Venue: Garden Room, Clifton Park Museum, Rotherham. S65 2AA
Contact: Dawn Mitchell Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no Declarations of Interest made at this meeting. |
Questions from members of the public and the press Minutes: There were no members of the public or press present at the meeting. |
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 103 KB Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board were considered.
Resolved:- That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 10th July, 2019, be approved as a correct record. |
Communications Minutes: Be the One – Suicide Prevention Campaign The joint Campaign of the CCG, Council and RDaSH had been extremely successful so far. As of 10th September there had been 9,000 hits on the website, 57,000 people had accessed via Facebook and 36,000 tweets.
Loneliness Strategy The above Strategy, which came under Aim 4 of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy, was to be launched on 24th September at the Rawmarsh High Street Centre. Anyone who had not responded to the invite should do so as soon as possible.
Rotherham Show Board members were requested to give consideration to a joint health and wellness marquee at next year’s Show.
Resolved:- That partners discuss within their individual organisations and further discussion take place at a future Board meeting. ACTION:- All Board members |
Improving Air Quality in Rotherham PDF 620 KB Tom Smith, Assistant Director, Community Safety & Street Scene Minutes: Tom Smith, Assistant Director Community Safety and Street Scene, assisted by Matt Reynolds, Manager Planning, Regeneration and Transport, gave the following powerpoint presentation:-
Background - 7M deaths globally were caused by air pollution - Estimated up to 36,000 deaths a year in the United Kingdom - Contributes to over 100 deaths per year in Rotherham - Worsens chronic illnesses, shortens life expectancy and damages lung development in children - Causes asthma, increases the chances of hospital admissions and respiratory and cardiovascular disease - Poor communities were most exposed to and suffered the consequences of polluted air - United Kingdom had been in breach of legal limits since 2010
Rotherham Air Quality Plan 2016-20 - Mitigation of air quality impacts through the planning process (Development Control) - Promoting low emission transport in particular cleaner buses, taxi licensing, the installation of electric vehicle recharging infrastructure - Promoting travel alternatives to the private car, raising public awareness especially of the impact of diesel vehicles on air quality in our towns and cities - Improving the efficiency of the Rotherham MBC Vehicle Fleet
Work to Date – Sustainable Transport - Care4Air Campaign - Promote uptake of electric vehicles – 25 charging points - Promote alternative transport · Cycleboost · Sustainable and Active Travel support for schools · Independent Travel Training · “Walk Rotherham” project · Busboost · EcoStars
Work to Date – Infrastructure - National Productivity Investment Fund - Tram Train Pilot - Rotherham Interchange - A630 Parkway widening
Improving Air Quality in Rotherham - Rotherham and Sheffield required to work together to: · Analyse local air quality · Achieve statutory compliance with Air Quality Legislation · Proposed scheme(s) were deliverable in the shortest possible time and by no later than 2021 - Submit final business case to Government by December 2019
What is causing the problem? - Road traffic - Particular types of vehicles · Diesel vehicles and older petrol vehicles were the most polluting · Older non-retrofitted buses · Private hire taxis · HGVs and LGVs - Focused in particular locations across the Borough – Wortley Road, Rawmarsh Hill, Fitzwilliam Road and the Parkway
Sheffield Parkway in Rotherham (A630) - Sheffield propose to introduce a Category C (CAZ C) charging zone area bounded by the inner ring-road - Would bring both the Sheffield and Rotherham sections of Sheffield Parkway into compliance by 2021 - Assumes that the proposed 50 mph speed limit, associated with the widening of the Parkway in Rotherham was introduced
Rawmarsh Hill (A633) Rawmarsh - Upgrade or replace all buses operating on Rawmarsh Hill were to the Euro VI standard as a minimum - A Euro VI bus delivers an almost 95% reduction in emissions against earlier Euro standards - Divert around 25-30% of the scheduled buses from Rawmarsh Hill onto Barbers Avenue - Improve the junctions at Dale Road and undertake minor works to Barbers Avenue itself, to support this measure
Fitzwilliam Road (A630) Eastwood - Minor engineering and traffic flow works
Wortley Road and Upper Wortley Road (A629), Kimberworth and Thorpe Hesley - Heavy Goods Vehicles ban – northbound towards ... view the full minutes text for item 36. |
Advancing our Health: Prevention in the 2020s Consultation PDF 87 KB Councillor Roche, Chair Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair introduced a report on ‘Advancing our Health: Prevention in the 2020s’ consultation.
Consultation on the Prevention Green Paper had been launched on 22nd July, 2019, and would close on 14th October. The Paper built on previous policy developments including the NHS Long Term Plan and the national Prevention Vision.
