Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham S60 2TH
Contact: Dawn Mitchell Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no Declarations of Interest made at the meeting. |
Questions from members of the public and the press Minutes: There were no members of the public or press present at the meeting. |
Appointment of Substitute Elected Member/Observer The Board to consider the appointment of Councillor Foster as an observer to the Board Minutes: The Chair reported that discussions were taking place with regard to the internal Council arrangements for the appointment of Members to the Board in a substitute capacity and/or observer. |
Communications Minutes: The Chair welcomed Toby Lewis, Chief Executive, RDaSH, to his first meeting of the Board.
It was noted that, following the meeting to be held on 22nd November, 2023, there would be a one hour development session for Board Members in the John Smith Room. |
Minutes of the previous meeting Minutes: Resolved:- That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 28th June, 2023, be approved as a true record. |
Aim 2 Update by Board Sponsors Board sponsors to provide an update on Aim 2 of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy Minutes: The Chair reported that work towards sign up of the Prevention Concordat on Better Mental Health was now complete, the application signed by Board partners and submitted in August. The Chair, Director of Public Health and officers had attended the panel meeting on 20th September where the submission had been successful. Excellent feedback had been received on the submission.
Claire Smith, ICB, and Toby Lewis, RDaSH, gave the following powerpoint presentation:-
Priority 1 – Promote better mental health and wellbeing for all Rotherham people Key areas of progress included ¾ The Board has signed up to the Prevention Concordat on Better Mental Health. The application was successful and excellent feedback received ¾ Some of the actions that would support prevention for this next year included:- Mental Health Assets would be mapped and launched (this would be available on the JSNA) Partners were working collaboratively to pull together a mental health data report which would inform pathway development work and transformation of mental health provision Delivery of the Mental Health Pathway Review Further roll out of Making Every Contact Count sessions on loneliness and mental health
Priority 2 – Take action to prevent suicide and self-harm Key areas of progress included ¾ Promote suicide and self-harm awareness training to practitioners across the partnership and members of the public through internal and external communications. Training sessions had been held with partners, sharing learning from real time surveillance system, postvention support including input from a family member who had been bereaved by suicide ¾ Promote postvention support for adults, children and young people bereaved, affected and exposed to suicide and monitor referrals to services including staff affected
Priority 3 – Promote positive workplace wellbeing for staff across the partnership Key areas of progress included:- ¾ Promote the BeWell@Work award to Health and Wellbeing Board partners and support sign up ¾ Ensure partners were engaged in Employment is for Everyone Programme promoting employment opportunities to those with SEND and improved wellbeing at work ¾ Individual Placement and Support Services (IPS) supports people with severe mental health difficulties into employment
Priority 4 – Enhance access to Mental Health Services ¾ Ensure partners are engaged in the development and mobilisation of the integrated primary/secondary care mental health transformation. This included:- Implementation of Mental Health ARRS roles – 16/17 roles currents in post Long term plan eating disorders, IPS and EIP targets by March 2024 – early intervention in Psychosis Service now well established Implementation of Community Mental Integrated Primary/Secondary Care Transformation Programme – development of a primary care hub was underway, opportunities for co-location were being explored following a Hub and Spoke model ¾ To work in partnership to enhance the Mental Health Crisis Pathway (early intervention, prevention, social care and crisis). This required:- Partnership working was underway to ensure an early intervention and crisis prevention model was developed Mobilisation of the Touchstone Safe Space (alternative to crisis) provision. Since the Service was launched in September 2022, significant outreach, engagement and promotion had taken place ... view the full minutes text for item 30. |
Loneliness Action Plan Ruth Fletcher-Brown, Public Health Specialist, to present an update on the loneliness action plan Minutes: Ruth Fletcher-Brown, Public Health Specialist, presented an update on the loneliness action plan with the aid of the following powerpoint presentation:-
