Agenda and minutes

Health and Wellbeing Board - Wednesday 11 November 2020 9.00 a.m.

Venue: Virtual meeting via Microsoft Teams

Contact: Dawn Mitchell  Email:

No. Item


Declarations of Interest


There were no Declarations of Interest made at the meeting.


New Members - Suzanne Joyner and Ben Anderson


The Chair welcomed Suzanne, Strategic Director, Children and Young People’s Services, to her first meeting of the Board and Ben Anderson, newly appointed Director of Public Health who would be joining the Authority in the New Year.


Questions from members of the public and the press


There were no members of the public and the press present at the meeting.




There were no communications to report.


Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 99 KB


The minutes of the previous meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board were considered.




That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 21st October, 2020, be approved as a correct record.


Update from Local Outbreak Engagement Board

Sharon Kemp, Chief Executive, RMBC, to report


Sharon Kemp, Chief Executive, provided a verbal update on the work of the Local Outbreak Engagement Board as follows:-


-                  Currently the infection rate, as at 3rd November, 2020, was 505 per 100,000 population.  There had not  been a reduction but it did appear that the increase might be slowing down to that previously seen


-                  The Local Outbreak Engagement Board had considered its plan which built on its responses to information i.e. looking at the Incident Management Teams supporting the workplace, business and residents to stay safe.  That continued and continued to work with areas that had seen a small number of people testing positive but no significant outbreaks at this particular time


-                  There was still community transition but not specific to a workplace; it was general transmission within the community.  An impact on local schools was being seen who continued to work very collaboratively and adhere with national guidelines.  Staff abstraction rates were increasing across all agencies but to date no significant Service impacts arising therefrom


-                  After the national lockdown period, there would be consideration by the Government as to what happened next.  If the infection rate was such, then the tiered system would come into play and there would be further discussions with Government officials nearer to the date (2nd December) as to which tier Rotherham and South Yorkshire would go back into if the national tiering system was still in operation


-                  Work continued on communications and encouraging members of the public with the right message in a friendly way but still getting the message across.  There had an increase in enforcement seen, with the support of South Yorkshire Police, with regard to organisations/business that were flagrantly breaking the legislation


-                  Through the Gold arrangements in Health, colleagues would work with the Government as more information became available regarding mass vaccination.  Discussions would take place over the coming weeks with regard to mass testing/whole town testing as well as an opportunity to consider with the Government and from their feedback, what might be available and what was the best fit for South Yorkshire


-                  As from 5th November the clinically extremely vulnerable individuals would receive a letter through their health system advising them to minimise their contacts as far as possible.  The Rotherham Community Hub had never been stood down and continued to provide support for those isolating or clinically extremely vulnerable


-                  The situation continued to be fast paced in terms of engagement with the Government and good partnership arrangement through the Local Outbreak Engagement Board


Chris Edwards, RCCG,  commented that, in terms of the Rotherham response, the Public Health experts were saying that although we might have reached a peak in infection rates it was likely that services would be maintained at the high level for 8 weeks or so and, in terms of partnership, had to make sure that it was working on the assumption the services would be under pressure for a prolonged period.




That the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 122.


Refreshed Health and Wellbeing Board Priorities and Action Plan pdf icon PDF 106 KB

Anne Marie Lubanski, Strategic Director, Adult Social Care, Housing and Public Health and Becky Woolley, Policy Officer, to present


In accordance with Minute No. 114 of the meeting held on 21st October, 2020, Becky Woolley, Policy Officer, presented the refreshed Health and Wellbeing Board priorities and action plan November 2020-June 2021 with the aid of the following powerpoint presentation:-



-        In June 2020 it was agreed that the Health and Wellbeing Board would refresh priorities taking into consideration the impact of Covid-19 and evidence regarding health inequalities

-        A development session was held in September 2020 which was facilitated by the LGA.  Prior to this session, there was also a period of consultation with Board members and consideration at the Health Select Commission regarding the priority refresh


Outcome of the Development Session – September 2020

-        The four aims within the original strategy remained relevant and should still be the overarching outcomes that the Board was working towards

-        Covid-19 had led to new cohorts of people being vulnerable.  There was a need to continue to develop our understanding of the impact that the pandemic was having on these groups as well as the rest of the population

-        Action needed to be focussed around health inequalities and the wider determinants of health

-        There should be a targeted focus on a small number of priority areas

-        The Marmot principles should underpin the refresh of priorities


The Marmot Review 10 Years On Report was published in February 2020.  The key findings were:-


-        People can expect to spend more of their lives in poor health

-        Improvements to life expectancy have stalled and declined for the poorest 10% of women

-        Only the 20-30% least deprived will receive a state pension before they develop a lifelong disability

-        The health gap has grown between wealthy and deprived areas

-        There are marked regional differences and widening health inequalities between the North and the South

