Agenda and minutes

Health and Wellbeing Board - Wednesday 13 January 2021 9.00 a.m.

Venue: Virtual Meeting via Microsoft Teams

Contact: Dawn Mitchell  Email:

No. Item


Declarations of Interest


There were no Declarations of Interest made at the meeting.


Questions from members of the public and the press


There were no questions from members of the press and public.




It was noted:-


The Board’s response to Community Care Next Steps paper had been submitted in accordance with the 8th January, 2021 deadline.  The Chair thanked Board members for providing comments.


Healthy Weight Group – any member who wished to become involved in the Group/Chair the Group should contact Becky Woolley as a matter of urgency.


Minutes of the previous meeting held on 11th November, 2020 pdf icon PDF 215 KB


The minutes of the previous meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board were considered.




(1)  That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 11th November, 2020, be approved as a correct record.


(2)  That Sharon Kemp follow up Minute No. 124(2) (5 Ways to Wellbeing video).

Action:-  Sharon Kemp to follow up


Update from the Local Outbreak Engagement Board

Sharon Kemp, Chief Executive RMBC, to provide verbal update


Sharon Kemp, Chief Executive RMBC, together with Ben Anderson, Director of Public Health, and Chris Edwards, Chief Operating Officer RCCG, gave the following verbal update on behalf of the Local Engagement Board:-


The country had gone into another national lockdown as from 4th January, 2021.  Briefings had taken place across the different partners in terms of  the new rules and guidance.  In terms of the current restrictions, Legislation had been laid until March with review periods within which allowed different restrictions to be put in place if the Government deemed it.


Rotherham Incident Management - activity continued with the Bronze Group meeting on a daily basis; this Group met with a range of partners looking at key local issues and ensured that actions was taken. 


Health Protection Board – Ben Anderson now Chaired the meeting which continued to meet weekly.  The Outbreak Engagement Board meeting every 2 weeks.


Testing Facilities - There were still 4 testing facilities in Rotherham – Midland Road, Forge Island, Dinnington and Maltby.  There was capacity within the system so no challenges were being seen within those testing centres.  A lateral flow testing facility had now opened in Riverside House.


Community Testing - Announcements had been made recently with regard to community testing focussing on those who had to go to work and were asymptomatic.  The prospectus from Government had only been received the previous evening so was currently being looked at to ascertain what was being offered to local areas and would be considered at the Local Outbreak Engagement Board.


Epidemiology – As of 6th January, the current data report showed that the case rate was 307.4 per 100,000 down on the previous 2 days i.e. 326 cases as of  4th January. 


This level put Rotherham mid-table for Yorkshire and Humber and in the bottom 25% nationally.


With regard to the over 60’s, the rate was 250.6 per 100,000, significantly lower than the national average but still a high rate and the age group which put most of the pressure on to the Trust.  However, there were very high rates in younger adults.  Currently the average age of patients in the Trust was in the high 50 age group rather than the over 60’s.


Prevalence of the new variant of Covid in Rotherham – Data received from Public Health England this week showed that at the end of December up to ¼ of Rotherham’s cases were of the new variant.  It was really important for the Board to be aware that the new variant was in Rotherham but not the most prevalent variety at the moment but, because of the evolution of the disease, it was expected to become predominant over the new few weeks/months with the effects of lockdown reducing the spread.  It was likely that the lockdown would reduce the spread of the old variant because of it being less transmissible.


All the health and social care workforce needed to be made aware of existence of the new variant as  ...  view the full minutes text for item 134.


Aim 1: All children get the best start in life and go on to achieve their full potential

Presentation by Suzanne Joyner, Strategic Director CYPS, and Dr Jason Page, Rotherham CCG


Suzanne Joyner, Strategic Director CYPS, and Dr Jason Page, Rotherham CCG, gave the following powerpoint presentation:-


Aim 1 – All children get the best start in life and go on to achieve their full potential


Priority 1:  Develop our strategy for a positive 1001 days – What’s Working Well

There continues to be a focus on delivering against the ambition of plans to transform maternity care

-        TRFT continue to work towards achieving the Continuity of Care target of 35% by March 2021 (currently exceeding target – 38% as at December 2020)

-        TRFT engaged in all of the Maternity Transformation Plan workstreams

-        The prevention maternity workstream was progressing well with smoking in pregnancy, infant feeding and healthy weight taking priority

-        An action being was being developed to enhance maternity engagement with BAME and vulnerable groups


Adult Care, Public Health and Housing Directorate will lead the strategic re-commissioning of the 0-19 Service:  

-        A Project Board has been established

-        The Board was recommending that a Cabinet paper be developed with revised timelines and seeking permission to re-tender the Service acknowledging the delays that have been incurred due to the pandemic

-        The revised timeline would support wider consultation and collaborative commissioning between Public Health and CYPS

-        The re-commissioned Service would be fully aligned with wider children’s pathways and would develop pathways with other Public Health commissioned services including Sexual Health and Weight Management


Issues to address

-        It had not been possible to realise the full potential of mapping the services and support available across the first 1001 days of a child’s life

-        Capacity for ongoing engagement from providers and stakeholders was likely to remain challenging as the system responds to the Covid-19 pandemic

-        Capacity for commissioning 0-19s and the market for provider response was challenging and may require the consideration of extension to the current contract

-        For maternity there was reduced capacity within the SY&B ICS Team to co-ordinate activity across the areas until vacant posts were recruited to


Next Steps

-        Refresh the Rotherham Local Maternity Transformation Plan

-        Continue engagement with maternity stakeholders particularly in relation to the smoking in pregnancy, infant feeding and healthy weight priority areas of work

-        Rotherham to input into the future development of the SY&B Maternity Prevention Work Plan to embed outcomes and emerging themes from consultation

-        Formal agreement of 0-19 re-commission plans by RMBC Cabinet

-        Implementation of plans to re-commission the 0-19 Service including full stakeholder engagement and exploration of opportunities to align delivery across services to meet the priority needs of Rotherham children and deliver the National Healthy Child Programme

-        Linking in with Healthy Weight work taking place within Aim 3


Priority 2:  Support positive mental health for all children and young people – What’s Working Well

-        The implementation of the Mental Health Trailblazer in Schools ‘With Me in Mind’ was demonstrating positive outcomes

-        The second mental health survey ran between 1st-26th  ...  view the full minutes text for item 135.


Aim 3: All Rotherham people live well for longer

Presentation by Sharon Kemp, Chief Executive RMBC


Sharon Kemp, Chief Executive RMBC, gave the following powerpoint presentation:-


Priority 1:  Build a social movement to support local people to be more physically active to benefit physical and mental wellbeing – What’s Working Well?

The Moving Rotherham Partnership leading and supporting with:

-        Launched #MovingRotherham campaign

-        Sport England ‘Tackling Inequalities Fund’ funded 21 projects

-        Shaping Places for Healthier Lives – discovery stage project looking at physical activity and green spaces

-        Local ‘Beat the Street’ project commissioned – ‘game phase’ taking place from 17th March 2021

-        Women’s Euros taking place 2022 and local ‘Legacy Plan’ developed


Issues to address

-        Not enough people physically active in Rotherham

-        Covid-19 having deconditioning effects on older people

-        Loss of lean body mass can result in decreased immunity and increased risk of infection

-        Main motivation for older people to be active was social contact

-        Covid shown we need to think about ‘physical activity’ differently – building movement into every day life


Next Steps

-        Continue to push #MovingRotherham through the Rotherham Activity Partnership

-        Develop local MECC physical activity training package to roll out

-        Utilise free resources including Moving Professionals and Clinical Champions training where appropriate

-        Communication messages linked to ‘Be Active’ theme as part of 5 Ways to Wellbeing


Priority 2:  Ensure support is in place for carers – What’s working well

-        Monthly partner meetings in place to ensure unpaid carers were supported throughout the pandemic

-        142 unpaid carers had accessed the Carers Grant – C19 Funding Programme delivered by Crossroads Care on behalf of the Council

-        Regular update meetings with Carers Forum in place to ensure information reaches unpaid carers in a timely manner

-        Work underway with partners to refresh the Rotherham Carers Strategy

-        Review of the Carers Centre underway to look at what unpaid carers would need from a future face-to-face offer

-        Working with colleagues from around Yorkshire and Humber to share ideas and explore best practice to ensure the future Rotherham unpaid carer offer was of the highest quality


Issues to address

-        National lockdown – creating impact on carers with increased anxiety, loneliness and isolation

-        Capacity challenges due to increased requirement for organisations to support carers


Next steps

-        Carer profile needs to be refreshed in light of Covid-19 as agreed at Health and Wellbeing Board (deadline of 10th March 2021)

-        Evaluate carer assessments within Adult Social Care to understand the Covid-19 impact upon unpaid carers (deadline of 10th March 2021)

-        Finalise the report on the future of the Carers Centre (deadline of 25th February 2021)

-        Carers mapping work to look at a carer journey document that aligned with the refreshed guidance and future strategy (deadline of 29th April)


Priority 3:  Develop a whole-system approach to tackling obesity in Rotherham with consideration of the impact of Covid-19

Proposal – ‘Healthy Weight Champions’ and developing local plan

-        Council formally adopted Local Authority Declaration on  ...  view the full minutes text for item 136.


Section 75 Framework Agreement and Better Care Fund (BCF) Call-Off Partnership/Work Order pdf icon PDF 118 KB

Scott Matthewman, Interim Assistant Director, for Commissioning, to present

Additional documents:


Scott Matthewman, Interim Assistant Director, for Commissioning, presented a report outlining progress on the development of a new Section 75 Framework Agreement and Better Care Fund (BCF) Call-Off Partnership/Work Order for 2020/21.  


It was noted that the Council and CCG had finalised, agreed and signed the Section 75 Framework Agreement and BCF Call-Off Partnership/Work Order, and had been fully agreed by the BCF Executive Group for the current financial year. 


There had been some delays nationally with the planning requirements and guidance from the centre due to the current pandemic and there had been no requirement to undertake any quarterly planning returns as normal with BCF.  However, there would be a requirement for a year end summary a template for which had been produced by the national team.  Once received this would be populated and fed through the governance structure around the BCF Executive Group.


There was continued dialogue with the national team and BCF lead around planning guidance for the next financial year.  When known the local planning officer would be informed.



That the BCF Call-Off Partnership/Work Order for 2020/21, incorporated into the Section 75 Agreement, be noted.



Refreshed Health and Wellbeing Board Priorities and Action Plan pdf icon PDF 319 KB

Becky Woolley, Partnership Officer, to present


Further to Minute No. 123 of the meeting held on 11th November, 2020, Becky Woolley, Policy Officer, presented the first update on the Health and Wellbeing Action Plan.


Good progress was being made with the majority of actions on track despite all Covid-19 pressures and none considered to be significantly off track.


A part of the refresh was how partners could understand work inequalities and strengthen the understanding particularly in light of the current pandemic.  Work was taking place mapping out all the data available across the partnership and what projects were taking place with the aim of submitting a comprehensive overview which would then inform any gaps. 


It was noted that a lot of work had been taking place during the pandemic centred around the Rotherham Community Hub and support that befriending had provided which was being managed through work with the voluntary and community sector. 


Work continued between the 2 Rotherham Safeguarding Boards with the Board’s Chair leading on some of the work. 



That the report be noted.


Suicide and Five Ways to Wellbeing Update pdf icon PDF 139 KB

Ruth Fletcher-Brown, Public Health Specialist, to present


Further to Minute No. 124 of the meeting held on 11th November, 2020, Ruth Fletcher-Brown, Public Health Specialist, presented an update on suicide prevention and Five Ways to Wellbeing.


Suicide Prevention

-        Currently there was little evidence specific to Covid-19 and suicide prevention, the national message was that many of the main priorities for suicide prevention remained the same during the pandemic.  However it was thought that certain sub-groups may be more at risk i.e. children and young people, prisoners and people with gambling addictions


-        The Local Government Association (LGA) and the Association of Directors of Public Health (ADPH) had jointly produced a briefing for Directors of Public Health on the public mental health and wellbeing issues arising from the Covid-19 outbreak.  Preventing mental health problems and promoting mental wellbeing amongst people living and working in Rotherham required a whole system approach


-        The Better Mental Health for All Group already existed to address the promotion of mental wellbeing for people living and working in Rotherham as well as oversight of the implementation of the Loneliness Action Plan for the Borough.  This Group had formed the Rotherham Public Mental Health and Wellbeing Covid-19 Group and had included other stakeholders where gaps had been identified.  Its primary purpose was to develop and implement an action plan addressing the potential mental health impacts of Covid-19 across the lifecourse.  It recommended and took collaborative action on local prevention and mental health promotion planning in relation to Covid-19 in the short, medium and long term for people living and working in Rotherham


-        For some time Rotherham had looked at suspected suicides in real time to ensure that support could be put in place for those bereaved/affected and to mitigate against further suicides.  This was now collated through the ICS Real Time Surveillance Project led by South Yorkshire Police


