Agenda and minutes

Health and Wellbeing Board - Wednesday 24 January 2024 9.00 a.m.

Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham S60 2TH

Contact: Dawn Mitchell  Email:

No. Item


Declarations of Interest


There were no Declarations of Interest made at the meeting.


Questions from members of the public and the press


There were no members of the public in attendance and the member of the press present had no questions.




There were no communications to report.


Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 1001 KB


Resolved:-  That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 22nd November, 2023, be approved as a true record.


Further to Minute No. 48, the Chair reminded Board members that the next meeting would be on Wednesday, 6th March, 2023, at Wentworth Woodhouse.


Rotherham's Approach to Weight and Weight Stigma pdf icon PDF 892 KB

Rebecca Bench/Sue Turner, RMBC, to present



Rebecca Bench, Public Health, RMBC, gave the following powerpoint presentation:-


Twelve Months on

-        Compassionate approach was introduced to the Board in January 2023; this presentation is a reflection of what has been done in the last 12 months

-        The key focus of the work is to embed the core principles of the compassionate approach in practice and maximise long term health gains

-        Aims are to encourage a personalised approach to healthy weight, to reduce stigma and remove barriers to successful lifestyle change(s)



-        There was a growing movement and evidence base that supported taking a ‘compassionate approach’ to weight to achieve long term outcomes

-        This approach involved:-

Actively tackling weight stigma and body shaming

Focussing on healthy habits and sustained behaviour change over time rather than on weight loss as the primary success measure

Emphasising the importance of social change over individual ‘lifestyle choices’

Taking a person-centred and holistic approach

Addressing the wider and commercial determinants


What does this mean in practice

-        Language and communications

-        Workplace welling and training

-        Wider determinants of health

-        Commissioning and service delivery

-        Data and measuring success/change


Overview of Developments – Influencing Residents

-        Training – a range of people and organisations trained including development day for 0-19 years and school catering

-        Recruitment – 3 extra nursery nurses to enable a 3 to 4 month supportive visit

-        RotherHive – Sections of eating well and moving more now included

-        Advertising and sponsorship policy in development and would include consideration of the commercial determinants of health

-        Planning –the planning process being used to support a healthier food system


Overview of Developments – Strategic

-        Working Group – currently meeting on a quarterly basis and developing a partnership action plan to help embed compassionate approach into Rotherham

-        JSNA – language around weight and obesity changed to reflect compassionate approach

-        Food Network – incorporated into the action plan for the Food Network

-        National consultation – e.g. review of NICE guidance for weight management

-        Best Start and Beyond Framework – the compassionate approach was one of the lenses

-        South Yorkshire Mayor – looking at public transport advertising (similar to London Transport)


Case Study – Rotherham Healthwave

-        T2 Weight Management Services (and Smoking Cessation) have been recommissioned – launched October 2023

-        Emphasis in the new Service on


Diversity of the offer

Measuring wider outcome measures (including mental health and wellbeing) rather than just weight



Case Study – Moving Rotherham

-        4 priorities – Active Champions, Active Environments, Active Communities and Active Communications

-        Increased focus on wider physical activity and health opportunities with a new sub-group and action plan

-        Focus of actions was on normalising physical activity for everyone, embedding physical activity into everyday life including widening opportunities to be active outdoors and supporting the least active to become more active such as through social prescribing


Case Study – Language and Communications Toolkit

-        Came from feedback given  ...  view the full minutes text for item 67.


VCSE - State of the Sector in Rotherham pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Shafiq Hussain, VAR


Shafiq Hussain, VAR, introduced Cathy Harris, Centre of Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University, who had been conducting the research in the South Yorkshire VCSE. 


