Venue: Town Hall, Moorgate Street, Rotherham S60 2TH
Contact: Dawn Mitchell Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no Declarations of Interest made at the meeting. |
Questions from members of the public and the press Minutes: There were no members of the public and the press present at the meeting. |
Minutes of the previous meeting Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board were considered.
Resolved:- That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 22nd January, 2020, be approved as a correct record. |
Communications Minutes: Shaping Places Funding Bid The Chair reported that the Expression of Interest submitted to the above Fund had successfully passed through the first stage. The deadline had now been extended to 23rd April, 2020.
The focus of Rotherham’s bid was on physical activity in green spaces which in particular related to Aim 3 of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy. If successful in the second stage, a grant would be received to help develop a Strategy together with expert advice.
Resolved:- That should the bid be successfully in the second phase, that the Working Group attend a meeting of the Board to inform members of the detail of the bid. ACTION:- Becky Woolley
Coronovirus Chris Edwards, RCCG, gave a brief update on the processes in place within Rotherham to deal with the current Coronovirus outbreak.
Public Health England was the lead and with whom organisations were working in accordance with. The messages being conveyed by Public Health England were the ones that partner organisations were reiterating. |
Autism Strategy - Update Anne Marie Lubanski, RMBC, to present an update Minutes: Garry Parvin, Commissioning, gave the following powerpoint presentation:-
Our Vision · To work towards making Rotherham an autism friendly place to live. This means a place where you can get a timely diagnosis with support, meet professionals with a good understanding of Autism, find services, organisations and employers that make reasonable adjustments when required, where people can feel safe, have aspirations and fulfil their potential and become a full member of the local community
Key Activity – Children and Young People · Working with partners, our voluntary organisations and community groups, we have identified 5 priority areas on which to focus our implementation plan. Some examples of the operational activity that is underway are:- A digital diagnostic pathway has been commissioned from Healios who will support local CAMHS service Planning is underway to redesign our C&YP pathway in 2020-21 Education settings have engaged in training licensed by Autism Education Trust New specialist education places have been created, at primary and secondary, for children with Autism Rotherham Opportunities College offers local post-19 education provision Project Search offers supported internships Rotherham Partner Carers Forum are commissioned by Rotherham CCG to offer regular drop-in sessions to support families on the diagnostic pathway
Key Activity Areas - Adults · Planning to introduce a Rotherham based adult diagnostic and post-diagnostic service from Q1 2020/21 · Will maintain existing capacity in Sheffield service for one year to ensure waiting list is managed · Launched Autism Alert Card – this was done in partnership between South Yorkshire Police, the Police and Crime Commissioner, the Council, NHS and Rotherham NAS · Parent Carer Forum and VOICE co-chair the Autism Partnership Board
Priority 1: Starting Well · All Rotherham’s autistic children and young people are healthy and safe from harm
Priority 2: Developing Well · All Rotherham’s autistic children and young people start school ready to learn for life
Priority 3: Moving on well to Independence · All Rotherham’s autistic children and young people are ready for the world of work
Priority 4: Living Well · Autistic adults living in Rotherham will get the right support when needed
Priority 5: Ageing Well · Autistic adults living in Rotherham will be better supported as they grow old
Transforming Care · Since 2015, Rotherham has been working on a national programme with Sheffield, Doncaster and North Lincolnshire to reduce the numbers of people with a learning disability who are detained in specialist hospitals – Transforming Care · Rotherham currently has 8 people detained in specialist hospitals – 4 people in hospital beds commissioned by Rotherham CCG and 4 people in hospital beds commissioned by NHS England · Rotherham has successfully discharged 5 people back into the community over the last 2 years · Rotherham will discharge a further 4 people in 2020/21. The population has changed in that 3 people have Autism and not a learning disability. A specialised housing and care support offer is required and this had taken time to develop
Autism Alert Card · Rotherham Council, South Yorkshire Police and Rotherham CCG have worked together to develop the Autism Alert Card · This will ... view the full minutes text for item 83. |
Rotherham Loneliness Action Plan 2020 - 2022 Ruth Fletcher-Brown, Public Health, to present the final version for endorsement Minutes: Further to Minute No. 68 of the meeting held on 22nd January, 2020, Ruth Fletcher-Brown presented the final version of the above action plan for Board endorsement.
The document had been considered by the Health Select Commission at its February meeting and comments/amendments incorporated therein.
It was noted that the membership of the multi-agency group would be reviewed; it was hoped to include representation from the South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service and South Yorkshire Police.
It was a priority in the ICP Communications and Engagement Group plan to deliver high level communication messages around issues of loneliness.
Resolved:- (1) That the Rotherham Loneliness Action Plan 2020-2022 be endorsed.
(2) That all partners take the document to their relevant governing bodies and notify Becky Woolley of any issues/comments. ACTION:- All Board Members/Becky Woolley
(3) That a summary of any governance issues arising be submitted to the 10th June Board meeting.
