Resolved:- (1) That, on the development proposals now considered, the requisite notices be issued and be made available on the Council’s website and that the time limits specified in Sections 91 and 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 apply.
In accordance with the right to speak procedure the following people attended the meeting and spoke about the applications below:-
- Change of use from residential (use class C3) to residential children's home (use class C2) at 124 Broom Road Broom for Homes 4 Young People Ltd. (RB2023/1686)
Mr. Z. Ali (Supporter)
Mr. R. Green(Objector)
Mrs. T. Moran (Objector)
Councillor T. Yasseen (Objector)
- Erection of 100 mw battery storage facility and associated works at land off Moat Lane, Wickersley for Max Design Consultancy Ltd. (RB2024/0063)
Mr. M. Jones (Applicant)
Ms. V. Bryan (Objector)
Mr. A. Frost (Objector)
Mrs. M. Godfrey, Wickersley Parish Council (Objector)
Mrs. L. Howard (Objector)
- Erection of 100 mw battery storage facility, creation of bund and associated earthworks and other associated works at land off Moat Lane, Wickersley for Harmony TC Limited (RB2024/0321)
Ms. F. Nicholson (Applicant)
Ms. V. Bryan (Objector)
Mr. A. Frost (Objector)
Mrs. M. Godfrey, Wickersley Parish Council (Objector)
- Reserved matters application (details of access, external appearance, landscaping, layout & scale) for the erection of 177 dwellinghouses (reserved by outline RB2022/1076) at land south off Highfield Spring Waverley for Harworth Estates Residential Development (RB2024/0344)
Ms. J. Beckett (Applicant)
- Removal of rear conservatory and canopy to side, single storey front, side and rear extension, two storey side extension, new roof over flat roof two storey rear extension and render the whole existing property and proposed extensions at 368 Bawtry Road Hellaby for Mr. Ball (RB2024/1025)
Mr. J. Hopewell (Objector)
Ms. D. Mallinder (Objector)
An email was read out on behalf of Councillor Ball (Objector)
(2) That the Planning Board declare that it was not favourably disposed towards application RB2023/1686 and that it be refused on the grounds that the proposals would be detrimental to the amenities of local residents by way of noise and disturbance and on the possible lack of privacy for potential occupants with the detail of the reasons for refusal being agreed by officers in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Planning Board.
(3) That the Planning Board declare that it was not favourably disposed towards application RB2024/0063 and that it be refused on the grounds that very special circumstances for development in the Green Belt had not been demonstrated and that access to the site from Green Lane, due to its width, would have an adverse impact on pedestrians and other road users with the detail of the reasons for refusal being agreed by officers in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Planning Board.
(4) That the Planning Board declare that it was not favourably disposed towards application RB2024/0321 and that it be refused on the grounds that very special circumstances for development in the Green Belt had not been demonstrated and that access to the site from Green Lane, due to its width, would have an adverse impact on pedestrians and other road users with the detail of the reasons for refusal being agreed by officers in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Planning Board.
(5) That with regards to application RB2024/0344:-
(a) The Council enter into a satisfactory Legal Agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the purposes of securing:-
· 113 Affordable Housing Units on site (63.8%).
· The development to the north of the site being considered in Planning Application Reference RB2024/1435 being constructed prior to construction of Plots 4-11 as that development provides the car parking for those plots, the access road, private drives and associated highway work, landscaping and bund.
(b) subject to the satisfactory signing of the legal agreement application RB2024/0344 be granted for the reasons adopted by Members at the meeting and subject to the relevant conditions listed in the submitted report with minor amendments to Conditions 7, 29 and 31.
(6) That application RB2024/1025 be granted for the reasons adopted by Members at the meeting and subject to the relevant conditions listed in the submitted report.
(Councillor Currie declared a personal interest in application RB2023/1686 (change of use of residential (use class C3) to residential children’s home (use class C2) at 124 Broom Road, Broom for Homes 4 Young People Ltd. on the grounds of his own personal experiences as a young person)
(Councillor Fisher declared a personal interest in application RB2024/0063 (erection of 100 mw battery storage facility and associated works at land off Moat Lane, Wickersley for Max Design Consultancy Ltd. and application RB2024/0321 (erection of 100 mw battery storage facility, creation of bund and associated earthworks and other associated works at land off Moat Lane, Wickersley for Harmony TC Limited on the grounds that he held shares in another energy company)
Supporting documents: