Agenda and draft minutes

Health and Wellbeing Board - Wednesday 6 March 2024 9.00 a.m.

Venue: Wentworth Woodhouse

Contact: Dawn Mitchell  Email:

No. Item


Declarations of Interest


There were no Declarations of Interest made at the meeting.


Questions from members of the public and the press


There were no members of the public or press present at the meeting.




The Chair thanked Tracy and Wentworth Woodhouse for their hospitality in hosting the Board meeting.


The Chair reported that the South Yorkshire Health Board had approved at the last ICB meeting a Creative Board for South Yorkshire to ensure linkage between the creative and health and wellbeing was maintained.  One officer from each local authority would be nominated to sit on the new Board.


The Board would report into the Health and Wellbeing Board.


Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 663 KB


Resolved:-  That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 24th January, 2024, be approved as a true record.


Diabetes is Serious: Supporting people with Diabetes in Rotherham pdf icon PDF 3 MB

Hannah Morrow, Diabetes Sheffield, to present


Hannah Morrow, Volunteer Outreach and Partnerships Officer, and Rachel Martin, Health System Engagement Lead, Diabetes Sheffield, gave the following powerpoint presentation:-


Diabetes is Serious – Working Together in Rotherham

-        Estimated that over 5M people now lived with Diabetes across the United Kingdom

-        7.45% of the adult English population had a Diabetes diagnosis

-        Over 1M of those people lived in the North of England


Working in Partnership with South Yorkshire ICB

-        Working to engage and support local diabetes communities between April 2023 and March 2025:

       Engagement and support events

       Awareness raising, information and training

       Together Type 1 youth programme

       Support and patient information packs for community pharmacies (to be confirmed)

       Signposting to Diabetes UK support


Why Diabetes is serious

-        Diabetes is relentless.  It required constant decision making and careful self-management to stay well with the condition

-        For too many people with Diabetes still led to serious complications and even, sadly, early death

-        With the right care and support, any life-altering Diabetes-related complications could often be prevented

-        The National Institute for Care Excellence (NICE) recommended 8 routine checks for people with Diabetes, 9 if you included routine Diabetic eye screening, which had been shown to reduce the chances of developing complications

-        Healthy systems had made significant progress in improving access to routine care since the pandemic but this progress was not taking place on an equal basis


Diabetes Care in Rotherham 2022-23

-        1,300 people registered with T1 Diabetes and 16,025 people registered with T2 or other Diabetes in 2022-23

-        Proportion of people with Diabetes who received all 8 care processes in 2022-23 ranged from 21.4% to 76.5% depending on GP practice

-        Over 9,000 non-Diabetic hyperglycaemia registrations

-        Across all PCNs the Urine Albumin health check had the lowest completion rate

-        People living in deprivation were more likely to develop T2 Diabetes

-        People living in deprivation were less likely to access the care/support they needed and more likely to develop Diabetes-related complications and had poorer outcomes


Community Engagement

-    Training and Support

       Diabetes awareness training for frontline staff (in person or online)

       Train the trainer model for voluntary and community groups

       Awareness talk for staff and volunteers (Lunch and Learn)

-        Libraries Training

       55 library staff had completed the online CPD module


Discussion ensued with the following issues highlighted:-


-        It was estimated that every week Diabetes led to 184 amputations, 770 strokes, 590 heart attacks and 2,300 cases of heart failure

-        High level of inequalities in the care that people were receiving depending upon where they lived

-        Training had started in Sheffield with more planned in Doncaster. Conversations were taking place in Rotherham and also with Age UK

-        Volunteers across the region and a strong volunteer peer support group in Sheffield

-        An event on 20th April in the Fanzone at New York Stadium

-        Together Type 1 Team aimed at 11-25 years – fun  ...  view the full minutes text for item 84.