-        The real time data had been used during the pandemic to direct the actions within local plans, to offer support to those bereaved/affected/exposed to suicide and to mitigate against further suicides


-        The Suicide Operational Group had updated their action plan in line with emerging risk factors during the pandemic


-        Be the One Campaign promoted throughout the pandemic with a focus on women in October/November and the wider population in the leadup to Christmas/New Year.  The Campaign was also promoted across the partnership as part of Safeguarding Awareness Week in November 2020


-        Zero Tolerance Suicide prevention training promoted across the Council and other partners


-        NHSE Suicide Prevention Funding Year 3 had enabled Rotherham to promote the third round of the small grants scheme to community groups who were addressing the underlying causes which could lead to suicide.  It was led by Rotherham CCG, with input from Public Health


-        The Listening Service for those bereaved/affected by suicide had been promoted throughout the pandemic.  The Service and the Suicide Listening Service had been out to tender with the successful provider commencing in January 2021.  Both Services were funded until  ...  view the full minutes text for item 139.


Workplace wellbeing: Be Well @ Work Award

Presentation by Phillip Spencer and Colin Ellis


Colin Ellis, Occupational Health Advisor, gave the following powerpoint presentation on the Rotherham Workplace Health offer to businesses:-


Our offer of support to you

-        Free workplace visit

-        Workplace health needs assessment

-        Share workplace health information

-        Provide training to support the scheme

-        Accredit your business with the Be Well@Work award


Be Well@Work Award Overview

-        Audit tool to demonstrate best practice in employee health and wellbeing

-        Suitable for businesses of all sizes

-        Includes mandatory requirements

-        Allows progression – bronze, silver and gold

-        Allows a business to select from a range of themes


Mandatory Requirements

-        Designate a Workplace Co-ordinator

-        Undertake the Workplace Health Needs Assessment

-        Complete an action plan

-        Undertake a number of health campaigns


Level of award

-        Bronze, silver and gold

-        Compulsory themes of human resources, absence management and health and safety

-        Bronze - compulsory plus 3 themes

-        Silver – compulsory plus 6 themes

-        Gold – compulsory plus 8 themes


Optional Themes

-        Consultation and communication

-        Training and development

-        Mental Health

-        Ageing workforce

-        Long term conditions/MSK

-        Smoking

-        Physical activity

-        Healthy eating

-        Drugs and alcohol


Process to achieve the award

-        Undertake the Workplace Health Needs Assessment

-        Decide the level of award

-        Select the optional themes

-        Upload the evidence onto the Create Wheel portal

-        The Workplace Health Advisor checks the evidence uploaded

-        Interviews with staff

-        Site tour

-        Post-assessment report

-        Award certificate


Discussion ensued with the following issues raised/highlighted:-


·        The award enabled employers to start thinking about how they could look after the wellbeing of their staff

·        If any of the partners were interested to signing up to the award scheme, they should contact Colin

·        The award lasted for 2 years.  If an employer achieved Bronze and wanted to move onto Silver, they could be reassessed before the end of the 2 years

·        A number of awareness sessions were offered e.g. mental health awareness, sleep awareness, healthy eating and alcohol awareness

·        Training of Workplace Wellbeing Champions

·        Close working with Barnsley and Doncaster with any good practice shared and networking

·        Ability to provide for an individual GP surgery


Colin was thanked for his presentation.


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Update by Kate Green, Public Health Specialist


Further to Minute No. 127 of the previous meeting, Kate Green, Public Health Specialist, reported that little progress had been made due to lack of capacity within the system.



That a further report be submitted to a future Board meeting when the current situation eased and capacity was available to look at it at the project in more detail.

Action:  Becky Woolley/Kate Green



Issues from the Place Board

Sharon Kemp, Chief Executive RMBC, and Chris Edwards, Chief Operating Officer RCCG, to update


Sharon Kemp, Chief Executive RMBC, and Chris Edwards, Chief Operating Officer RCCG, provided the following update:-


-        The Place Board was currently operating as the Rotherham Gold Command for Health and Social Care

-        Once a Government response was received regarding the Integrated Care Paper it would be shared with the Board at the appropriate time



That the update be noted.


Date and time of next meeting

Wednesday, 10th March, 2021, at 9.00 a.m.




That a further meeting be held on Wednesday, 10th March, 2021, commencing at 9.00 a.m.