National Picture – Office of National Statistics, public opinions and social trends Great Britain 27th April-8th May, 2022 ¾ Around 1 in 20 (6%) of adults reported feeling lonely always or often in the latest period (5% in the previous period) ¾ This increased to around a quarter of adults (25%) reporting feeling lonely always, often or some of the time in the latest period (23% in the previous period) ¾ This proportion appeared to vary slightly by age with 26% of those aged 16-29 years, 30% of those aged 30-49 years, 23% of those aged 50-69 years and 19% of those aged 70 years and above, reporting feeling lonely always, often or some of the time in the latest period
Rotherham Picture ¾ 19.01% of adults felt lonely often or always or some of the time (2019-2020 OHID Fingertips) ¾ 4.8% of Rotherham residents had a poor life satisfaction score (5.0% for England) according to the annual population survey, 2021/22 (lower value was better) ¾ 7.2% of Rotherham residents had a poor happiness score (8.4% for England) according to the annual population survey 2021/22 (lower value was better) ¾ The estimated prevalence of common mental health disorders for Rotherham was 18.6%, this was higher than that for Yorkshire and the Humber and England (2017) ¾ Social isolation and loneliness was experienced by individuals/communities during the pandemic and for some individuals increasing anxiety was now about being around people (DPH Annual Report 2023) ¾ In the 2022 School Lifestyle survey, 29% of students who identified themselves as a young carer felt the caring role stopped them seeing their friends ¾ The Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework (ASCOF) based on the Personal Social Services Survey of Adult Carers showed only 30.2% of adult carers had as much social contact as they would like
Partnership Working ¾ The loneliness action plan was delivered by partners of the Health and Wellbeing Board. Implementation was overseen by the Better Mental Health Group: Children, Young People and Families Consortium Crossroads Healthwatch Rotherham NHS South Yorkshire RDaSH (mental health provider) Rotherham NHS Foundation Hospital Trust RMBC – Adult Care, Housing and Public Health (including Neighbourhoods) RMBC Children and Young People’s Services RMBC Communications RMBC Culture, Sport and Tourism Service, Regeneration and Environment RDaSH Rotherham Federation Rotherham United Community Sports Trust (RUCST) South Yorkshire Police
Rotherham Loneliness Action Plan ¾ Aim 1 – to make loneliness everyone’s responsibility ¾ Aim 2 – improving how organisations and services in Rotherham connected people at risk of experiencing loneliness to support ¾ Aim 3 – make it easier for people living and working in Rotherham to access information about local community groups, activities and support services for loneliness ¾ Aim 4 – spread good practice and encourage knowledge sharing on tackling loneliness across Rotherham
What’s working well – Rotherham ¾ Open Arms Community Support Hubs in areas ... view the full minutes text for item 31. |
Amanda Marklew, TRFT, to report on the successful pilot supporting frequent attenders to ED with complex Alcohol and Mental Health needs with outreach team Minutes: Amanda Marklew, Lead Transformation Nurse Alcohol Liaison Service, gave the following powerpoint presentation:-
¾ Rotherham was identified as a national optimum treatment site and the only one of the of 4 eligible sites to apply for NHS funding, The brief was non-nursing, specified patient group who had alcohol and mental health problems and model to evidence some positive patient outcomes and showcase same
Identifying patients ¾ All patients would consent when offered the extended care option ¾ Identified current patients known to be high users of services and frequent attenders to A&E ¾ Patients in crisis ¾ In-patients as assessed for need
Community Based Approach ¾ Patients identified ¾ Patient assessment by Specialist Nurse ¾ Patient discharged with option of Community support
Community Outreach and Support Team for Alcohol and Mental Health ¾ Acute Alcohol Care and Mental Health Services identify caseload via HIUG and FF forms ¾ COAST consists of 4 x non-Nursing Community and Lifeskills Mentors ¾ Multi-disciplinary approach out into community ¾ All relevant services involved in care planned approach
Results for Rotherham patients who engagement with Outreach Team ¾ 29 patients have completed care under the Outreach Team during this time period ¾ 2 patients (7%) had no admissions or attendances in the 6 months period before discharge ¾ Ambulance use 64 pre/26 post ¾ UECC attendances 85 pre/64 post ¾ Admissions 37 pre/21 post