Neighbourhood Working and Ward Priorities pdf icon PDF 3 MB

Martin Hughes, Head of Neighbourhoods to present

Additional documents:


Martin Hughes, Head of Neighbourhoods, gave the following powerpoint presentation:-


Thriving Neighbourhoods Strategy

“Every neighbourhood in Rotherham to be a thriving neighbourhood where people are able to work together to achieve a good quality of life”


“Ensuring communities are at the heart of everything we do to make people feel happy, safe and proud”

Neighbourhood-strategy (


What we want to achieve

-        Neighbourhoods that are safe and welcoming with good community spirit

-        Residents are happy, healthy and loving where they live

-        Residents have the opportunity to use their strengths, knowledge and skills to achieve what is important to them


Ward-based Model

-        25 Wards since May 2021

-        59 Elected Members

-        Mix of 2 and 3 Member Wards

-        Sit within 3 Localities (North, Central and South)

-        Range of services and partners aligned e.g. Neighbourhoods, Housing, Street Scene and South Yorkshire Police


Role of Councillors

-        Orchestrator

-        Steward of place

-        Advocate

-        Entrepreneur

-        Buffer

-        Catalyst

-        Sensemaker


The Neighbourhoods Team

-        Head of Neighbourhoods

-        3 full-time equivalent Neighbourhood Co-ordinators (North, Central and South)

-        12 full-time equivalent Neighbourhood Co-ordinators (named officer for each of 25 Wards)

-        3 full-time equivalent Neighbourhood Support Officers (North, Central and South)

-        Parish Council Liaison Officer

-        Town Centre Community Co-ordinator

-        Senior Communications Officer


Place-based Approach

-        Elected Members, Council services, Police, Parish Councils, community groups, residents and other stakeholders working collaboratively with a neighbourhood to:-

Tackle locally identified issues (Ward priorities/plans)

Bring communities together through a range of enjoyable activities, cultural and social events which inspired hope and pride in Rotherham


Integrated Working

Corporate Peer Challenge Recommendation – Building on the neighbourhood working model, develop a clearer and shared understanding of integrated locality working across the public sector

-        Establish a Thriving Neighbourhoods Workstream Board to oversee the continued development

-        Implement proposals to

Improve the effectiveness of the structures set up to tackle community safe, crime and anti-social behaviour was functioning across Wards and locality areas

Ensure roll out of Family Hubs was integrated into wider neighbourhood/locality working

Provide opportunities to promote Early Intervention and Prevention and tackle health inequalities across neighbourhoods/localities

-        Deliver a strength based approach learning and development programme for officers and Members


Ward Priorities and Plans

-        Elected Members set their Ward priorities after the May 2021 elections

-        Informed by Ward data, input, advice from Council services and partners and community intelligence/consultation

-        Updated annually – latest version published in June 2023

-        Ward plans detailed how the priorities would be tackled – targeted service delivery, projects, activities etc.

-        Inform Council and partners decision making, policies, strategies, service plans and resource allocation

-        New Ward priorities to be agreed after the May 2024 elections and published in Autumn 2024


Most Common Themes

-        Community safety and anti-social behaviour

-        Environment, parks and green spaces

-        Cleanliness of public realm and streets

-        Physical and mental health and wellbeing

-        Poverty/cost of living

-        Transport, roads and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 85.


Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment - Supplementary Update pdf icon PDF 293 KB

Lorna Quinn, Public Health, to present

Additional documents:


Lorna Quinn, Public Health Intelligence Principal, gave the following powerpoint presentation:-



-        A full Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) was conducted in 2022

-        As agreed at Health and Wellbeing Board, the Council agreed to hold a steering group annually to review any emerging needs or changes to provision and make recommendation to the Board (this occurred on 5th October, 2023)

-        NHSE/I will continue to send notification of closures to the Council’s Public Health Team

-        The steering group and associated notifications deemed that this supplementary update was required to notify the Board of pharmacy changes and highlighted changes that required a supplementary update

-        This update has been done with reference to the 2022 update where pharmaceutical services were deemed sufficient


Provision of Service

-        As of January 2023, there were 64 pharmacies including 7 distance selling pharmacies in Rotherham

-        As of November 2023, there were 61 pharmacies in Rotherham

-        There was an average of 21.3 community pharmacies per 100,000 people in the United Kingdom as of 2017.  This figure has been used as a benchmark

-        Despite the closure of 3 pharmacies, the included population in a 15 minute walk of a pharmacy as of November 2023, remained at 85.9%


Reduced Hours

-        3 permanent closures (Rotherham Direct Pharmacy, Maltby Pharmacy and Superdrug Pharmacy)

-        Reductions to the core opening hours of 4 x 100 hour pharmacies

-        Reductions to the supplementary opening hours of 5 x 40 hour pharmacies (Pickfords Pharmacy, Well, North Anston Pharmacy, Superdrug Pharmacy (now closed) and Weldricks Pharmacy)

-        Total opening hours per week (1st January 2023) = 3,201.41

-        Total opening hours per week (16th October 2023) = 3,010.16

-        Reduction in opening hours per week = 281.25


Opening Hours

-        There were currently 4 x 100 hour pharmacies in Rotherham

-        All 4 x 100 pharmacies had reduced their opening hours following a valid application to the ICB

-        One 100 hour pharmacy had closed since 1st January, 2023 (Maltby Pharmacy (FAA29), 8 Blyth Road, Maltby, Rotherham S66 8JD closed on 17th September, 2023)

-        100 hour reduction application received with criteria met = 4

-        100 hour pharmacies that had not applied to reduce core hours = 0

-        Number of 100 hour pharmacies that had closed since 1st January 2023 = 1


Opening Times


Opening Times

1st January


6th November,



Later than 21:00 Monday to Friday



There were now no pharmacies open later than 21:00 Monday-Friday in Rotherham


Later than 21:00 on Saturday



There were now no pharmacies open later than 21:00 Saturday in Rotherham


Open on a Sunday



There was a reduction of one pharmacy open on a Sunday


The role of pharmacies in meeting the health needs of people in Rotherham for Public Health Commissioned Services – Substance Use

-        As of December 2023, there were 60 pharmacy contracts with ‘We Are With You’

49 dispensed  ...  view the full minutes text for item 86.


Prevention and Health Inequalities Strategy and Action Plan Update pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Rebecca Bench/Ben Anderson to present


Rebecca Woolley, Public Health Specialist gave the following powerpoint presentation:-



-        Prevention and Health Inequalities Strategy and (live) action plan was first adopted in April 2022

-        Rotherham’s Place Plan was refreshed last year with prevention and health inequalities now being a crosscutting workstream rather than an ‘enabler’

-        Although the action plan had always been live, work had taken place to take stock of the current position and ensure alignment with the Place Plan and other key strategic documents


Key messages from engagement with partners

-        Already had a strong framework – the 5 priorities still felt like the right ones to focus the action plan around

-        Funding, resources, capacity

-        Need to be clear on our focus

-        Lived experience and community intelligence/engagement

-        Reaching our underserved communities

-        Assurance of the inclusivity of our universal offer

-        The complexity of the system and question of how we support frontline staff to navigate this

-        Emphasis on personalisation and a holistic approach – focussing on both mental and physical health


Action Plan

-        Deliver against the clinical areas in the Core20Plus5 and Prevention High Impact Intervention frameworks

-        Develop our approach to Population Health management in Rotherham including supporting the development of tools, reporting, data-sharing arrangements, resources and approaches based on evidence of need

-        Strengthen our approach to personalisation in Rotherham

-        Prevent and delay care needs through technology-enabled care

-        Embed strengths-based approaches to Social Care in Rotherham to increase self-care, reduce social isolation and promote independence

-        Develop our proactive care model

-        Raise awareness around our local prevention offer and promote self-management through delivery of the Say Yes campaign

-        Review our prevention pathway with the aim of reducing duplication and improving the inclusivity of our offer for Plus groups (including people with SMI and LD)

-        Build exercise into long term conditions pathways

-        Explore opportunities to make our Health and Social Care Services more inclusive for people living in poverty

-        Increase the representation of ethnic minority communities at every level of our workforce with a focus on recruitment, retention and progression

-        Build the understanding of our collective workforce around prevention and health inequalities to support use to Make Every Contact Count


Progress since September

-        Expansion of the outcomes framework and health inequalities tool to incorporate profiles for our Core20Plus5 clinical areas and ethnic minority communities

-        Engagement with over 1,200 people with long term conditions in Maltby and Dinnington

-        Launch of the Say Yes campaign following approval at PLT

-        Delivery of the Better Health Service seeing positive early outcomes and feedback from both service-users and professionals

-        Partnership working around the development of an integrated service model for Diabetes including a prevention workstream

-        Recruitment underway to establish a Prevention Team within Adult Social Care

-        Mobilisation of the timely cancer presentation project

-        Rollout of cultural competency training within Primary Care

-        Engagement with partners around chronic pain

-        Work underway to expand the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 87.


Annual Update - Physical Activity/Moving Rotherham Board pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Gilly Brenner, Public Health, to present

Additional documents:


Gilly Brenner, Consultant in Public Health, gave the following powerpoint presentation.   Nick Wilson, Development Manager, Yorkshire Sport was also present.


Sport England Place Expansion

-        Rotherham chose for Sport England Place Expansion Programme

-        National programme £190M of investment on an additional 80-100 places which had greatest need

-        Recognition of readiness of the Moving Rotherham Board Partnership

-        Acknowledgement of the progress of the Partnership, strength of relationships, strategic recognition of the importance of physical activity and its inclusion in a range of key strategies


Next Steps

-        Sport England and LGA facilitated systems leadership training for Moving Rotherham partnership members in Rotherham

-        Review data and engagement findings to develop Theory of Change model and refresh Moving Rotherham Action Plan

-        Application for development bid stage of Place Partnership Expansion programme


Active Champions

-        Women’s Euro Legacy Programme 368 hours of volunteer time contributed

-        Training to social prescribers/link workers to increase awareness of benefits of physical activity and confidence

-        A new Sport and Physical Activity Sub-Group for Rotherham Children’s Capital of Culture

-        South Yorkshire Mayor visit to Rotherham Parkrun


Active Environments

-        Uplift Festival

-        Rotherham10K

-        Rotherham Show Moving Rotherham zone

-        The Opening School Facilities Fund

-        Sport England Swimming Pool Support Fund

-        Leisure Centre success stories

-        Herringthorpe Stadium refurbishment

-        PlayZone facilities

-        British Orienteering mapping and events

-        Cycle lane infrastructure improvements

-        26 primary schools working with Modeshift Stars


Active Communities

-        Bikeability training

-        Bike Hub bike loans, bikes checked and bike training

-        The Rotherham Healthwave physical activity sessions

-        RUCT community sessions including Active Through Football

-        Training to care home activity co-ordinators

-        £63,567 awarded to community groups through Sport England Together Fund


Active Communications

-        The RotherHive website includes ‘moving more’ section and a local activity finder

-        The Say yes prevention campaign was launched at Rotherham Show with ‘Say Yes to joining in’ with the activities


Discussion ensued on the presentation with the following issues raised:-


-        Physical activity reduced the risk of Diabetes by 35%

-        It was known that if you could engage children in activities and active assessments that anti-social behaviour significantly reduced.  This would be part of the work with South Yorkshire Sport who would expect outcomes and look at match funding opportunities.  Possible link with Safer Rotherham Partnership

-        Community ready was about understanding what the community wanted and what gaps there were.  This would fit with the Sport England approach

-        Include all the local green spaces/walking routes on RotherHive


Yorkshire Sport were thanked for all the help that had been giving to the Council over recent years.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the update be noted.


(2)  That the intention to update the action plan in light of the recently announced Sport England Place Expansion funding opportunities be noted.


(3)  That the Board champion opportunities for physical activity across the system, recognising its value in reducing inequalities and improving health and wellbeing outcomes and continue to identify  ...  view the full minutes text for item 88.


Annual Update - Combating Drugs Partnership pdf icon PDF 193 KB

Ben Anderson, Director of Public Health, to present


Ben Anderson, Director of Public Health, gave the following powerpoint presentation with the assistance of Laura Koscikiewicz, South Yorkshire Police:-



-        The Rotherham Combatting Drugs Partnership was established in September 2022

-        The Partnership aimed to work together across the system to deliver the aims of the National 10 Year Drug Strategy: From Harm to Hope, at a local level

         Break drug supply chains

         Deliver a world class treatment system

         Achieve a shift in the demand for drugs


Rotherham CDP Progress since March, 2024

-        South Yorkshirewide Combatting Drug Partnership established

-        Named leads identified for Public Voice, Data and Digital and Data and Digital Sub-Group established

-        Action plan signed off by Rotherham Combatting Drugs Partnership

-        Rotherham CDP Outcomes Dashboard developed by Data and Digital Group

-        Performance measures included in action plan


Rotherham Combatting Drugs Partnership: Working together to combat illegal drug use in Rotherham

-    Prepare – to build community resilience to reduce the impact of drug harm

         Facilitate improved information sharing including with IT systems

         Equip workers by providing education for professionals

         Develop Combatting Drugs Communications and Engagement Strategy

-    Prevent – to stop individuals becoming involved in drugs and support recovery and reduce harm when they do

         Develop continuity of care in criminal justice pathway

         Develop whole family approach

         Develop wider support offer and capacity for increased numbers for alcohol and drugs treatment/support

-    Protect – to protect those in treatment and recovery, their families and the wider community

