Library Service had actively contacted more vulnerable users and were offering click and collect and e-books/e-magazines etc.
Issues to address - The joint workshop between the Health and Wellbeing Board and the Cultural Partnership Board had been delayed due to workforce capacity - Library buildings had been mainly closed during the pandemic meaning it had not been possible to hold activities and events as planned - Many Culture, Sport and Tourism staff were currently redeployed on essential Covid work i.e. testing - Parks and open spaces had been busy particularly during periods of good weather
Next Steps - The Rotherham ... view the full minutes text for item 151. |
Health and Wellbeing Board Priorities and Action Plan PDF 333 KB Rebecca Woolley, Policy Officer, to present Minutes: Becky Woolley, Policy Officer, presented the latest update on the Health and Wellbeing Board’s priorities and action plan.
It was noted that a further update on the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment was to be submitted to the May meeting. The content had been updated to increase the focus on the health inequalities and also include Covid-19.
Pre-pandemic, there had been a bid submitted to the Shaping Places Fund around Green Spaces and the use of Green Spaces for physical activity in Rotherham (Aim 3). That work had been paused during the height of the pandemic but had now re-started. The bid had now passed through to the Discovery Phase which brought a small amount of funding for engagement work with communities and system mapping to inform the final submission. An update would be submitted in due course.
Resolved:- That the update be noted. |
Rotherham's Older People and the impact of COVID-19 PDF 3 MB Presentation by Lesley Dabell, Barbara Booton and Iain Cloke, Age UK Rotherham Minutes: The Board received the following presentation by David Vickers, Chair of the Rotherham Older People’s Forum, and Iain Cloke and Lesley Dabell, Age UK Rotherham:-
Why is this important? - Everyone has been affected by the impact of Covid-19 - Some have been affected more than others - Older people have been disproportionately affected - It was time for change – a moment to focus on what matters the most - We want older people and the whole community to have the best possible recovery they could have : “Age Friendly” - As part of this, need to involve older people and support them to have the best possible recovery - Important to listen to what older people were saying and involve them in finding the solutions needed - Working together on a ‘Year of Reconditioning’
Covid-19 has disproportionately impacted older people - Almost 1.8M people over the age of 50 had been advised to shield* whilst everyone over the age of 70 had been advised to take extra precautions - 28% of people 50-69 and 24% of people 70+ said their exercise routine was being affected** - 26% of people 50-69 and 33% of over 70s said their access to non-Covid related healthcare was being affected - 42% of adults aged 70+ were reporting high levels of anxiety *NHS Digital Shielded Patient List Data Access on 19th January 2021 **ONS Data Coronavirus and the social impacts on Great Britain published 15th January
Physical Health - “I seem to have become less able in many ways. I think the less you use it the more you lose it”
Physical deconditioning - Older people were finding it harder to walk and were more reliant on aids - They were also finding every day activities around the house harder to complete - Reductions in mobility were having a knock-on effect on older people’s weight, mood and energy - Some older people had said they were falling more frequently than before
Mental Health - “I just feel so scared to go out, my depression has a knock on effect on my pain, not being able to go outside means my mind keeps going round in circles making me more depressed, no conversations, no laughter, in debt and overweight from takeaways. I feel unloved and unwanted” (females 55-59)
Seeing through the eyes of older people in Rotherham - What were older people in Rotherham saying about their journey through Covid-19?
Positive outcomes during Covid-19 - Digital inclusion - Wisdom of age leads to resilience - Older people were carers too - Supporting each other informally and through volunteering
What were the best things you had done or were doing to help get through the crisis? - Sticking to a routine - Staying in touch with others - Being active - Creativity in later life - Mindfulness - Helping others
How are you coping with the impact of Covid-19 - 2/3 said they were coping okay - 1/3 were not coping |
Date and time of Future Meetings Wednesday, 26th May, 2021
21st July
22nd September
24th November
26th January, 2022
16th March
22nd June
All commencing at 9.00 a.m. venue to be confirmed
Minutes: Resolved:- That meetings take place during the 2021/22 Municipal Year as follows:-
Wednesday, 26th May, 2021 21st July 22nd September 24th November 26th January, 2022 16th March 22nd June
all commencing at 9.00 a.m. venue to be confirmed. |