Improved Outcomes ¾ Community partnership approach ¾ Joint initiatives and a shared vision – no longer standalone including commissioning ¾ Greater understanding of the ‘bigger picture’ ¾ Shared investment and collaborative multi-disciplinary working ¾ Consideration to improvements within the wider community ¾ ‘Living well for longer’ – Harm to Hope and Suicide Prevention
Discussion ensued with the following issues raised/clarified:-
· A huge reduction had been seen in the number of A&E attendances. This would be replicated by South Yorkshire Police and South Yorkshire Ambulance Service · The Service was available 7 days a week unlike many services · Every patient was assessed by a nurse specialist. They were discharged with community support · A large number of patients were of the older generation/housebound/had learning disabilities or several disabilities · Cases were becoming much more complex and the numbers increasing · Funding secured for a Drugs Nurse so the project would now cover both drugs and alcohol · Hull University had selected the project to carry out research on the model · The average cost of 1 frequent attender was £32,000 a year. The project was stopping that attendance and improving their lives · Not all participants were successful in stopping their alcohol dependency but had had a better death from living well for longer. A typical caseload was 40 patients with most stopping drinking within 6-8 weeks. Only 5 patients had been referred to Mental Health Services in 10 years
Amanda emphasised that the funding would end in March 2024. Discussion ensued on the anticipated savings that would have been achieved by the project in relation to the reduced number of frequent attenders at A&E, ... view the full minutes text for item 32. |
Outcomes from the co-production work to deliver on the Carers Strategic Framework Katy Lewis, Carers Strategy Manager, RMBC, to present an update on progress against the Carers Strategic Framework Minutes: Katy Lewis, Carers Strategy Manager, presented an update on the achievements of the Carers Strategic Framework October, 2022-September, 2023, with the aid of the following powerpoint presentation:-
Improved Outcomes ¾ Community partnership approach ¾ Joint initiatives and a shared vision – no longer stand alone including commissioning ¾ Greater understanding of the “bigger picture” ¾ Shared investment and collaborative MDT working ¾ Consideration to improvements within the wider community ¾ ‘Living well for longer’ – Harm to Hope and Suicide Prevention
Achievements ¾ Permanent Carers Strategy Manager in post from July, 2023 ¾ Achievements against the strategic framework ¾ Focus 1 Carers Cornerstones ¾ Focus 2 Creating Communities of Support
Carers Strategy Manager ¾ Initial focus on:- · Networking/identifying stakeholders Joined the Yorkshire and Humber Carers Lead Group Joined the South Yorkshire Integrated Care Partnership Commitment to Carers Group · Securing provision of the current Carers Emergency Service until end of March, 2024 · Undertaking a programme of carers workshops during August/September – ‘Carers Conversations’ to be completed in October · Updating the Council website Carers Information pages – further work ongoing
Focus 1 – Carer Cornerstones ¾ Better Care Fund underspend of £100,000 allocated to the provision of small grants up to £5,000 each to small voluntary and community organisations for projects to improve the health and wellbeing of carers · 19 grants awarded · Carers to be supported included those caring for people with dementia, mental ill health, parent carers and carers from minority communities · Projects funded included physical activity, art therapy, mindfulness and creative craft skills · Projects funded will run from August 2023 to the end of March, 2024 ¾ Borough that Cares Strategic Group · Continued to meet regularly to share best practice and information ¾ Advice and Information · First carers newsletter published in Spring 2023 · Electronic version available on the Council website Carers pages · Intelligence gathering on user experience of existing advice and information offering · Programme of events delivered for Carers Week across the Borough
Focus 2 – Creating Communities of Support ¾ Worked collaboratively with South Yorkshire Integrated Care Partnership – contributed to version 2 of the Practitioners Guide to Carers Support ¾ Worked with RMBC Digital Inclusion Strategy Group to reduce digital exclusion for carers – including carer webpages in RMBC’s customer portal design ¾ Carers Conversations Co-production Programme (August-October, 2023) 14 co-production events (as at September 2023) completed in partnership with locality-based support groups Focus on the themes of accessing advice and information and support services and improved health and wellbeing Outcomes would inform future commissioning decisions