(4) That annual updates be submitted to the Board. ACTION:- Ruth Fletcher-Brown/Beck Woolley |
Integrated Care Partnership Place Plan 2020-2022 Sharon Kemp, RMBC, and Chris Edwards, RCCG, to present final version for endorsement Additional documents: Minutes: Sharon Kemp, RMBC, and Chris Edwards, RCCG, presented the final version of the Health and Social Care Integrated Place Plan for Board endorsement.
Rotherham’s first Integrated Health and Social Care Place Plan was published in November, 2016 with a refresh taking place in 2018. Following the publication of the NHS Long Term Place in January 2019, partners took the decision to refresh the second Place Plan which they had agreed at their meeting in February 2020.
The final version attached addressed all comments received from partners, however, it should be noted that the milestones and key performance indicators for each of the priorities were still to be finalised; they would form the performance report for the Place Plan from April 2020.
Resolved:- (1) That the Board endorse the Rotherham Integrated Health and Social Care Place Plan 2020-22.
(2) That the Executive Summary be circulated to the Board. ACTION:- Chris Edwards/Becky Woolley |
Carers Framework for the Future 2020-21 Anne Marie Lubanski, RMBC - Update from a workshop session to develop the plan to improving the health and wellbeing of carers Additional documents: Minutes: Jo Hinchcliffe, Service Improvement and Governance Manager, gave the following powerpoint presentation:-
- Carer Assessment and Eligibility Policy Guidance for Carers finalised on 4th January, 2019 – due review date July 2019 - Carers Action Plan 2018-2020 – Department of Health and Social Care
Carers Survey July, 2019 - No joined up working and lack of liaison between Services/Departments - Services contradict each other and budget cuts were impacting on Services with lengthy waiting lists - Carers feel isolated, frustrated, undervalued and unheard - Carers feel passed around between Services and the transition from Children to Adults is not a smooth process - Not clear of who to contact and where to go for advice - Carers want a designated person to assist with all aspects of support
Things to Do - Update the carer profile including young carers - Review of the current Strategy – Impact Assessment/focus group work - Assistive technology offer – carers embedded within - Assessment process reviewed and recommendations made - Carer journey mapped - Carers Centre – Impact Assessment - Partnership Board – review Terms of Reference - Information offer – scope it out - Carer Services – asset mapping of what is out there - Activity and events planned - Training prospectus
Things to aim for - We will commit to improving how carers are involved in the production and design of services - We will make sure carers feel informed about and involved in the conservations surrounding the person they care for - We will look at how to widen personal budgets - We will work with employers to raise awareness of flexible working policies - We will support carers taking a break from caring - We will make it easy for carers to get the right information at the right time - We will ensure carer assessments incorporate solutions that include friends, family and the wider community
Proposed High Level Implementation Plan 2020-21 Quarter 1 - Governance Review – Partnership Board’s Terms of Reference refreshed - Review of the Carer Strategy - Adult Social Care Pathway: Process mapping/assessments consistency checks - Carers Centre – Review/Impact Assessment - Information Officer – scoping work partner conversations
Quarter 2 - Quarterly highlight report into Health and Wellbeing Board - Co-production work for the Strategy - Assistive Technology – requirement for carers - Carer journey mapping (with partners) - Information Officer - co-production (digital channels)
Quarter 3 - Quarterly highlight report into Health and Wellbeing Board - Consultation work for the Strategy - Feed into the Digital Solutions Programme - ASC Pathway – Refresh Policy Guidance for Carers - Carers Centre – future options/consultation - Information Officer – consultation linked to Strategy work
Quarter 4 - Quarterly highlight report into Health and Wellbeing Board - Refreshed Carer Strategy 2021-25 - ASC Pathway consistently applied - Carer Centre offer re-profiled - Information, advice and guidance offer refreshed
Proposed Timeline of Activity 2020-21 Start-up Activity February-March, 2020 - Scoping work (reported into SMT 5th ... view the full minutes text for item 86. |
NHS Operational Planning and Contract Guidance 2020/21 Chris Edwards, RCCG - Presentation on the planning and contract guidance for the NHS Long Term Plan Minutes: Chris Edwards, RCCG, gave the following powerpoint presentation on the planning and contract guidance for the NHS Long Term Plan:-
The People Plan ‘package’ including - 50,000 WTE nurses - Maintenance grants/university expansion - International recruitment - Retention and return to practice - 6,000 WTE GPs - 4,000 training places - International graduates - 26,000 other primary care professionals - Pensions Tax Reform
ICSs and System Planning Two Core Roles - System transformation - System performance through - Population health management, service redesign and digitisation - Capital and estates plans at a system level
Mental Health - Additional funding in 2020/21 for Community Mental Health provision for adults and older adults - By March 2021, all MH should work with their Primary Care Networks to organise and deliver services together Learning Disabilities and Autism - Support for people with learning disabilities and/or autism in the community rather than in hospital
Elective Care - On 31st January, 2021, waiting lists should be lower than that on 31st January, 2020 (ICS Level) - In 2020/21 additional choice at 26 weeks - Rotherham historically performed strongly in this area
