Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham S60 2TH
Contact: Dawn Mitchell Email:
No. | Item |
Matters of urgency Minutes: There were no urgent items. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Questions from members of the public and the press Minutes: There were no questions from members of the public or press. |
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 183 KB Minutes: The Minutes of the previous meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board were considered.
Resolved:- That the Minutes of the previous meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board held on 22nd September, 2021, be approved as a correct record. |
Communications Minutes: The Chair noted his attendance at a series of meetings where the future role of the Health and Wellbeing Boards had been considered. |
Rotherham Surge Plan PDF 518 KB Ian Atkinson, Rotherham Clinical Commissioning Group, to discuss Rotherham’s Winter Plan Minutes: Anne-Marie Lubanski, Strategic Director for Adult Care, Housing and Public Health, made a presentation that provided an update on the Demand Management/Surge Plan 2021-22.
The presentation provided information on:
· Lessons Learnt during 2020-21.
· The Governance arrangements surrounding the Covid Winter Surge Plan 2021/22.
· The planned activity around the delivery of the Covid Winter Surge Plan 2021/22 in areas including:
· Acute · UECC · YAS – 999 · Flow management · Community Services · Mental Health · Care Homes · Communications strategy
· Planned activity around provision of services for Children and Young People by both RDaSH and Rotherham MBC.
· The Multi-Agency Covid Booster and Flu Plan.
Members made the following points during the subsequent discussion.
· Concerns were raised regarding the potential impact of a flu outbreak occurring at the same time as an increase in Covid-19 cases. Members noted the importance of ensuring co-ordinated activity across all partners to maximise the uptake of the flu vaccine as well as Covid-19 boosters.
· The positive impact of driving and delivering successful activity due to effective partnership working.
· Concerns were raised regarding staff resilience in health and social care settings due to consistent high levels of demand for many months at a level only normally seen in winter.
· Members noted success of the Covid booster programme. Concerns were however noted on the pressure that delivering this programme was having on primary care services.
Resolved: - That the update be noted. |
Strategic value of Physical Activity in Tackling Health Inequalities PDF 156 KB Sam Keighley, Yorkshire Sport Foundation, to present/discuss the review into the strategic positioning of physical activity in Rotherham Additional documents:
Minutes: Sam Keighley, Strategic Director at the Yorkshire Sport Foundation, attended the meeting to make a presentation on the strategic positioning of physical activity in Rotherham.
The presentation provided information on:
· The problems related to physical inactivity noting that:
· Nearly 1 in 3 people across Rotherham were active for less than 30 minutes a week. This figure was much higher amongst underserved groups. · Inactivity was a contributing to 1 in 6 deaths in the UK. · How being physically active reduced the risk of heart disease by 35%, hip fractures by 68% type 2 diabetes by 40% and depression by 20%.
· The development of a prevention pathway that aimed to reduce the harms from smoking, obesity and alcohol and support healthy ageing.
· How even a small increase in physical activity could improve mental health and wellbeing, reduced loneliness and isolation and also reduced the chance of developing of non-communicable diseases.
· How the Yorkshire Sport Foundation planned to work with stakeholders across the Borough to increase physical activity.
Members made the following points during the subsequent discussion.
· The vital importance of physical activity and of getting more people active and moving in order to increase people’s health and wellbeing.
· That the challenge of getting more people being physically active was a significant one that would require a large cultural change. The biggest challenge, but the one that would make the most significant difference, would be in helping the very inactive to start moving more.
· The importance of encouraging more people to build activity into their lives and not solely focussing activity on increasing participation in organised sports and activities.
· How the Council would work to increase the physical activity of its workforce and how it would lead as an example to others in the Borough.
· How physical activity could be effectively promoted, especially with harder to reach groups across the Borough. It was noted that the involvement of local sporting celebrities could be beneficial.
Resolved: -
(1) That the report be noted.
(2) That activity around the objectives of:
· “All public sector anchor organisations doing what they can as employers to get and keeping their workforces active.”
· “Creating the conditions where social movements that normalise physical activity can flourish.”
· “Training front line workers across multiple organisations (prevention, early intervention and clinical) to be confident to talk about and signpost people to being active. i.e., Making Every Contact Count (MECC).”
be the priority areas of focus in plans to increase physical activity in Rotherham.
(3) That a ‘coalition of the willing’ be created to work collaboratively on each of the actions selected at (2).
(4) That a progress report be presented to the Health and Wellbeing Board in six months’ time. ACTION:- Policy Officer/Sam Keighley |
Update on Aim 3 of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy Sharon Kemp, Chief Executive RMBC, and Michael Wright, The Rotherham Foundation Trust, to provide an update on aim 3 of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy Minutes: Michael Wright, Deputy Chief Executive TRFT, and Sharon Kemp, Chief Executive RMBC, made a presentation that provided an update on activity surrounding Aim 3 of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy. It was noted that Aim 3 of the strategy was to:
· Ensure support is in place for carers.