Next Steps ¾ November 2023 – produce report on the outcomes and commissioning proposals following the engagement work being undertaken to include Results of survey undertaken by Healthwatch – due October 2023 Outcomes of the Carers Conversations Feedback gathered at Rotherham Show Feedback from social care and health professionals Proposals for the ongoing provision of a Carers Emergency Service ¾ Encourage unpaid carers in Rotherham to take part in the national Survey of Adult Carers in England 2023-24 administered by NHS England ... view the full minutes text for item 33. |
The Rotherham Place Digital Inclusion Strategy Helen Barker, RMBC, and Andrew Clayton, ICB, to share the recently finalised Digital Inclusion Strategy (Appendix 1 is included in the “For Information” document pack Additional documents:
Minutes: Helen Barker, Head of Customer Service, gave the following powerpoint presentation focussing on health aspects, together with Andrew Clayton, Head of Digital NHS South Yorkshire):-
Timeline ¾ Digital Inclusion Programme established June 2021 ¾ Stakeholder group/governance in place September 2021 ¾ ‘Digital Inclusion Review – Rotherham Place’ Requirements signed off by stakeholder group October 2021 Consultation started with residents and organisations January 2022 Report finalised May 2022 ¾ Development of the Digital Inclusion Strategy and Action Plan Findings of review shared with key stakeholders June-August 2021 Initial draft strategy complete November 2022 Action plan workshop held December 2022 Action plan finalised February 2023 ¾ Endorsement and Support Rotherham Place Board April 2023 Rotherham Together Partnership Board May 2023 Health and Wellbeing Board September 2023
Digital Inclusion Review – Rotherham Place Key Findings ¾ Groups most at high risk of digital inclusion Older people Deprivation LTD/Learning Disability Disadvantaged young people ¾ Areas considered to be most high risk East Herringthorpe Rotherham Central Maltby East ¾ Common barriers to digital inclusion Internet availability Device availability Language barriers Lack of digital skills Worried about being safe online
Digital Inclusion Rotherham Place Strategy Purpose ¾ A Digital Inclusion Strategy that delivers outcomes which target Rotherham’s most digitally excluded
Underlaying Principles ¾ Person centric Focus on the things that matter to people who live, work and do business in Rotherham ¾ Easy for people to understand and relate to Clear, simple, accessible and jargon free ¾ Mobilise and empower people and communities Inform, educate, support, volunteer, keep safe ¾ Target intervention Embed across the Rotherham Place to reduce risk of digital exclusion
Digital Inclusion Action Plan Objectives ¾ Target priority areas and communities to maximise impact ¾ Implement actions that reduce/remove barriers to digital inclusion ¾ Use a framework for evaluating and measuring impact and outcomes
Activities already underway ¾ RNN Digital Champions ¾ Good Things Databank Pilot ¾ ICT Classes and Employability classes for residents ¾ Rotherham Digital website
Planned Activities ¾ Appoint 2 FTE Digital Inclusion Support Officers ¾ Communication and engagement ¾ Create ‘digital surgeries’ in libraries and community centres in East Herringthorpe, Rotherham Central, Thrybergh and Maltby East ¾ Work with partners to expand resident access to technology – wifi, devices, assistive technology
Communications and Engagement Key Messages ¾ We are putting communities at the heart of everything we do ¾ We have listened to what you told us – Digital Inclusion Strategy focussing on the things that mattered to local people ¾ Everyone should be able to benefit from technology – this was what was being done to help those who were most at risk from feeling digitally excluded/isolated
Engagement ¾ Make best use of already established stakeholder relationships/community-based initiatives ¾ Use both printed and digital materials to promote the offer ¾ Target people already digitally active via social media, website information, email subscriber lists – with information they could share with family/friends who were not online ¾ Include information in community/sector based newsletters ¾ Promote digital inclusion ... view the full minutes text for item 34. |
Rotherham Place Partnership Health and Care Plan 2023-25 Lydia George/Claire Smith to present the refreshed Place Plan Additional documents:
Minutes: Claire Smith, Deputy Place Director Rotherham Place, presented the 4th edition of the refreshed Rotherham Place Partnership Health and Care Plan.
The refreshed document took account of the changed landscape following the Health and Care Act 2022 and the establishment of a statutory Integrated Care System (ICS) from 1st July, 2022. The Plan also continued to align with the Rotherham Health and Wellbeing Strategy (refreshed in 2022) for delivery on the health and social care elements of the Strategy. The Rotherham Prevention and Health Inequalities Strategy was also a key local driver for the Place Plan.