         Develop and deliver harm reduction offer

         Reduce drugs related deaths

         Implement dual diagnosis pathways and improved psychological support

         Develop and implement recovery pathway

-    Pursue – to reduce drug supply and related crime and bring perpetrators to justice

         Continue effective pursue response working with partners

         Develop focus on county lines/exploitation of children in line with Child Exploitation Strategy

         Disrupt organised crime


Key progress against action plan


-        A local outcomes framework has been developed to measure progress against the National Combatting Drugs Outcomes Framework

-        Local Drug Information System (LDIS) Panel has been established to collate, evaluate and respond to intelligence concerning potent, novel or adulterated substances

-        A range of drug and alcohol training session have, and continue, to be delivered to upskill the wider Public Health workforce

-        Stock of educational resources have been procured and distributed to schools and higher education alongside appropriate training from the Rotherham Alcohol and Drugs Service (ROADs)


-        New Substance Misuse Early Help Team in the Family Hubs began taking referrals in August enhancing early identification and access to specialist services for parents

-        Work has continued to implement the revised pathway for access into detoxification and rehabilitation, enabling more individuals to benefit and increase successful treatment outcomes

-        New posts were now in place in the Sexual Health Service, working with the Drugs and Alcohol Service, to identify new clients and enhance the Service offer in  ...  view the full minutes text for item 89.


Updated Suicide Prevention and Self-Harm Action Plan pdf icon PDF 332 KB

Ruth Fletcher-Brown, Public Health, to present

Additional documents:


Ruth Fletcher-Brown, Public Health Specialist, gave the following powerpoint presentation:-


Rotherham (all person suicides)

-        2020-2022 rate for Rotherham was 12.4 per 100,000 compared to 10.3 for England


What is working well in Rotherham

-        Male rate for suicide was now statistically similar at 12.4 per 100,000 to the average for England (10.3)

-        Continued promotion of Place Guidance document for staff and volunteers on responding to people at risk of suicide

-        Bespoke training for VSC organisations

-        Chronic pain workshop held with partners in February 2024

-        Suicide awareness training running for staff across Place from January to March 2024

-        RotherHive promoting additional topics such as pain management and mental health over the life course

-        Suicide awareness session in Safeguarding Awareness Week – November 2023

-        Refresh of the Sudden and Traumatic Bereavement Pathway for children and young people

-        Early Intervention and Prevention work – as evidenced in the Prevention Concordat application

-        Joint working with domestic abuse colleagues to look at actions for risk groups

-        Peer-to-peer support groups (Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide, Andy’s Man Club and ASK)

-        Qwell and Kooth promoted to the public and staff


What is working well in South Yorkshire

-        Strong partnership working – all 4 local authorities, South Yorkshire Police, NHS and voluntary and community sector

-        New appointment for the South Yorkshire Police Suicide Prevention officer

-        Third memorial event for families bereaved by suicide in December 2023

-        Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide Groups (SOBS) operating well in all 4 local authority areas

-        Amparo will launch an all-age service in April 2024

-        Chilypep commissioned to explore models of peer support for young people

-        Chronic pain workshop in July 2024

-        Reducing access to means

-        Joint working on themes and addressing the needs of vulnerable and at risk groups


What are we worried about

-        Increasing pressure on individuals and families

-        Real time data has seen higher than usual numbers of suspected suicides in early 2024

-        Certain themes coming through the Real Time Data system

-        Rising numbers of female deaths to suicide

-        Launch of the Attempted Suicide Prevention Service


What needs to happen next and when

-        Staff to attend the suicide awareness training (January to March 2024)

-        Staff to complete Zero Suicide training if face-to-face training was not an option (ongoing)

-        Place guidance document to be updated (March 2024)

-        Launch of the Attempted Suicide Prevention Service (March 2024)

-        Promotion of Zero Suicide Alliance Training to the public (Spring 2024)

-        Targeted work on themes and vulnerable groups identified through real time data (ongoing)

-        Promotion of mental health support to children, young people and adults in Rotherham (ongoing)

-        Targeted communication campaigns as part of Be the One (Spring 2024)

-        Full review action plan to be completed by end of 2024


Discussion ensued with the following issues clarified:-


         It was a light refresh as the Local Framework for Local Areas  ...  view the full minutes text for item 90.