Urgent and Emergency Care - Material improvement in A&E performance against a 2019/20 benchmark - All to reduce general and acute bed occupancy to a maximum of 92%
Outpatient Transformation - Planned reduction by a third in unnecessary outpatients activity - Providers income maintained through payments for advice and guidance and uptake of non-face to face consultations - In 2020/21, video consultations in major outpatient specialties
Cancer - Additional funding in 2020/21 to support roll out of rapid diagnostic centres and the targeted lung health checks programme - 28 day faster diagnosis standard will be challenging
Prevention - The guidance places significant emphasis on measures to improve population health - Alcohol Care Teams and Smoking Cessation support will be expanded in selected sites - Low calorie diets will be piloted in 10 systems to support people with Type 2 Diabetes to achieve remission - Department of Health and Social Care is considering making flu vaccination mandatory for NHS staff
Climate Change - NHS to develop a national de-carbonisation and climate change plan - Ending business travel reimbursement for domestic flights within England, Wales and Scotland - Purchasing 100% renewable electricity by April 2021 - Replacing lighting with LED alternative during routine maintenance
Primary and Community Services - Overall spending by CCGs on primary medical care, community services and continuing healthcare, should continue to increase - Primary Care Networks’ (PCNs) development will need to accelerate through 2020/21 - CCGs will support to:- Redesign workforce and recruit to new roles Improve patient access and waiting times Set up online consultation systems Provide information about A&E attendances by the PCNs patient population - In addition PCNs will need to:- Work with community providers (including pharmacies) Provide crisis response services, guaranteed 2 hour home response appointments
Primary Care Networks - Major enhancements to the additional roles - Reimbursement Scheme 6,000 extra staff will be ... view the full minutes text for item 87. |
Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment - Update Terri Roche, Public Health Minutes: Gilly Brenner, Public Health Consultant, reported that, in accordance with the Health and Social Care Act 2012, the Health and Wellbeing Board had a statutory duty to develop and publish a Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA). Legislation required that the Board publish revised Assessments at least every 3 years; Rotherham would need to publish a revised Assessment by 1st April, 2021.
The PNA was a commissioning tool to ensure that areas had high quality pharmaceutical services that met local needs. It set out the community pharmaceutical services that were currently provided and made recommendations to address any identified gaps taking into account future needs.
Taking a similar approach to the previous PNA, it was intended to work together across South Yorkshire and, with the support of Public Health England, to make the production of the PNA more efficient. This approach retained local oversight in that there would still be a Rotherham specific PNA but also maximised the efficient use of resources. Each Health and Wellbeing Board retained the duty to sign off the PNA for its area.
The process included formal consultation with specific stakeholders for at least 60 days. In addition key stakeholders would be informed and included in the production of the report including representatives from the Local Pharmaceutical Committee, CCGs, NHS England, Healthwatch, Local Medical Committees and pharmacy (community and hospital).
The first phase was the collation of information detailing the services provided by community pharmacies. The draft PNA would be available on the Council’s website over the winter (November to January). Statutory consultees would be sent details together with local stakeholders e.g. RCCG, Yorkshire Ambulance Service and Voluntary Action Rotherham. It would be hosted on the JSNA.
It was noted that the refresh of the PNA coincided with the new pharmacy contract by NHS England. However, everyone was subject to the same timetable for the refresh so would be facing the same difficulties.
Resolved:- (1) That the report be noted.
(2) That the final document be submitted to the Board in March 2021. ACTION:- Gilly Brenner/Becky Woolley |
Annual refresh of the Terms of Reference Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to the annual refresh of the Board’s Terms of Reference.
It was noted that key changes were proposed:-
- The ‘role of the Board’ section had been expanded to improve clarity around the focus of the Board - Reference to the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment had been included under the section around the responsibilities of the Board - Further detail had been included regarding the relationship of the Board with the Health Select Commission - Relevant updates had been made in line with the refreshed Place Plan
Resolved:- That the revised Terms of Reference be supported and referred to the May Council meeting for approval. Action:- Becky Woolley/James McLaughlin |
Issues escalated from ICP Place Board Minutes: There were no issues to report. |
Integrated Care Partnership Place Board Minutes Minutes: The Board noted the minutes of the Rotherham Integrated Care Partnership Place Board held on 4th December, 2019. |
ICP Place Plan Q3 Performance Minutes: The Board received for information the Rotherham Integrated Care Partnership Quarter 3 performance report for the ICP Place Plan.
It was noted that performance was very similar to that in Quarter 2.
Resolved:- That the report be noted. |
Date and time of next meeting Wednesday, 10th June, 2020, commencing at 9.00 a.m., Oak House, Bramley Minutes: Resolved:- That a further meeting be held on Wednesday, 10th June, 2020, commencing at 9.00 a.m. at Oak House, Bramley. |