The 2023-25 Place Plan built on the previous plans and took into account the expectations set out in the NHS Long Term Plan as well as the new NHS landscape, therefore, aligned with the South Yorkshire Joint Forward Plan and through the Health and Wellbeing Strategy, aligned to the South Yorkshire Integrated Care Strategy.
The chapters within the previous Plan remained in the refreshed version i.e. Best Start in Life (maternity/children and young people), improving mental health and wellbeing, support people with learning disabilities and autism and urgent, emergency and community care.
New chapters had been influenced by recent guidance and as a result of the outcomes from the Place Board development session in January i.e. live well for longer (prevention, self-care and long term conditions) and palliative and end of life care.
As with previous Plans, a performance report would be developed to enable members to be assured on delivery against the priorities and actions within the Plan.
Resolved:- That the final version of the refreshed Rotherham Partnership Health and Care Place Plan 2023-25, together with the accompanying summary version, be endorsed. |
Launch of Safe Place to Sleep Chris Edwards to provide a verbal update on the launch of the ICP Safe Place to Sleep Programme Minutes: Chris Edwards, Executive Place Director, gave a verbal update on the above.
Early years development was an emerging key priority emerging from the Integrated Care Partnership across South Yorkshire and Early Years Development funding agreed. Work would be co-ordinated with the existing family hubs and different approaches/interventions tried. In Rotherham the Swinton family hub had been selected for the initiative. |
Update on Health and Wellbeing Board Strategy Action Plan Ben Anderson, Director of Public Health, and Leonie Weiser, Policy Officer, to present Minutes: Leonie Wieser, Policy Officer, presented an update on the Health and Wellbeing Board Strategy and action plan. |
Items escalated from the Place Board Sharon Kemp, Chief Executive RMBC, and Chris Edwards, Place Director NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Place Board, to present Minutes: There were no items to report. |
BCF Call-Off Partnership / Work Order 2023/24 Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration was given to a report confirming that Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council (RMBC) and the South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (Rotherham Place) had jointly developed a new Better Care Fund Call-Off Partnership/Work Order in 2023/24 which reflected local need and priorities.
The Department of Health and Social Care and Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, had published a BCF Policy Framework for the implementation of the Better Care Fund (BCF) for 2023-25.
The BCF Policy Framework supported 2 key priorities for the health and care system that aligned with the 2 existing BCF objectives:-
¾ Improving overall quality of life for people and reducing pressure on UEC, acute and social care services through investing in preventative services ¾ Tackling delayed discharge and bringing about sustained improvements in discharge outcomes and wider system flow, as set out in the BCF objectives and priorities for 2023-25
NHS England and the Government had published the 2023-25 BCF Planning Requirements, the BCF vision being to support people to live healthy, independent and dignified lives through joining up health, social care and housing services seamlessly around the person. This vision was underpinned by the 2 core BCF objectives:-
¾ Enable people to stay well, safe and independent at home for longer ¾ Provide the right care in the right place at the right time
Also submitted was a report confirming that the financial framework was agreed as part of the BCF governance processes including the in-year assessment of expenditure against the schemes. It also highlighted risks emerging in-year as set out in the risk share section of the Section 75 Agreement.
Resolved:- (1) That the Better Care Fund Call-Off Partnership/Work Order for 2023/24 be approved.
(2) That the areas of risks, underspends and explanations and the Quarter 1 position be noted.
(3) That, in principle, the carry over of any underspend into 2024/25 be approved in respect of capital expenditure against the Disabled Facilities Grant. |
ICB Joint Forward Plan The documents relating to this item is included within the “For Information” document pack Minutes: The ICB Joint Forward Plan was submitted for information. |
Public Rotherham Place Board Minutes Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the Rotherham Place Board held on 19th April and 17th May, 2023, were submitted for information and noted. |
Rotherham Place Board - ICB Business Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of the Rotherham Place Board ICB Business held on 19th April and 17th May, 2023, were submitted for information and noted. |
Date and time of next meeting Wednesday, 22nd November 2023, commencing at 9.00 a.m. venue to be confirmed Minutes: Resolved:- That a further meeting be held on Wednesday, 22nd November, 2023, commencing at 10.00 a.m. to be held in Rotherham Town Hall. |