Cathy gave the following powerpoint presentation of the initial findings:-


Purpose and Methods

-        To gain an up-to-date picture of the voluntary and community sector in South Yorkshire

-        Previous Rotherham state of the sector survey conducted in 2015

-        Significant challenges recently due to Covid-19 pandemic and the cost of living rises

-        2 strands of research

Administrative data analysis (using publicly available datasets)

Online survey of VCSE organisations – 326 responses overall (103 of which worked in Rotherham)


What does the Voluntary and Community Sector in Rotherham look like

-        A total of 750 registered third sector organisations in Rotherham

-        654 charities, 56 CICs, 26 societies and 14 CASCs

-        Estimated 3,778 employees, 4,218 volunteers and 1,759 trustees


How is the Voluntary and Community Sector in Rotherham funded

-        32% Grants from trusts and/or foundations

-        23% Fees and earned income

-        16% Grants from public sector

-        11% Service delivery

-        8% Public donations including legacies

-        6% Other

-        3% Business donations/sponsorships


What does the Voluntary and Community Sector in Rotherham do

-        88% Supporting health and wellbeing

-        82% Increasing community participation, cohesion and belonging

-        73% Meeting individual needs

-        42% Supporting volunteering and other voluntary and community organisations

-        35% Improving skills and providing employment opportunities

-        33% Facilitating creativity and the arts

-        30% Influencing and campaigning on causes

-        20% Improvement and protecting the environment and animal welfare

-        19% Meeting local economic needs

-        10% Supporting and promoting faith


What are the key challenges

-        37% Level of demand for services

-        36% Income

-        34% Ability to meet demand for services

-        25% Recruitment of volunteers

-        22% Retention of volunteers


What support is needed

-        Demand for services was growing exponentially as the availability of other advice and information services was decreasing yet sourcing funding to cover the demand was incredibly difficult and time consuming

-        Most funding opportunities were fragile and short term

-        It was risk for a voluntary organisation to increase its capacity to meet the demand without secure funding to underpin it – people needing the service were desperate and the issues they were presenting with increasingly complex


It was noted that the full report would be available for the next Board meeting.  However, sustainability was one of the key challenges faced by a charity/third sector organisation and they were not able to meet the level of current demand with their funding not covering their costs.


Resolved:-  That the presentation be noted.


Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Project pdf icon PDF 173 KB

Chris Clark, Doncaster MBC, to present


Chris Clark, Doncaster MBC, gave the following powerpoint presentation on the 2 year funded project for One Adoption South Yorkshire overseen by RAA Leadership programme for Centres of Excellence on the development of a FASD Pathway:-



-        All staff were now fully employed and the commissioning agreement completed.

-        There were:-

Project Manager – 3 days per week

Assistant Education Psychologist – 2.5 days per week

Senior Education Psychologist – 1 day per week

Education Psychologist - ½ day per week

Business Support – 3 days per week


Key Project Deliverables

-        Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Pathway development and implementation

-        Education Psychologist contribute towards support for adopted children with FASD in school

-        Work with the Integrated Care Board (ICB) to develop an understanding of effects of FASD and develop initial support services

-        Reduction of temporary/permanent exclusions for adopted children with FASD

-        Development of SEND support plans for adopted children with FASD

-        Work with Virtual Schools to design a single integrated offer across South Yorkshire

-        Education Psychologist to link with universities, national and international research to develop approaches for supporting children with FASD

-        Education Psychologist will work directly with adopted children affected by FASD


Key Challenges

-        Recruitment to all positions

-        Identifying numbers affected by FASD in South Yorkshire

-        Benchmarking to demonstrate impact

-        Identifying clinical staff as part of Assessment and Diagnosis Working Group

-        Measuring the impact of the project across the 2 years due to FASD being currently under identified

-        Ensuring development of FASD pathway was scalable beyond the One Adoption Service


Work to Date

-        Formation of Steering Group

Oversight and guidance of project

-        Sub-Board

Oversight of working groups and feed into Steering Group on progress, issues and key decisions

-        Prevention and Awareness Working Group

Led by Angela Fawcett (Deputy Chief Nurse) and Mandy Craig (SCSP Vulnerability Manager)

-        Intervention and Support

One Adoption South Yorkshire including service users with lived experience

-        Assessment and Diagnostic

First meeting arranged for 5th February

Working Group key attendees


Assessment and Diagnostic – Considerations

-        What does diagnosis/assessment look like

-        Who does the diagnosis

One Service

Multi-disciplinary team

Clinical or non-clinical with relevant training

Public or private service

-        When/how to identify who needs diagnosis

-        Separate assessment or part of a neurodevelopment pathway assessment


Next Steps

-        Work with Neurodevelopmental Working Group through ICB

-        Identify clinical lead for Assessment and Diagnosis (A&D) Working Group

-        Identify who needs to be part of Assessment and Diagnosis Working Group

-        Set up initial meeting programme

-        NICE Quality Guidelines:  how to implement for FASC

-        Consider funding options: 2 year funding, Adoption Support Fund, other


Useful Links

-        National FASC –Home - National FASD

-        FASD Learning with Hope –FASD: Learning with Hope – Our family's journey toward a bright future (

-        NICE Quality Standards –Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (

-        Me and my FASC – Me and My  ...  view the full minutes text for item 69.