-        The slowdown in life expectancy increase cannot for the most part be attributed to severe winters.  More than 80% of the slowdown, between 2011 and 2019, results from influences other than winter associated mortality

-        2/3s of those with lifelong disabilities in the most deprived areas have disabilities before they reach pension age

-        For males, years in poor health has increased from 15.8 to 16.2 since 2009, for females from 18.7 to 19.4

-        It is likely that public sector cuts have harmed health and contributed to widening health inequalities in the short term and are likely to continue to do so over the longer term.  Cuts over the period shown have been regressive and inequitable – they have been greatest in areas where need is highest and conditions are generally worse


Covid-19 and the Social Determinants – Impact of lockdown on health behaviours e.g. mental health

-        School closures, loss of education, issues with exam results, changes of university provision/availability

-        Reduction in commuting, less air pollution

-        Disruptions to health care provision, delays to care, avoidance of care

-        Disruption to/loss of culture and leisure activities.  Increased use  ...  view the full minutes text for item 123.


Health and Wellbeing Board Priority Aim 2: All Rotherham people enjoy the best possible mental health and wellbeing and have a good quality of life

Kathryn Singh, RdaSH, to present


Kathryn Singh, RDaSH, presented the following powerpoint presentation:-


Priority 1       Improving mental health and wellbeing of all Rotherham people

Priority 2       Reducing the occurrence of common mental health problems

Priority 3       Improving support for enduring mental health needs (including Dementia)

Priority 4       Improve the health and wellbeing of people with Learning Disabilities and Autism


Priority 1 – Improving mental health and wellbeing of all Rotherham people

-           Better Mental Health for All/Covid-19 (C19) Mental Health Group

·               C19 and Mental Health Group established

·               Action plan been drafted for whole life course

·               PH Lead worked with CYPS on the survey to school age children, first distributed in the summer and repeated this autumn

·               Work between LD and Public Health (RMBC) to look at staff wellbeing, staff and manager wellbeing guides produced in the summer and shared with other partners

·               Promotion of public Mental Health information across all partners including employers signed up to BeWell@Work

-           RMBC has produced a guide on befriending for Rotherham Heroes and this was being used as part of their induction and has been shared with voluntary and community sector partners

-           The Five Ways to Wellbeing campaign messages will be used to encourage people to look to access things to address loneliness for themselves and to look out for others


Priority 2 – Reducing the occurrence of common mental health problems

-               Launch of ieso digital IAPT service in October 2020 to anticipate demand surge for common mental health conditions completed

-           Launch of in May 2020 a portal to access psychological support

·               Debt section developed October 2020

·               Professional section now in development

·               Half a million site hits to date

-           CAMHS Transformation Plan now refreshed and renamed the Rotherham Social Emotional and Mental Healthy Strategy with action plan and partnership forum established


Priority 3 – Improving support for enduring Mental Health Needs (including Dementia)

-           In the initial stages of lockdown there was a delay in implementation of the new Dementia Pathway.  This has now been reactivated

-           Dementia Pathway Redesign Group established with all key stakeholders

-           Data analysis to underpin redesign anticipated end of November

-           Rollout of a programme of Herbert Protocol/”This is Me” Workshops by Crossroads

-           Throughout the C19 period Rotherham Place has maintained its high performance on the Dementia diagnostic target

-           CORE 24 Service continues to be in place and continues to deliver

-           SMI LES (Local Enhanced Service for people with Serious Mental Illness) in place and working well

·               Whilst there was an increase of 175 patients on an SMI register between Quarter 1 (1,844 patients) and Quarter 2 (2,019 patients), there was an increase in the percentage of patients receiving a health check from 27.5% to 28.7%


Priority 4 – Improve the health and wellbeing of people with Learning Disabilities and Autism

-        Significant investment from RCCG for both All-Age and Children and Young People’s Neurodevelopment Pathways

-        Redesign of the Children and Young People’s Neurodevelopment Pathway completed and detailed action plan in place to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 124.


Hospital Discharge for Rotherham Residents pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Lesley Cooper, Healthwatch Rotherham, to report


The Chair reported that the Rotherham Foundation Trust had not had chance to respond to the report by Healthwatch Rotherham.  Therefore, the report would not be considered at today’s meeting to allow the Trust opportunity to comment and then a decision would be made as to whether the report was submitted to the Board again or to another forum.


Michael Wright, Deputy Chief Executive, TRFT, stated that consideration would be given to the report and an action plan developed to address the issues raised.


