Issue - decisions

(R&E) 18-044 Fire and Security, Service, Repair and Maintenance Tender Evaluation

18/02/2020 - (R&E) 18-044 Fire and Security, Service, Repair and Maintenance Tender Evaluation






Date Of Decision:


18 February 2020

Decision Maker:

(Including Job Title)


Paul Woodcock (Strategic Director Regeneration and Environment)

Specific Delegation:

(If any)



Brief Description of Decision:



The award of a contract in respect of service, installation and maintenance of security consumables, including but not limited to, fire and intruder alarms, emergency lighting, monitoring, access control, CCTV and surveillance cameras (not on the Highways) and associated consumables. This was tendered and awarded to DFP Services Ltd for a period of 24 months, with the option to extend by a further 2 x 12-month periods.


The contract commenced on 1 April 2020.


Details of the contract can be found on the Council’s contracts register at the following link:

Reasons for the Decision:




The result of a competitive procurement procedure.


The procedure was undertaken as an Open Tender exercise which was conducted in line with the Public Contract Regulations 2015 and the Council’s own Financial and Procurement Procedure Rules.

Details of Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:



Where the decision is made under specific delegation from a decision making body, the names of any member of the relevant body who has declared a conflict of interest in relation to the decision and name of the body granting the specific delegation and the date when it did so:



Background Papers:



Tender evaluation report



I certify that this is a true record of the decision in relation to the award of a contract in respect of service, installation and maintenance of security consumables, including but not limited to, fire and intruder alarms, emergency lighting, monitoring, access control, CCTV and surveillance cameras (not on the Highways) and associated consumables


Signed by the Decision Maker           Paul Woodcock             

Dated: 18 February 2020


Name: Paul Woodcock                                  

Job Title:   Strategic Director, Regeneration & Environment