Carers Strategy - Status Update January 2024 pdf icon PDF 339 KB

Katy Lewis, Carers Strategy Manager, RMBC


Katy Lewis, Carers Strategy Manager,  presented an update on the progress made in association with The Borough That Carers – Strategic Framework 2022-25 Creating a Carer Friendly Rotherham.


The report focussed on the progress made against the strategic aims in the first 2 areas of focus in the Strategy i.e. Carer Cornerstones and creating communities of support.  The Council and partners had worked to deliver the actions with unpaid carers being placed at the heart of the process through their direct involvements in The Borough That Cares Strategic Group.


The report highlighted:-


-        Borough that Carers Strategic Framework formally launched on 24th November, 2022 and published on the Council’s website

-        Permanent post of Carers Strategy Manager appointed in July 2023

-        Bi-monthly updates against Aim 3 of the Health and Wellbeing Board action plan 2022-2025 submitted

-        Rotherham was leading the consortia with Sheffield, Barnsley and Doncaster to prepare an Expression of Interest for submission to the Accelerating Reform Fund.  The total potential funding to be allocated to Rotherham was a minimum of £168,000 to support project delivery across February 2023 to March 2025.

-        Programme of engagement with 11 carers groups that supported carers of people with a variety of issues

-        Update of the carers’ pages on the Council website

-        New Terms of Reference agreed and The Borough That Cares Strategic Group now known as The Borough That Cares Network Group

-        Evaluation completed of the Emergency Care Scheme and options for the renewal of contract identified and agreed

-        Better Care Fund allocation for unpaid carers utilised in the provision of 19 small grants issued to community groups for projects focussing on improving carers’ health and wellbeing

-        New actions aligned to the final year priorities identified in The Borough That Cares Strategic Framework to be proposed to the Board in March 2024 for 2024/25

-        Equality analysis of the support for unpaid carers in Rotherham in progress and an action plan developed where required


Discussion ensued with the following issues raised/clarified:-


·        As part of the Community Navigators’ annual work programme, promotion of the service would take place and ascertain what was on offer and where carers were engaging

·        The advice and information pages were good examples of what was available but it would be enhanced in co-production with key stakeholders

·        The small schemes grant scheme had been very successful during its 6 months

·        Currently there was no timescale for the production of the action plan.  The Borough That Cares Network Group had agreed new terms of reference and developing an action plan aligned to the focus of the strategic framework


Katy was thanked for her presentation.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the update be noted.


(2)  That the new milestones for 2024/2025 be submitted to the Board’s March meeting.


Aim 4 Update by Board Sponsors pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Paul Woodcock, Strategic Director, Regeneration and Environment, to present


Paul Woodcock, Strategic Director, Regeneration and Environment gave the following powerpoint presentation:-


Aim 4: All Rotherham people live in healthy, safe and resilient communities

-        Deliver a loneliness plan for Rotherham

-        Promote health and wellbeing through arts and cultural initiatives

-        Ensure Rotherham people are kept safe from harm

-        Develop a Borough that supports a healthy lifestyle


Priority 1 – Deliver a loneliness plan for Rotherham

Key area of progress include

-        The loneliness action plan has been updated and in delivery

-        Work was taking place on the JSNA chapter on loneliness which would include qualitative information from some of Rotherham’s inclusion groups (veterans, carers, neurodiverse adults and parents and carers of children with SEND)

-        Delivery of revised MECC loneliness training would commence in February

-        Ensure the Board was involved in informing local priority setting and was able to take local issues relating to health and wellbeing into account in strategic planning

-        Ward priority setting would take place after the May 2024 elections with publication scheduled for September 2024.  Council services and partners would be invited to contribute to local intelligence in advance of May 2024 to help inform priority setting


Priority 2 – Promote health and wellbeing through arts and cultural initiatives

Key areas of progress include

-        Rotherham Show took place on 2nd and 3rd September 2023 attracting an estimated audience of 88,918

-        The Council continued to deliver on the design of the Children’s Capital of Culture programme

-        The second annual UPLIFT Skate and Arts Festival took place in April 2023 with an estimated audience of 6,000 and featured a Teenage Market celebrating young makers and entrepreneurs

-        WoW Rotherham took place in June 2023 with elements of the programme designed and delivered by Children’s Capital of Culture Trainee Festival makers

-        Activities were being delivered in libraries for people of all ages to connect, be active and learn new skills and widen the accessibility of Library Services through Pop-up libraries, reading gardens, Makerspaces, Authors’ visits and performances, fun palaces

-        1,000 people attended fun palaces in October at various venues across the Borough.  Skills shared included origami, gardening, crochet, wood turning, cake decorating, brass bands, gaming and keyboarding

-        The Makerspace Project culminated in an exhibition at Riverside House from works produced at all 5 libraries.  Groups of school children and members of the public had a go at using equipment and materials to make pinch pot birds, 3D pavilions, 2D clay figures and sewed pyjamas and hearts for the neonatal ward


Priority 3 – Ensure Rotherham people are kept safe from harm

Key areas of progress include

-        Work was ongoing to embed referral pathways with key partners in Rotherham through the Home Safety Partnership Referral Scheme and Safe and Well checks

-        Safeguarding Board Chairs meetings were now established to maintain the relationship between the Safeguarding Boards and work on crosscutting issues

-        Delivery of vaccination programme for Covid-19 and Flu.  40,651 Covid vaccinations had  ...  view the full minutes text for item 71.


Update on Health and Wellbeing Strategy Action Plan pdf icon PDF 928 KB

Leonie Wieser/Ben Anderson, to present


Leonie Wieser, Policy Officer, presented the update on the Health and Well-Being Board Strategy Action Plan (January 2024).


The plan outlined progress against agreed priorities, highlighting where actions were completed, on track, at risk of not meeting milestones or off track. 


Resolved: That the update be approved.


Items escalated from Place Board


Winter Pressures

Chris Edwards, ICB, reported that it had been extremely pressurised but not as pressured this winter as it had been in 2023 and currently the winter plan seemed to be working.  The Foundation Trust was at level 1-4, tending to be at level 3 most of the time, as was the situation for the rest of South Yorkshire.


The winter plan was successful and, although the system was extremely challenged, it was coping.


Mental Health Services had specific problems and challenges nationally but were working as well as they could be.


Better Care Fund


A meeting of the Executive was to be shortly.


Health and Wellbeing Strategy Aims alignment with ICP Strategy pdf icon PDF 870 KB


Further to Minute No. 54 of the previous meeting, the Board noted the 2023 Integrated Care Strategy for South Yorkshire aligned with the Rotherham Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2018-2025 (refreshed 2022).


NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Partnership Board pdf icon PDF 338 KB

Unadopted Minutes of the Public Meeting held on 27th September, 2023


The unadopted minutes of the public meeting of the NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Partnership Board held on 27th September, 2023, were submitted for information and noted.


Rotherham Place Board ICB Business pdf icon PDF 217 KB

Minutes of meeting held on 18th October and 15th November, 2023

Additional documents:


The minutes of the meeting of the Rotherham Place Board ICB Business held on 18th October and 15th November, 2023, were submitted for information and noted.


Rotherham Place Board Public Partnership Business pdf icon PDF 262 KB

Minutes of meeting held on 18th October and 15th November, 2023

Additional documents:


The minutes of the Rotherham Place Board held on 18th October and 15th November, 2023, were submitted for information and noted.


Date and time of next meeting

Wednesday, 6th March, 2024 at Wentworth Woodhouse


Resolved:-  That a further meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board be held on Wednesday, 6th March, 2024, at Wentworth Woodhouse commencing at 9.00 a.m.