Update on Health and Wellbeing Strategy Action Plan pdf icon PDF 711 KB

Additional documents:


The Chair invited Leonie Weiser, Policy Officer, to present the update on the Health and Wellbeing Board Strategy Action Plan as at March, 2024.


The current Health and Wellbeing Strategy would end in 2025.  It was proposed to align the Strategy refresh process with the upcoming Council Plan refresh and thus aligning research, consultation and engagement and priority setting as appropriate.


Engagement would be key for the Strategy and would look at the engagement to date across all the relevant areas and inform how the priorities were selected for the next Strategy


The draft timetable was set out in the report submitted.


The plan also outlined progress against agreed priorities, highlighting where actions were completed, on track, at risk of not meeting milestones or off track. 


Resolved: That the update be noted.


Items escalated from Place Board


There were no issues to report.


Better Care Fund pdf icon PDF 198 KB

BCF Covering Report and BCF Quarter 3 Template

BCF Frailty Pathway Deep Dive

Additional documents:


The Chair reported that the last quarterly report had been submitted in order to meet the deadlines.


The BCF Fund had asked the Operational Group if it would carry out a deep dive of particular areas to ensure value for money, was it having the desired impact and was the funding being targeted accurately.  One of the areas was Rotherham’s High Impact Frailty Service:-


-        It was one of Rotherham’s 4 high impact change projects along with ambulatory care, respiratory and Diabetes

-        Rotherham had an extensive but disparate falls and frailty offer

-        There were opportunities to review the offer including learning from good practice elsewhere to provide a more holistic and integrated approach

-        Lot of activity to date with 8 workshops having been held to map as is/to be including a falls workshop

-        Acute offer included multi-disciplinary treatment approach with frailty consultant, frailty nurses, therapy (CHAT and inpatients) in SDEC/AMU

-        Out of hospital pathways for all levels of acuity e.g. virtual ward, urgent community response, CHAT/social care deflection at the front door, voluntary and community sector

-        Good partnership working across Rotherham Place at all levels including voluntary and community sector with a willingness to work together to improve frailty care

-        Emergency care paramedics/specialist paramedics to focus on community-based assessment and management (admission avoidance)

-        A number of challenges i.e. ageing population, increased demand/complexity, Rotherham health demographic/health inequalities, diverse range of services but largely siloed and does not address the holistic needs of the individual/aging process and it was reactive rather than preventative

-        There was no single consistent frailty assessment tool used consistently in Rotherham or a shared caseload or frailty MDT


A number of recommendations had arisen thereform which would be submitted to the Executive Group:-


         Review and develop the preventative physical activity offer

         Conduct a proof of concept trial of a proactive care (previously known as anticipatory care) model for frailty:-

A person-centred, proactive “thinking ahead” approach whereby Health, Social Care and the voluntary and community sector support and encourage individuals, their families and carers to plan ahead of any changes in their health or care needs

The aim was to increase people’s healthy years by up to 5 more years

The approach encourages people to make positive choices about what they should do themselves and from whom they should seek support in the event of a flare up or deterioration in their condition or in the event of a carer crisis

         Review the acute frailty offer including front door, Acute Frailty Unit and hot clinics


Resolved:-  That the update be noted.


Rotherham Partnership Place Board - Partnership Business pdf icon PDF 265 KB

Minutes of meetings held on 20th December, 2023 and 17th January, 2024

Additional documents:


The minutes of the Rotherham Place Board held on 20th December, 2023, and 17th January, 2024, were submitted for information and noted.


Rotherham Partnership Board ICB Business pdf icon PDF 287 KB

Minutes of meetings held on 20th December, 2023 and 17th January, 2024

Additional documents:


The minutes of the meeting of the Rotherham Place Board ICB Business held on 20th December, 2023, and 17th January, 2024, were submitted for information and noted.


Leonie Wieser


The Chair advised the Board that this would be Leonie’s last meeting as she was leaving the Authority in April.


Sunday Alonge would be acting as the Board’s support in the interim whilst a permanent postholder was appointed.


The Board wished her well in her future employment.


Date and time of next meeting

Wednesday, 26th June, 2024, commencing at 9.00 a.m. venue to be confirmed


The Chair reported that this had been his last meeting before he stood down as a Councillor on 2nd May, 2024.  He commended the Board on how much it had progressed since its inception and wished everyone well for the future.


Resolved:-  That a further meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board be held on Wednesday, 26th June, 2024, commencing at 9.00 a.m. venue to be determined.