Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Discretionary Rate Relief Top Up Review'
- Councillor Gerald Smith - Personal - Application DRRTU/14/18 on the grounds that he was a member of Aston Parish Council, which included Aston Parish Hall Management Committee.
- Councillor Jahangir Akhtar - Personal and Prejudicial - Disclosable pecuninary interest in application DRRTU/14/32 and a personal interest in applications DRRTU/14/57 and DRRTU/14/65 and left the room whilst these applications were discussed.
- Councillor Ken Wyatt - Personal - Application DRRTU/14/44 on the grounds that a relative accessed this service.
- Councillor Mahroof Hussain - Personal - On the grounds that he had supported or had been involved with some of the organisations in his role as Cabinet Member.
- Councillor Paul Lakin - Personal - Application DRRTU/14/21 on the grounds that Dalton Parish Council were a trustee of the facility and he was a member of Dalton Parish Council.
- Councillor Rose McNeely - Personal - Application DRRTU/14/63 on the grounds that she had acted as a volunteer.