· Support local people to lead healthy lifestyles, including reducing the health burden from tobacco, obesity and drugs and alcohol.
The presentation provided information on:
· Key areas of progress around priority one “Ensure support is in place for carers” including:
· that carers had expressed support for the objectives and priorities within the Carers Strategy.
· a programme of face-to-face events was planned through the Carers Corner, including activities to celebrate Carer’s Rights Day.
· that over 200 carers have benefitted from receiving a carer’s grant.
· Key areas of progress around priority two “Support local people to lead healthy lifestyles, including reducing the health burden from tobacco, obesity and drugs and alcohol” including:
· the enhanced tier 2 Weight Management Service that had now commenced.
· that a new employee was now in post and engagement had begun with partners on the development of the drug-related death pathway.
· funding was in place and recruitment was commencing in November for an outreach team focused on frequent attenders to ED with complex alcohol and mental health needs.
· The areas of focus that needed to be addressed to keep the implementation of Aim 3 on track. It was noted that no activities were rated as ‘off-track’ but that four were rated as ‘at-risk’. The actions that would be taken to address the ‘at-risk’ activities were noted.
· Next steps around priority one that included:
· the planned engagement with the Young Carers Council, Rotherham Carers Forum and Rotherham Parent Carers Forum.
· that the Carers Strategy was scheduled to come to the January 2022 Health and Wellbeing Board meeting for approval.
· Next steps around priority two that included:
· how the needs assessments on smoking and healthy weight would be used to inform the recommissioning of services and the development of the partnership Prevention and Health Inequalities Strategy and action plan.
· the development of a drug-related death review policy for ratification by the Safer Rotherham Partnership and how consideration would be given if this also needed Health and Wellbeing Board agreement.
· the commencement of delivery of the outreach service, pending recruitment to the outreach team.
Resolved: - That the update be noted.
Health and Wellbeing Board Action Plan PDF 331 KB Ben Anderson, Director of Public Health/Becky Woolley, Policy Officer, to provide an update against the Health and Wellbeing Board action plan Minutes: Ben Anderson, Director of Public Health, and Becky Wooley, Policy Officer, provided an update of activity taking place around the Health and Wellbeing Board action plan.
Resolved: - That the update be noted. |
Update from the Local Outbreak Engagement Board Sharon Kemp, Chief Executive RMBC, to give a verbal update Minutes: Sharon Kemp, Chief Executive RMBC, provided an update from the Local Outbreak Engagement Board that detailed:
· that while the Covid-19 infection rate was rising in Rotherham, it was rising at a slower rate than other areas.
· that the key message given to residents would continue to be that Covid-19 had not gone away and that there should be no room for complacency.
· the activity that had been taking place around the winter communications strategy and its focus on encouraging vaccine take up and the continued wearing of masks in higher risk situations. It was also noted how communications would continue to be clear and consistent in their messaging.
· the continued success of the local contact tracing service.
· the high uptake of testing locally.
Ben Anderson, Director of Public Health, advised that the messaging around the Covid-19 booster programme would reaffirm the vital importance of getting a booster when offered one.
Resolved: - That the update be noted. |
Issues escalated from the Place Board Sharon Kemp, Chief Executive RMBC/Chris Edwards, Chief Operating Officer Rotherham Clinical Commissioning Group, to report Minutes: Chris Edwards, Chief Operating Officer Rotherham Clinical Commissioning Group provided an update on activity around the Place Board. It was noted that the Gold Command Structure was now in operation.
Resolved: - That the update be noted. |
Better Care Fund Plan 2021-22 PDF 227 KB To endorse the Better Care Fund Plan Additional documents:
Minutes: Members of the Board considered the Better Care Fund Plan 2021/22.
Resolved: - That the documentation submitted to NHS England on 16th November, 2021, regarding the Better Care Fund Plan 2021/22, be noted. |
Rotherham Public ICP Place Board PDF 769 KB Minutes of meetings of the Rotherham Public ICP Place Board held on 7th July, 8th September and 6th October, 2021 Additional documents:
Minutes: Members of the Board considered the Minutes of meetings of the Rotherham Public ICP Place Board held on 7thJuly, 8th September, and 6thOctober 2021.
Resolved: - That the Minutes of meetings of the Rotherham Public ICP Place Board held on 7thJuly, 8th September, and 6thOctober 2021 be noted. |
Date and time of next meeting Wednesday, 26th January, 2022, commencing at 9.00 a.m. venue to be confirmed Minutes: Resolved: - That the next meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board be held on Wednesday, 26th January, 2022, commencing at 9.00 a.m. at a venue to be confirmed. |