The crosscutting themes of the Paper were:-
- Emphasis on technology, digital and innovation over other factors such as the wider determinants of health
- Focus on greater personalisation and a targeted approach with a shift away from universalist interventions and towards interventions stratified by risk
- Increasingly important role for regulation and taxation including exploring the introduction of a levy on the tobacco industry based on the principle of the ‘polluter pays’ and exploring how the sugar tax should be extended to include milk-based drinks
- Focussing on the early years including modernising the Health Child Programme and taking action on children’s oral health
- Closing the ‘prevention gap’ and achieving parity of esteem not just for how mental health conditions were treated but also for how they were prevented
- Seeing health as an asset to invest in throughout life and not just a problem to fix when it went wrong
Attention was also drawn to the key themes of the Paper and where the gaps were.
Discussion took place with the following points raised:-
· Cancer UK was interested in using the Rotherham Health app · The CCG Small Grants for Mental Health had a big effect certainly with some of the work Healthwatch was doing with men’s mental health · Closer links with Housing and Planning with regard to air quality and the effect on communities · Welcome the focus on Public Health as a priority and provide examples of what Rotherham thought of as networks e.g. social prescribing, connecting communities, focus in the Health and Wellbeing Strategy around Housing and suggest that they were the things Rotherham would like to see a focus on · Since publication of the Paper there had been an announcement that there would be an investment in Public Health next year · Play to Rotherham’s strengths in what was believed would make a difference whilst putting a challenge down to the Government · The TRFT to incorporate what had worked in Rotherham in the form of case studies
Resolved:- (1) That Board Members provide comments for inclusion in the response to Becky Woolley by 26th September, 2019. ACTION:- All Board Members/Becky Woolley
(2) That the TRFT provide case studies for inclusion in the response. ACTION:- TRFT |
Performance Framework Spotlight: Suicide Prevention PDF 143 KB Ruth Fletcher-Brown, Public Health Specialist Additional documents: Minutes: The Board considered a report containing information taken from the Public Health England Suicide Prevention Profiles and Office of National Statistics (ONS) data. It showed that:-
- Rotherham – after a small decrease between 2013-15, the 3 year directly age-standardised rate (DSR) had increased from 13.9 to 15.9 deaths per 100,000 between 2014-16 and 2015-17. The latest data for 2016-18 showed that this had now dropped to 13.1 deaths per 100,000 a decrease of nearly 18%
- Yorkshire and Humber Region – had a statistically higher suicide rate for males in 2018 compared to the overall rate for males in England and Wales – 19.0 deaths per 100,000 males compared to 16.2. The suicide rate had increased from 15.3 in 2017 to 19.0 deaths per 100,000 in 2018 for males. For females the highest suicide rate in 2018 in England was seen in Yorkshire and the Humber – 5.7 deaths per 100,000 women
- England – All Persons Suicides – 5,021 suicides were registered in 2018, 570 more than in 2017 (4,451 deaths) – 12.8% increase. The latest England rate represented the first increase since 2014, however, this remained lower than at the beginning of the time series (1981) – 14.6 deaths per 100,000 persons
A symposium had been held in Rotherham in June 2019 as an opportunity for partners working across Rotherham to hear about national research and best practice in relation to suicide prevention. It had also acted as a self-assessment of the Rotherham Suicide Prevention and Self-Harm Action Plan which would be submitted to the Board for sign off.
In Rotherham there was joint working between the CCG, RMBC and men’s groups to develop the concepts for the suicide prevention campaign, ‘Be the One’.
Rotherham had secured NHSE Year 2 Suicide Prevention funding which would be used to fund the promotion of a second round of small grant awards to men’s groups that were tackling the risk factors relating to suicide, implementation of the Train the Trainer Self Harm project, provision of a listening service for those bereaved/affected by suicide and suicide prevention training for frontline staff and targeted work in areas of higher rates.
Concern remained with regard to the number of women in Rotherham and the region who took their own lives. Rotherham Public Health had commenced initial conversations with a local university regarding research into this area. Also, whilst dropping in the 3 year period, suicide rates were still above the national average.
Next steps included the launch and monitoring of the impact of the ‘Be the One’ campaign as well as sign off of the Rotherham Suicide Prevention and Self Harm Action Plan by the Health and Wellbeing Board. The NHSE Year 2 funded work would be implemented and evaluated as well as discussions with ICS colleagues in relation to any joint commissioning opportunities, work with a local university to understand why women took their own lives and look at what actions could be taken by all partners.
It was noted that families ... view the full minutes text for item 38. |
Refresh of the Sexual Health Strategy PDF 64 KB Gill Harrison, Public Health Specialist Additional documents:
Minutes: Gill Harrison, Public Health Specialist, presented the 2019-21 refresh of the Sexual Health Strategy for Rotherham with the aid of a powerpoint presentation.
The Strategy set out the priorities for the next 3 years for improving sexual health outcomes for the local population. It provided a framework for planning and delivering commissioned services and interventions (within existing resources) aimed at improving sexual health outcomes across the life course.
The Strategy had been scrutinised by the Health Select Commission with comments relating to suggested actions to be submitted to the Strategy Group.
The Strategy aimed to address the sexual health needs reflected by Public Health England’s sexual and reproductive health epidemiology report 2017 which highlighted areas of concern. The following were identified as concerns to identify actions for 2019-21:-
- Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) diagnosis in young people - Sexual health within vulnerable groups - Under 18 conception rate - Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) admission rate - Abortions under 10 weeks
The refreshed Strategy also reflected concerns expressed in the Rotherham Voice of the Child Lifestyle Survey 2018 i.e. the number of those sexually active young people (aged 14/15 years) who said that they did not use any contraception had increased from 27.5% in 2017 to 29.1% in 2018. Also the numbers of young people (aged 14/15 years) reporting that they had had sex after drinking alcohol and/or taking drugs showed a significant increase since the 2017 survey.
Discussion ensued with the following issues raised/clarified:-
- There was nothing to show how someone would be supported if they had been attending the Sexual Health Clinic and still became pregnant - There were regular monitoring meetings with the Integrated Sexual Health Service who kept action logs in relation to CSE and any Safeguarding areas of concern they may have had and what they had done with them There was some very positive work between the Pause Project, Sexual Health Clinic at the Hospital and GPs. Could the “vulnerable groups” be broadened to that currently contained within the Plan and include Pause? - Yorkshire MESMAC was to submit a funding bid to the National HIV Intervention Fund to carry out work with the Roma community - A clear action plan would be developed to underpin delivery of the Strategy - There would be a clear action plan with actions - The term “vulnerable” used in the Public Health England context was different to that normally understood by the term
Resolved:- That the refreshed Sexual Health Strategy and associated action plan be approved. |
Health and Wellbeing Board Annual Report PDF 467 KB Councillor Roche, Chair Minutes: The Chair introduced the Health and Wellbeing Board’s first annual report 2018/19.
The report set out the governance arrangements, delivery of the Strategy, what was working well, what the Board was worried about and what it would do next.
It was felt that the report would help the Board to improve its media footprint, published on the website and presented to various partner boards as and when required.
Resolved:- That the report be noted. |
Updates to the Health and Wellbeing Board Councillor Roche, Chair Minutes: Supplementary Planning Documents At the meeting of the Council’s Cabinet on 16th September approval had been given to go out to consultation on a suite of Supplementary Planning documents which included Equal and Healthy Communities and Air Quality and Emissions.
Report Templates Following discussion at the Executive Group, it had been agreed that a new Plan on a Page template be utilised for reports by Board Sponsors to provide updates on each of the aims in the Strategy.
Resolved:- (1) That the updates be noted.
(2) That the Equal and Healthy Communities and Air Quality and Emissions Supplementary Planning documents be circulated to Board Members. ACTION:- Paul Woodcock/Becky Woolley
Future Agenda Items Annual reports of the Safeguarding Adults and Safeguarding Children Boards Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Loneliness Plan |
Issues escalated from Place Board Minutes: There were none to report. |
Better Care Fund Planning Template PDF 117 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board received, for information, an overview of the Better Care Fund Plan for 2019-20. The BCF planning template was in line with the 2019-20 Better Care Fund Policy Framework published in April 2019 and the Better Care Fund Planning Requirements 2019-20 which included Key Lines of Enquiries (KLOEs) released in July 2019.
The report set out the key achievements for 2017-19 since the BCF Plan including enhanced health care in care homes, lessons learned and income and expenditure.
Rotherham was fully meeting the 4 national conditions set within the Government in the BCF Policy Framework and towards the former national conditions contained within the 2017-19 BCF Plans.
The report also set out the various stages of the approval process the BCF planning template for 219/20 was subject to which included submission to the NHS England on 27th September, 2019.
Resolved:- That the report be noted. |
Health and Wellbeing Strategy Performance Framework PDF 96 KB Minutes: The Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2018-25 Performance Framework was submitted for information. |
Active for Health - Evaluation Report PDF 4 MB Minutes: The Board noted the Rotherham Active for Health evaluation report. |
ICP Performance Report PDF 1 MB Minutes: The Board noted the progress with deliver of the ICP Place Plan as at the end of quarter 1 2019-20. |
Rotherham Integrated Care Partnership Place Board PDF 109 KB Minutes of meetings held on 5th June, 3rd July and 7th August, 2019 Additional documents:
Minutes: The minutes of the Rotherham Integrated Care Partnership Board held on 5th June, 3rd July and 7th August, 2019, were noted. |
Date and time of next meeting Wednesday, 20th November, 2019, commencing at 9.00 a.m. to be held at Voluntary Action Rotherham, The Spectrum, Coke Hill, Rotherham Minutes: Resolved:- That the next meeting be held on Wednesday, 20th November, 2019, commencing at 9.00 a.m. at Rotherham Town Hall. |