Carers Programme - Framework for the Future pdf icon PDF 142 KB

Anne Marie Lubanski, Strategic Director, Adult Social Care, Housing and Public Health, and Jo Hinchliffe, Service Improvement and Governance Manager, Adult Social Care, to report


Jo Hinchliffe, Service Improvement and Governance Manager, gave the following powerpoint presentation:-


-               Rotherham’s Adult Social Care Pathway put the person at the centre of everything the Service did


-               On 21st October, 2019, a new of working was introduced to ensure a consistent, robust and sustainable Pathway; work with carers was defined via a “sub-pathway” and in March 2020 plans were shared with the Board explaining how the Service anticipated it would deliver a Carers Programme


-               The Covid pandemic had had a significant impact on the proposed programme timeline.  This had meant that partnerships had to be every stronger to ensure carers were fully supported in the most difficult of situations


-               Due to Covid

·            Unpaid Carers Group utilised to be the Carers Programme Project Group

·            Review of the Carer Strategy - reschedule the review work for end of Quarter 2 with a new timeline and resource plan

·            Young Carers – action shifts into Quarter 3

·            ASC Pathway:  process mapping/assessments consistency checks – some work has occurred within ASC as a result of Covid

·            Carers Centre – Review/Impact Assessment – Impact Assessments moved into Quarter 2 and building subjected to the council’s recovery principles.  Need to define the building base offer for carers.  The Crossroads Carers Hub demonstrates the support for carers from business partners and the Council

·            Information Officer – scoping work partner conversations – Covid impact needs exploring – different ways of working and engaging virtually

·            Assistive Technology – the use of digital tools – Zoom/Teams – has also enabled a wider reach with carers and the Service was capturing the learning within the ASC Digital Solutions Project Group


·            Getting things back on track – programme refresh August 2020


Quarter 2

July Aug, Sept 2020

Quarter 3

Oct, Nov, Dec 2020

Quarter 4

Jan, Feb, Mar 2021

Quarter 1

April, May, June 2021


PMO Governance Reset

Establish Carers Programme Project Group – reports into ASC

Project Assurance Meeting (PAM) 17th Sep and then into HWBB

Monthly Project Group Meeting with highlight report to PAM:

15th Oct

19th Nov

3rd Dec


¼ highlight report to HWBB

Monthly Project Group Meeting with highlight report to PAM


¼ highlight report to HWBB

Monthly Project Group Meeting with highlight report to PAM


¼ highlight report to HWBB






WS1:  Review of the Carer Strategy

Coproduction work for the Strategy


Consultation work for the Strategy

Refreshed Carer Strategy

WS2;  Assistive Technology (AT)

Requirements for carers feeding into the Digital Solutions Programme


Engagement activity

AT Pathway proposed and out to consultation

AT Carer Offer launch

WSS3:  ASC Pathway:  Process mapping/assessments consistency checks

Young Carers transition work mirrors ASC Pathway


Carer Journey mapping (with all partners)

ASC Pathway: Refresh Policy/Guidance for Carers



WS4:  Carers Centre – Review/Impact Assessment


Carers Centre – future options/consultation

Decision Making


WS5:  Information Offer – scoping work (partner conversation)


Coproduction work (Digital channels)

Consultation linked to the Strategy work


Routine Activity:

Training Programme for carers/staff

Support for carers through Covid (Carers Grant)

Regular and sustained  ...  view the full minutes text for item 126.


Food Advertisement

Jacqui Wiltschinksy, Head of Service, Public Health, and Kate Green, Public Health Specialist, to report


Kate Green, Public Health, gave a verbal report on a regional project that was taking place and requested Board support for Rotherham participating in it.


In January 2020 the Yorkshire & Humber Association of Directors of Public Health Network had agreed to support an advocacy project from the Regional Healthy Weight and Physical Activity Community Improvement Group.  This was to support the implementation of a shared ambition of the Local Authority Declaration on Healthy Weight by supporting the reduction of exposure to advertising of food and drink which was high in fat, salt and sugar in the out of home environment, predominantly on local authority-owned advertising space, although potential to expand further if local areas wanted to.


The project had commenced in October and would run until April, 2021.  All local authorities across the region have been involved in discussions to date and anticipated to take part.  All projects would be evaluated and a report produced upon completion of the project.


Discussion ensued with the following issues raised:-


-               Enforcement - The project purely looked at advertising on local authority-owned spaces.  There was potential to go wider and possibly include the transport sector.  The project was looking to develop guidance protocol for local authorities


-               The CCG would in principle support the project but on a practical level would struggle to support due to the call on resources during the pandemic


-               The Local Authority would support in principle but needed more information e.g. how many local authority-owned sites did Rotherham have and what impact the lack of advertising that would have


-               Given the pressures on the Public Health Team at the current time there needed to be flexibility on how such a project was programmed in and how much time was dedicated to it



That the project be supported in principle but further information be provided given the current pressures on Services due to the Covid pandemic.

ACTION:-  Kate Green to provide further information as to what a project would mean for the Local Authority and health sector


Issues escalated from the Place Board


It was noted that the Place Board had assumed command for Gold Command in Rotherham.


There were pressures in the system but no issues to be escalated.


Date and time of next meeting

Wednesday, 13th January, 2021 commencing at 9.00 a.m.




That a further meeting be held on Wednesday, 13th January, 2021, commencing at 9.00 a.m.